A few kilometers away from the border post in the vast white snow, seven or eight cars are driving fast towards the border post. There are four or five foreign men in each car. They are fierce and tough. If they know how to use weapons, they are equipped with the most advanced and best individual special combat equipment in Russia.

"Damn it, this kind of weather." One of the big white men in the car grumbled in a low voice.

"You should be grateful for this weather. Although it slows down the speed of our cars, it increases our chance to get rid of being tracked. Such a heavy snow will soon cover our tracks." The big white man next to him was optimistic.

"Damn, the Chinese soldiers are really hateful. They bite us like a wolf. We got rid of the pursuit many times, but we were targeted again. It's really difficult. It seems that we will never die. " The white man looked very ugly and said.

"Although the combat effectiveness of the Chinese border guards is not particularly strong, everyone is very crazy and fearless. They hate to meet such opponents. They will never be afraid to retreat." The big white man had a bitter face.

If it wasn't for the special importance of this mission, they would not be willing to enter China to carry out the mission.

"Well, don't talk nonsense." In the back seat of the car sat a man with strong muscles, cold face and cool eyes.

"Captain, what is our mission this time? And what's in the iron box inside the car? It will take the four of us to move? " Asked the white man curiously.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. It's no good knowing more." The man called the captain snorted.

Risev is the leader and the highest commander of the team, but he also knows nothing about the contents of this mysterious mission, and does not know what is in the box. He just received an order to enter China as an ordinary person and help a Russian businessman rob a batch of cultural relics. He didn't know what the cultural relics were, because when they were robbed, all the cultural relics were packed in boxes. The Russian businessman didn't allow anyone to open the boxes.

Later, the Russian merchants gave them an iron box to transport into Russia by any means. Unfortunately, the Russian businessman who knew what was in the box was killed in the exchange of fire with the Chinese border armed police. He died before he got out of the battle.

"I don't want to ask, but every time I see the iron box, I feel very scared. There seems to be a fierce beast hidden in it, which can tear me up at any time." The white man muttered.

Lisev was stunned by the white man's words. He had the same feeling. Everyone had this feeling. There was a terrible and fatal thing in the box.

As long as lisev paid a little more attention to the box, he could feel the pressure of death. So lisev kept forcing himself not to pay attention to the box all the way.

"Mysterious mission, more mysterious box, and the dangerous road ahead." Lisev looked at the endless night sky, and his heart was full of waves.

"Captain, there's a light ahead." The white man pointed to the border post and said.

"In front is a frontier post in Huaxia, in which only a few soldiers are responsible for daily patrol, and any car goes to kill those soldiers." Lisev said faintly that the lives of several soldiers were really nothing in his eyes.

A car broke away from the line and ran in the direction of the border post.

"This task is very important. We must not slack off. The Chinese side also knows that ordinary soldiers can't deal with us at all, so we should be pursued by the most mysterious and powerful northeast tiger special combat brigade in the Northeast military region. We must be careful. " Said the leading commander, risev, with a heavy face.

"Yes, captain." Said all the soldiers.

Although the Chinese special forces are not particularly famous in the world, but everyone knows that the strength of the Chinese special forces is absolutely strong, especially their spirit of fearing death is very frightening. Lisev felt that this task would never be so easy to complete.

The car stopped in the distance of the border guard post. The roaring cold wind covered up the sound of the car engine. Two people, one high and one low, came down from the car. They walked fast and light. After approaching the door, they listened to the sound with their ears close to the door.

After hearing the slight snoring in the room, the two men looked at each other and nodded. They quickly and deftly opened the lock on the door, pushed the door and entered. They found the soldiers on several army beds sleeping.

Two people immediately look at each other, take out a sharp saber, his face showed a cruel smile.

All of a sudden, they felt extremely dangerous and wanted to leave the room immediately. But it was too late. They only felt that there was a shadow in front of them. Then they fainted as soon as their eyes were dark.

A burst of icy cold made the short man wake up instantly. Seeing that the tall man sitting on the ground was still dizzy and wet, he was so frightened that he wanted to get up, but he found that he didn't have any strength.

They are the most elite soldiers among the polar bear mercenaries, but now they are captured without even seeing the enemy's face. Each other is absolutely a terrible person.

Lengyi sits on the chair in front of them and looks down at them carefully. These two people are not simple, strong and burly, full of explosive force and lethality, and they have a murderous and bloody smell. I don't know how many people they have killed.

"Don't waste your efforts. You're numb and weak when you hit the pulse cutting finger. You can't move for a while. And if you don't untie it for a long time, you will form a counter current of Qi and blood, which will lead to paralysis and death. Who are you? What are you doing in China? " Said Leng Yi.

They can't move, but their eyes glare at Leng Yi. If their eyes can kill people, Leng Yi will die. Among them, the tall man was still scolding.

It seems that both of them are diehards. It is estimated that they will not confess without some means.

"I hope you can honestly answer my questions. My patience is very limited. Dwarf, you answer first." Cold escape road.

The short man snorted coldly and looked at lengyi with disdain. He didn't mean to cooperate at all.

"You have guts, don't you answer? No problem. " Lengyi reached out and pinched the tall man.

Ancient martial arts: divide tendons and stagger bones.

All of a sudden, the tall man rolled on the ground, his whole face twisted, his body curled up, his sweat streaming down, his mouth roaring, in great pain.

"Who told you that your mouth was so dirty just now, so you have to enjoy it." Lengyi looked at the tall man curled together and said with a faint smile.

The short man is indeed a diehard. That's because all the torture is borne by the tall man. After several times, the short man is full of fighting spirit, righteousness and perseverance, but the torture of the tall man is terrible.

When lengyi had to continue, the tall man couldn't bear it. He yelled in a low voice: "I said..."

There are smart people Leng Yi said with a smile.

"We're Russian polar bear mercenaries." The tall man said gently.

"Asshole, you coward, you are a traitor." The short man scolded angrily.

"Asshole, you're a coward. You'd better give it a try. It's like life is worse than death. Your whole body is like ants nibbling on it." The tall man was unconvinced and roared.

"Yes, I'll let you try it, too." With that, lengyi pinches the short man's body, and suddenly the short man turns on the ground in pain.

The next thing is much simpler, two people know all the things to say.

This time, there was only a blood bear squadron of more than 30 people entering the Chinese border. The two squadrons have reached the other edge of the primeval forest and are ready to enter the primeval forest at any time.

Hundreds of armed elite soldiers and experienced blood bear squadrons can fight a small battle. It can be seen that the polar bear mercenaries attach great importance to this task, and it also shows how important the things in the iron box are.

This two people have no use, cold Yi pinches two people's necks, two people's eyes suddenly lax, no breath, killing two people is like killing a chicken.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to himself. This is what Leng Yi learned from his master, and it is also the principle he has always followed.

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