"Pa, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA.

But no one dares to resist. Although they are dandies, they are not fools. Their family background is considered to be powerful, but they are still a little worse than the Hu family. And the man in front of him is the one who even Mr. Hu wants to accompany with a smiling face. How dare they be so arrogant that they just want to be beaten away early.

The white jacket is cruel and ruthless. Every slap is merciless. He faithfully carries out the orders of master Hu. He slaps ten people in the face, regardless of men and women.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa

One by one, they cover their faces and lower their heads. Those charming girls are crying, but they don't dare to cry. They still have some eyesight. At this time, the situation is obviously beyond their level. How dare they make a little mistake.

"Master, it's all over." Said the white jacket, rubbing his sore hand.

"Isn't there two left? Shall I do it myself? " Hu Weizhong frowned and said discontentedly.

"I'm sorry, old man. I'll call right away." The white jacket said in fear.

The white jacket immediately slapped the two people lying on the ground. The two guys who were in a coma were awakened by the white jacket.

"How dare you beat me? Believe it or not, I'll let you go at once?" Hu Shao woke up and saw that the white jacket was about to raise his hand to smoke him. He immediately scolded angrily.

The hands of the white jacket were hanging in the air, but they didn't go down.

"Don't stop. Keep fighting." Hu Weizhong said.

The white jacket immediately began to smoke again. Hu Shaolian had no chance to speak, but could only cry out in pain.

After ten slaps, Hu Shao didn't seem to know the situation. He cried to Hu Weizhong: "grandfather, you want to make the decision for me. They dare to beat me. You clean them up for me."

Before he finished speaking, Hu Weizhong slapped him, which was more powerful than the white mandarin jacket.

"If you don't dare to go out for three months, get out of Hu's house for me. You all get out of Hu's house for me."

All the people immediately left Hutong Pavilion in dismay.

"Xiaobai, go and get some discount cards for this one. It's the compensation of our" Hutong family. " Hu Weizhong continued.

Zhao de several people just want to refuse, Leng Yi mouth interrupt: "don't white don't, say these are you should get, by such a big shock, is spiritual compensation."

"Do you mind if I have a meal in this place?" Hu Weizhong asked with a smile.

"It's a joke. The whole" Hutong family "belongs to you. Do you want to eat anything? Do you mean to come to us for a meal? " Leng Yi said scornfully.

"Isn't that a lot of people?, How lonely I am to eat by myself. " Hu Weizhong had the cheek to sit at the table without waiting for everyone's consent.

"Your face is thicker than before. I really admire you." Lengyi shook his head helplessly.

Hu Weizhong's identity is needless to say. As for Leng Yi's identity, although we don't understand it, we can feel from Hu Weizhong's attitude that the origin of Leng Yi is even more amazing.

The originally harmonious atmosphere suddenly became a lot more formal, and everyone was very careful, so the meal didn't have much fun, so it was over soon.

"Old man, you've stirred up a good meal."‘ In the huge office room on the top floor of Hutong family, lengyi sits on the sofa and looks at the opposite Hu Weizhong with a helpless face.

"I can't blame you for this. When you decide to do it, you are destined to be the existence they look up to. You are no longer a person of one level. It's hard to get together freely." Hu Weizhong shook his head and said.

"Old man, you are completely responsible. It's your grandson who caused the trouble. It shows that your family education is not good. How dare you say it has nothing to do with you?" Leng Yi scolded.

"I can't help it. If you're still angry, I can call that little beast over now and do whatever you want." Hu Weizhong doesn't care.

"You are more and more shameless, but you are also more and more rich. At the beginning, you were no different from a vagrant old man?" Leng Yi laughs.

"It's hard to look back on the past. In the moonlight, however, there are gains and losses. It's a great blessing to know you after you've been punished." Hu Weizhong said with emotion.

"Lucky? Is it a clear distinction between blessing and misfortune to know people like us? " Leng Yi said with a smile.

"It depends on what you think. Everyone has different ideas. At least I think it's good to know you." Hu Weizhong said with a smile.

The recognition of Leng Yi and Hu Weizhong started three years ago.

Hu Wei has been in charge of "Hutong family" for 40 or 50 years. He is also a person who can stir up trouble in the capital. As a result, he does not know what kind of madness he took. He left the "Hutong family" to his son to take care of. He wandered around the world on his own, saying: "while he can still walk, go around the world, So as not to regret when the old can't walk in the future. "

Maybe the old man was too much for heaven to see, and let him capsize in a small country in Africa. He was captured by a group of anti-government armed elements. If the armed elements had not found that he was good at cooking, they would have cracked him. Later, Hu Weizhong would have been reduced to cooking in the anti-government armed base.

At that time, Leng Yigang came out of the cold ice training camp, with a group of brothers to set up the Legion mercenaries, the strength is still relatively weak. He helped the government army to wipe out all the anti government troops and rescued Hu Weizhong. At that time, Hu Weizhong was miserable. He was skinny and skinny. If he didn't have a good foundation and steal some food while cooking, he would have died long ago.

Hu Weizhong thought that he went out of the wolf's nest and into the tiger group, so he quickly gave his only value: "I can cook, and cook delicious chips to save my life."

Leng Yi thinks that he is Chinese, and now he is in the battle area, so it's not convenient to send him away. Let him leave alone, just like him, he will surely die. So he was kind enough to keep him. Hu Weizhong's situation gradually improved.

Several months after the war, Leng Yicai sent Hu Weizhong away.

When he left, Hu Weizhong was tearful. He gave lengyi his only VIP card - "Hutong family." he said, "if you come to Beijing, you can come to find him at Hutong family."

After all, it's a gift from someone else, and it's not easy to discard it. It's just that Hua Yan went to "Hutong people" to book a place today. When Leng Yi thought about it, the following things happened.

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