Polar bear mercenaries these soldiers are all experienced veterans with strong strength. But Leng Yi doesn't pay attention to them. It doesn't take much effort to kill them. The only thing that makes Leng Yi afraid is the guns in their hands. Leng Yi is not arrogant enough to be invulnerable, so it's the best choice to assassinate them in the jungle.

Leng Yi just watched the polar bear mercenaries passing by one by one, calm and ready to go. When Leng Yi saw a polar bear mercenary soldier walking at the back passing by his hiding place, he suddenly launched his whole body, like a sharp arrow shot out of the snow. He was in the air, covering his opponent's mouth with his left hand and stabbing his neck with his right hand, Through the main artery and trachea. The mercenary immediately stopped struggling, his body slowly softened, the light in his eyes slowly faded, and fear filled his eyes.

Lengyi looks at the hazy figure in the snow in front of him, slowly puts down the body in his hand, without making any noise. With a sneer, he turns around and goes into the dense jungle, coming and going without a trace, just like a ghost.

Lisev's uneasiness is becoming more and more intense. He can become the commander of the blood bear squadron of polar bear mercenaries. He absolutely has high strength, rich battlefield experience and excellent military quality. The soldier's super sixth sense told him that the forest was full of crisis, deadly crisis, and the crisis was just around the corner.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

"Sniper, sniper, everyone hide, mirov, find the sniper and kill him." Rousseff immediately concealed himself and yelled.

It is worthy of being a powerful and well-trained polar bear mercenary. Every soldier responds very quickly. When lisev shouts, all the mercenaries quickly find a safe place to hide and prepare to fight back.

Mirov constantly searched for lengyi's location, but found no trace.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

"What the hell is mirov doing? Don't you find that asshole soon? " Yelled Rousseff, his eyes red.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

"Mirov, what are you doing? Do you have dry food? Find out this son of a bitch quickly. " Lisev's face was full of anger and terror.

"Yes, eight o'clock, on a big tree." After a while, mirov finds lengyi through the sniper mirror.

When you see that the other party is wearing a Chinese border uniform, it's very easy for Leng Yi to get it from the border guard post. After all, his clothes are not suitable for fighting in the jungle. The border uniform is generous, so Leng Yi is quite suitable for him. The weapons in his hand are also from the dead polar bear soldiers.

The sniper Milov was shocked, because he recognized the weapon in lengyi's hand and knew that his two teammates had been killed by lengyi.

Shocked, but also full of fear. He knows the gun in lengyi's hand very well. This place is at least 500 meters away from him, with three shots. Each shot blows his head. It's not a sniper gun, but an ordinary rifle. The opponent's shooting skill has been superb, and he is absolutely an expert.

Mirov saw lengyi and suddenly gave him a smile. Yes, the sniper's sharp sixth sense makes him feel that the cold smile is directed at him.

"The enemy of terror." Mirov was scared in a cold sweat. Out of the instinct of the military career, he quickly shot lengyi.

The bullets rained at lengyi's location, but lengyi disappeared in the jungle with a whoosh before the bullets arrived.

"Mirov, what's the situation of the enemy now?" Risseff asked anxiously.

"He disappeared." Mirov's answer of fear and loneliness.

"Everyone, retreat immediately." From a round of competition just now, lisev knew that the hidden people were very powerful. At present, the task was very important, so he couldn't do more entanglement, so he immediately gave the order to withdraw.

On the road of retreat, every soldier's nerves are tense, holding his weapons tightly to prevent lengyi's sneak attack again.




The sound of gunfire continued to ring in the forest, and then saw the mercenary soldiers fall one by one. Everyone died in the same way, and the bullet went through the head.

"Damn it, everyone hide. That bastard is here again. Milov, what are you bastards doing? Guard at the back. You don't know why that bastard is near us. " As he roared, he raised his gun and fired at the sound of the gun in a fast direction.

Lengyi moves quickly in the jungle. Bullets rain down on the tree behind him. On the ground, they stir up pieces of bark, leaves, and snow on the ground, forming pieces of snowflakes in the air.

"Damn, the firepower of these old men is really powerful." Listen to the sound of bullets hitting the ground, so dense and powerful, I feel chilly in my back.

At the same time, lengyi kept shooting back, "BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM.

In the face of lengyi's crazy killing, the firepower of polar bear mercenaries is more fierce, with bullets mixed with anger, fear and killing intention. But it is empty, cold Yi has already disappeared without a trace.

"Mirov, take a few people with you to increase the alert range, and the rest of you can concentrate quickly. We can't delay here for too long. Our task is more important. If the task fails, we don't have to go back." Waking up from his anger, he continued.

Leng Yi stood on the tree quietly, his eyes shining, and he scanned the surrounding things like an eagle: scattered branches, fallen snow grass, broken branches, thrown on the ground in disorder. It seems that the polar bear mercenaries are confused, a little bit desperate, leaving so many flaws.

Today, the number of polar bear mercenaries is less than 20, and a third of them are lost. Except for two who were killed by lengyi at the border guard post, the rest were killed by lengyi in two battles.

The soldiers who came to perform the mission this time were all the elite of polar bear mercenaries. The name of "blood bear" is not self styled, but won in countless battles. But now he lost so much all at once. Lisev's heart was bleeding. What made him even more afraid was that he didn't even see the enemy's appearance after sacrificing so many people.

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