"I haven't seen you for more than two years. Have you become a lot?" Hu Weizhong stared at the young man who was younger than his grandson. He couldn't help feeling.

Who would have thought that such a young man should be in control of a force that makes all the powers in the world fear.

"What has changed?" Leng Yi asked with a smile.

"It's more like a person now." Hu Weizhong thought about it and said.

"Are you scolding me, old man?" Lengyi asked angrily.

"Curse you? I don't dare. I want to live longer. To tell you the truth, you used to be like a machine, a cold killing machine. Only when you are silent can you feel a bit of human. But now you are like a flesh and blood person. It is the kind of internal emission, not the kind of pretending“ Hu Weizhong said.

"Good or bad?" Lengyi asked in silence.

"I think it's good." Hu is the key leader.

"Thank you." Said Leng Yi.

"How can you come back to China and come to the capital?" Hu Weizhong asked suspiciously.

"Tired, so I came back. What's so strange?" Cold Yi light says.

"I've lived sixty or seventy years. I won't believe you so easily." Hu Weizhong shook his head and said.

"Believe it or not, what's the matter these days? No one believes the truth?" Said Leng Yi with a sigh.

"If I believe you, I will be sold by you at that time, and I will count the money for you happily?" Hu Weizhong, I know your expression very well.

"The old fox is the old fox. It would be surprising for them to know that the original firemen had such a prominent identity." Leng Yi said with emotion.

"At my age, identity is a floating cloud. The most important thing is to do something to make myself happy, which is more important than anything else, and being a fireman is the happiest thing for me." Hu Weizhong said with emotion.

At the beginning, Leng Yi thought Hu Weizhong was good at cooking, so he let him cook for a while. In a major war, Leng Yi and the Xingtian army were surrounded, and their lives were hanging on the line. In this case, all the people were ready to work hard. Even Hu Weizhong was fired an AK47 assault rifle. As a result, the battle ended and the Xingtian army won, Hu Weizhong, who can't even use a gun, miraculously killed three enemies. As a result, he was affectionately called a fireman by the people of the Legion.

"It seems that your blood is not cold, or miss the feeling of the battlefield." Cold escape road.

"When I was a fireman, it made me understand how to kill people with a sword in intrigue. It's a pity that my health is getting worse and worse. Otherwise, I want to go back to the Legion and continue to be a fireman." Hu Weizhong has a face of regret.

"If you have time to go back and have a look, I'm afraid you don't know many people. The status of our Legion today is cast by their head and blood. " On Leng Yi's face, he was full of reminiscence and sadness.

"Over the years, I have been paying close attention to the Legion. I am very envious of the brilliance you have created, but I can't create it with you." Hu Weizhong said with regret.

"Old man, live well, you have a chance to see the day when the Legion stands on the top of the world." Lengyi is full of domineering.

"Of course, I don't think that day will be too long." Hu Weizhong has no reservation of trust in lengyi.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Hu Weizhong had only a little emotion and admiration. He spent three years turning a small army of mercenaries into a big Mac with a sneeze that would set off a hurricane. With this young man, miracles are no longer miracles, but the most common things.

"So it's not a delusion, but a dream that will come true soon." Hu Weizhong looks forward to it.

"It's a good place. It's a good business." Lengyi saw through the glass that there were a lot of people outside. The guests were all rich and powerful.

"You like it? If you like it, I'll give it to you. " Hu Weizhong said with a smile.

"Old man, you are designing me again. This is your family's ancestral property. How dare you give it away? There must be some ulterior motive. " Leng Yi said with a smile.

"I can't hide anything from you, Hu family's cornucopia. Do you know that many people are jealous? The Hu family can survive with me. Once I die, it's not necessarily that the Hu family is not the Hu family. So before I die, we should help the Hu family find a good backer. " Hu Weizhong said helplessly.

"It seems that you have chosen the right support." Cold escape road.

"Yes, it's selected. There's a legion behind the Hu family. Few people in the world dare to provoke it." Hu Weizhong said solemnly.

"Old man, no matter how good your abacus is, it won't be useful. I can see clearly what your grandson is just now. The Legion doesn't need to pull the tiger skin like this to be a big flag. " Cold Yi refuses to say.

"I know that the Hu family is not the Hu family of one person, so someone must be abandoned for the sake of the Hu family, so that the Hu family can continue to survive." Hu Weizhong's eyes flashed a trace of killing intention, as if he had made some kind of decision.

"Old man, is it really that serious?" Lengyi frowned and asked.

"It's more serious than you think. Now it's often quiet on the surface, but it's surging under the surface. First of all, the most unfortunate thing is that our inferior families must choose a team, or there will be only one team, that is, defeat." Hu Weizhong's face was very dignified.

"Old man, the Legion has just gone deep into Asia, deep into China, so the Legion has no plan to run this muddy water for the time being." Leng Yi thought for a moment and said.

"I know that my only request is that I hope that the Legion can take action at the last moment and reserve some strength for the Hu family." Hu Weizhong pleaded.

"I can promise that." Cold Yi nods to say.

"Thank you." Hu Weizhong was relieved at last.

"Old man, if there's nothing wrong, I'll go back first." Looking at the carefree sleeping in her arms, Leng Yi's face shows strong paternal love.

"I'll see you off," Hu Weizhong said.

"No. I'll just go back myself. " Leng Yi's refusal with a smile.

It is an established strategic policy for the Legion to enter Asia, but now from Hu Weizhong's words, we know that the situation in the capital is so complicated. For the Legion, it is both an opportunity and a danger. It depends on how we grasp it.

The next day, when Leng Yi comes to work with worry free, all the employees greet Leng Yi respectfully and cautiously. Leng Yi naturally knows the reason for their change, but there is no good way to reverse it. After all, as Hu Weizhong said, there is always a gap between people at different levels, and no one will ignore these.

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