"Blood bear brigade, it's really not easy." Looking at the two corpses that have lost the breath of life, lengyi said with emotion.

"Have a good sleep, it will be over soon." Lengyi looks at several soldiers on the army bed and leaves the border guard post with two corpses. He walks into the misty snow.

The reason why Leng Yi arrived so quickly was due to Hu Weizhong's help. During this period, Leng Yi, relying on the powerful intelligence ability of the Legion and the analysis of the enemy, can basically confirm that the polar bear mercenaries will escape from this place.

With the blood bear squadron's character of killing people without blinking an eye, he will definitely kill these frontier soldiers, so lengyi will wait at this frontier post in advance. Of course, all the soldiers in the border post were stunned by Leng Yi. They won't wake up until tomorrow morning.

Put the two corpses on the car, and lengyi immediately starts the car to chase the car ahead. For lengyi, it's no different from being a target to fight with the blood bear squadron in this wasteland. The forest is the best killing battlefield.

"Xiaoyi." The white image suddenly appeared on the copilot.

"Master, please say hello in advance when you appear. You will be scared to death if you suddenly appear like this?" Lengyi was startled and complained.

"Since your graduation, your attitude towards me has become worse and worse. You have no respect for your teacher. It seems that you have been accepted as an apprentice in vain Bai Qi said with a smile.

"Come on, master, your soul is extremely unstable. Tell me something quickly. After that, you'd better go to the soul fixing pearl to have a rest. I have great respect for you, apprentice." Leng Yi laughs.

"Well, let's get down to business. I feel the breath of Dayu Jiuding in dinghunzhu. It comes from the front group. The rest is up to you." Bai Qi said solemnly.

"Damn, is it really Dayu Jiuding?" Originally, I wanted to take a chance, but I didn't think it was good luck. The legendary Dayu Jiuding was found again.

"Of course, your master can't be wrong. You don't know which one of Dayu's nine cauldrons is it?" Bai Qi said with disappointment.

"Master, don't be greedy. People have been looking for Dayu Jiuding for thousands of years, but they can't find it. It's like a radar. You can detect it at once." Cold Yi one face disdains of say.

"Farting is called induction, not radar detection, and it's still limited. The closer the distance is, the easier it is to sense. Once it's out of range, I have no way, and if it's underground, I can't sense it, otherwise I can't even find a Dayu Jiuding for so many years." Bai Qi scolded.

"Well, in the future, our master and apprentice will travel around the world. At this speed, we will soon be able to find the rest of the great Yu Jiuding." Leng Yi's face is excited.

"Do you think Dayu Jiuding is Chinese cabbage? If it appears, it appears. Dayu Jiuding is spiritual. Everything depends on fate. From the reappearance of Dayu Jiuding this time, I can be sure that you are the one who has fate. Good apprentice, work hard, master can finally give you this burden. " White from a face of emotion and smooth.

"Master, don't do it. Even if I'm predestined, I still need you to be a radar." The bitter smile on Leng Yi's face.

"Get out of here and grab that Dayu Jiuding quickly, or you'll be waiting for a new cultivation. I'll withdraw first." With that, Bai Qi had no trace.

Lengyi doesn't like polar bear mercenaries. Besides, there was a little conflict between the Legion and polar bear mercenaries.

So now they have to stay in China. Besides Jiuding and enmity, there is another reason. They kill people in China. How can lengyi, as a Chinese, sit back and don't ask.

Lengyi takes out the Dragon sting from his waist, and his face shows bloodthirsty killing intention. This dragon sting looks like a three edged army sting. But it is more complex, more perfect and more powerful than the three edged spear. It's made by Ou Cheng specially for lengyi with a kind of strange soft metal.

The handle is like a dragon's head, the thorn's body is like a dragon's body, and the thorn's head is like a dragon's tail. The whole body is dark, full of mystery and oppression. Several blood tanks are like death's sickle, showing bloodthirsty desire, full of endless killing intention, which makes people shudder.

For the national soul treasure - Dayu Jiuding, kill.

A quarter of an hour after the polar bear mercenary cars stopped at the edge of the forest.

"No, let's go at once. Something must have happened to both of them." Rousseff rose at once, and said sternly.

Polar bear mercenaries are well-trained soldiers, and they obey orders absolutely. After hearing lisev's words, all the mercenaries did not hesitate to pack their equipment quickly and set out quickly.

"Captain, there are ordinary soldiers in the border post. They have no problem in dealing with several of them. How can something happen?" A soldier asked suspiciously.

"I don't know. I have a bad premonition that something must have happened to them. Maybe another force has appeared, but it's not the time to explore. Our task is more important. Leave this place as soon as possible." The solemnity of lisev's face.

This heavy sense of oppression has not appeared for a long time, and it is more violent than ever.

Since I can survive in the past, I can also survive this time, no matter who you are? Blood bear people have never been afraid of anyone.

"No, maybe the blood bear has never been afraid of anyone before, but since they appeared, they have been defeated by the blood bear several times. Since then, the blood bear has been afraid of someone." Lisev held the weapon tightly in his hand, and his heart was extremely nervous.

"Captain, this iron box is so heavy that it's very difficult to carry it through the jungle." The white man complained.

"Give me less nonsense. This box is more important than our lives. If this box is not here, we don't have to go back." Exclaimed Rousseff.

The box is about a cubic meter, with four handles on both sides. The four men immediately took off their equipment, lifted the box and quickly entered the jungle.

In this vast primeval jungle, the snow is suffocating and frightening. Lengyi is quietly lying under the thick snow, silent, quiet as a hibernating snake. No one can imagine that there will be such a strong life in the snow mottled and rotten fallen leaves, as if it had been forever.

After years of cultivation, lengyi's senses are very terrible. He can feel everything around him, even the swing of a blade of grass and the fall of a snowflake.

Lengyi quietly watched the polar bear mercenary quickly passing by.

"The things in that box should be what the master wants." Leng Yi thought to himself.

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