"Dad, how are you doing?" Cold Yi toward the phone care said.

"It's not bad. I exercise and take medicine every day according to your method. All the old wounds on my body have been healed. Last time I went for a reexamination, the doctor said there was no problem. I have to say that your boy's medical skills are really good." Leng Zhentao said with a smile.

"That's, and I don't know whose son I am." Lengyi flatters and says.

"It's comfortable for you to flatter me. I feel comfortable all over." Leng Zhentao readily accepted.

"It seems that I have made a lot of progress in flattery." Lengyi said with a smile.

"Keep going. By the way, Xiaoyi, how are you working in Jiangshi? Isn't that bastard Lin Yuanwei hard for you? " Leng Zhentao asked with concern.

"Uncle Lin is good to me. His work and life are good." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"That's good. It's not easy to be alone. Pay more attention to yourself. If you have anything that can't be solved, go to find Lin Yuanwei." Leng Zhentao's tone is full of deep worry. His mother is worried when he travels thousands of miles. So is his father's love.

"Well, Dad, I have one thing to tell you. I'm going to Beijing for a while." Cold Yi doesn't care.

"What? I beg your pardon? Are you going to Beijing? What are you doing in Beijing? " Leng Zhentao's breath suddenly became a little short and asked anxiously.

"Uncle Lin sent me to go there on business for a while. I think I'll be back to Jiangshi soon, so you don't have to worry." Although Leng Yi is very strange about Leng Zhentao's performance, he still comes back honestly.

As for the matter with Zhou Wei, Leng Yi doesn't plan to tell Leng Zhentao. He doesn't think it's necessary to say it, only to make his parents worried.

Leng Zhentao was silent for a long time before he slowly said, "when you get to the capital, you should pay more attention to everything. After all, the capital is the capital. This small city can't be compared with Jiangshi. Besides, if you encounter any trouble, you must call me."

"I see, Dad." Cold Yi nods to say.

Leng Zhentao's attitude is very strange. He obviously has something to say, but he is not willing to say it. It seems that there is something hard to say.

Since Leng Zhentao doesn't want to say it, there must be his reason, and Leng Yi doesn't want to ask. For Leng Yi, it's the same everywhere in the world. Even if the capital is a place full of dragons and tigers, Leng Yi has no fear at all. Raptors cross the river by strength, and lengyi has that strength.

"Dad, I'll go back to see you and mom when things in Beijing are finished. I'll give you a surprise." Cold Yi kneaded to knead to look at the telephone next to, a face long for of small face, mild of say.

"Well, I'm looking forward to your surprise." Leng Zhentao seems to be in a better mood with a smile in his tone.

"Where's mom?" Leng Yi asked.

"I have nothing to do. I went to my wife's house next door." Said Leng Zhentao.

"Dad, take me to say hello to mom. I'll go to Beijing in the afternoon and call you when I get there." Cold escape road.

"Well, pay attention to yourself. If you have anything, please call me." Leng Zhentao replied in silence.

After hanging up the phone, Leng Yi is lost in meditation. Through Leng Zhentao's performance, Leng Yi knows that there are some secrets hidden in her parents, which must have a lot to do with the capital. They seem to be afraid of going to the capital, but they don't know how to talk to themselves. Forget it, I don't want to. The secret will be solved one day, and I will know.

"Dad, when are we going to visit our grandparents?" Worry free shakes the hand of cold Yi to ask a way.

"Soon, you will be a big surprise." Leng Yi said with a smile.

"Dad, are you sure it's a big surprise, not a scare?" Worry free face looks like a little adult.

"Of course, it's a surprise. We are so lovely. How could it be a shock? My grandparents will love carefree. " Leng Yi affirms.

"Worry free is the most lovely. My grandparents will love worry free." The little girl gets the encouragement of Leng Yi and is full of confidence.

"Zhentao, what's the matter? You look sad? " When Li Xiulan came home, she saw Leng Zhentao sitting there, smoking cigarettes with a serious face.

Leng Zhentao didn't speak, but took a mouthful of cigarette, and then squeezed it out in the ashtray.

"Zhentao, what happened? Is it a little escape? " Li Xiulan suddenly felt uneasy, so she asked in panic.

"Xiaoyi has gone to the capital." Leng Zhentao said after a long silence.

Although the voice of Leng Zhentao was very low, it was like a bolt from the blue for Li Xiulan. Li Xiulan sat in a chair with a pale face and murmured, "how can this happen? How could that be? "

"I'm going to get Xiaoyi back." Li Xiulan came back and said aloud.

"Sully, calm down." Leng Zhentao grabbed Li Xiulan and said aloud.

"Zhentao, what should we do? Xiaoyi went to the capital. What should we do if something happens? " Li Xiulan looked at Leng Zhentao and cried.

"Xiulan, listen to me, Xiaoyi is not the former Xiaoyi. He has grown up. It may not be a bad thing for him to go to the capital this time. There are some things he needs to know after all. We can't hide from him all our life. It's unfair to him." Leng Zhentao tried to calm down and said.

"I don't care. In my eyes, I'm still a child. What should we do?" Li Xiulan's face was in a state of panic.

"Wait and see what happens. Now Xiaoyi has just gone to the capital. It's not likely that anything will happen. Even if something happens, Xiaoyi may be able to cope with it."

"Our son, who has been missing for five years, has become so mysterious that I can't see through the mystery at all, so the only thing we can do now is wait for Xiaoyi to come back from the capital, and we will tell him everything." Said Leng Zhentao.

"Wait, when? If something happens to Xiaoyi in the capital, how can I live? " Li Xiulan said weeping.

"Don't worry. If something happens to Xiaoyi, don't blame me for not being polite. We know what happened in those years. I think the old chief will come forward." Said Leng Zhentao comfortingly.

"But isn't it good to let Xiaoyi return to Jiangshi and live a safe life?" Li Xiulan said.

"It's not fair to Xiaoyi. He needs a wide world, not to live in this small city. Xiulan, you believe our son. He is definitely not an ordinary person. One day he will stand on a high level that people can look up to. " Leng Zhentao said seriously.

"I believe you this time, but once Xiaoyi has a little hurt, I will fight for my life and protect Xiaoyi." Li Xiulan swore.

"Don't worry, our son will come back safely. We are waiting for him to come back from the capital." Leng Zhentao comforted.

No one knows what changes the capital, the center of the whirlpool, will bring to lengyi, neither does lengyi.

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