The figure in front of him is not tall, but in the eyes of the team leader, it is like a towering mountain, which is difficult to cross.

"Can you tell me who you are?" Little captain a face of fear, pain said.

"Heaven." Leng Yi replied. Leng Yi doesn't intend to hide the dying.

"Xingtian? God of war punishes heaven, devil punishes heaven? " The team leader's eyes shrank, showing a look of horror.

Cold Yi silent nod.

"It's my honor to die in the hands of the God of war. It's worth dying." The leader of the polar bear mercenary team laughed miserably and lost his life with a mouthful of blood and internal organs.

Now that you have chosen this road, you should have the consciousness of being killed. Leng Yi, without any pity, continues to move forward, quickly approaches the next defense line, lurks and approaches in secret, just like a ghost.

Six polar bear mercenaries, three in a group, one in front of the road, one in the back of the alert, but did not know that death has raised the scythe, began to harvest life.

Almost without warning, Leng Yi sprang out of the air like a detached arrow. People were flying in the air, and his legs were quickly cut to the front soldier's neck. At the same time, his right hand quickly clasped the back soldier's throat, and only two sounds of bone fragmentation were heard. When Leng Yi flew to the ground again, The bodies of the two soldiers were suddenly paralyzed on the ground, their eyes were colorless, and they lost their lives completely.

The mercenary soldiers beside him were shocked by the rapid killing, but his strong will made him wake up quickly and shoot at lengyi quickly.

But lengyi was like a ghost in the jungle before he shot.

The bullets of "dada", "hit the open space like rain, stirring up leaves, snowflakes and soil.

The three mercenaries who opened the way in front of them also ran by quickly and fired at the place where they were hiding. The fierce gunfire is like fried beans, and the hail of bullets is centered on lengyi, which is deafening.

Lengyi turns out from the trees at the fastest speed, flashes behind a big tree, and then moves from one tree to another, with the help of the tree's cover, to get rid of the bullet rain.

Leng Yi's spirit and body are in the best state. It is like a sharp arrow passing through the forest. It almost does not touch the ground. Sometimes it jumps up, sometimes it creeps, sometimes it startles, sometimes it disappears. A series of difficult military evasion actions make people dazzled and confused. The four polar bear mercenaries can't touch Leng Yi's foothold at all, so they can only shoot blindly.

The four mercenary soldiers are going crazy. The other side is only one person, which makes their own side overturned and seriously injured. Anger and fear fill the whole heart, so don't bite lengyi's back and fire fiercely.

The gap of strength is just like a gap, which is doomed to be insurmountable. Finally, lengyi disappears without a trace under their eyes.

"Damn, this guy's gone again." One of the mercenaries yelled.

"Is he a ghost?" Another mercenary soldier said in fear.

"No, he's a devil." Said the next mercenary, trembling.

Only the last mercenary didn't say a word, because he felt something was wrong behind him. He suddenly wanted to look back, but his mouth was covered by a big hand. At the same time, what appeared in his pupil was a weapon similar to the shape of a three edged spear. The cold light flashed by, and with a trace of shadow, he inserted it into his neck and quickly pulled it out. A big hole and three blood grooves broke in his throat, Gushing out a gorgeous and enchanting blood light.

The mercenary in the back was killed, and the three men in front felt something wrong. As soon as they turned around, before they had time to do anything, they saw that the last mercenary flew out of the ground and smashed his whole body against one of them. Before the man understood, lengyi dragon stab flashed out again. The other side's pupil was dark, his throat was pierced, and his blood was splashed, Spray it out like a lady in the sky.

A person just wanted to shoot, but was cold Yi sharp army boots kick broken chin, blood and flesh“ Ah, it hurt him so much that he only called half of it, and his voice was cut off by the dragon's thorn inserted obliquely into his head from his chin, so it stopped suddenly.

The last mercenary was kicked in the neck by Leng Yi's foot. He flew out and fell on the ground a few meters away. His head and body were strangely twisted and lost the breath of life.

Lengyi slowly wipes the bloodstain on the Dragon thorn. He won't check the corpses on the ground. He is very confident in his hand. Every one will be killed with a single blow. Everyone is dead and can't die any more.

This place in the forest is filled with a strong smell of blood. In the blink of an eye, it turns into a Shura hell. Six strong lives are torn by death's sickle. Red blood flows on the ground, melting the snow on the ground into red blood, creeping slowly like an earthworm, and glowing in the hazy sunshine.

Cold Yi is used to such bloody scenes, and continues to chase in the direction of polar bear mercenary commander richev.

Lisev seven people fast forward in the woods, although the iron box is very heavy, even if the rotation is also very tired. Several mercenaries looked tired.

"Let's rest for a quarter of an hour, eat something and drink some water to replenish our strength. Milov, work hard, you go to guard Risev then said to sniper mirov.

"Yes, captain." Mirov disappears into the jungle with his sniper gun.

Mirov lay quietly in the grass, disguised himself well, constantly adjusted his shooting direction, and observed the abnormality in the forest through the sight.

Mirov confirmed that he didn't find any abnormality, so he breathed a sigh of relief. He carefully moved his body, relaxed his slightly numb fingers, and didn't know that death had come quietly beside him.

Lengyi quietly came to Milov's back, and his body burst up, like a long dormant, hungry leopard, waving sharp claws toward the prey. Around his left hand, he used to hold mirov's neck with a tiger's mouth so that he could not make any sound.

Then the Dragon stabbed Milov's back and stabbed Milov's heart. With a twist of his arm, the Dragon stirred Milov a few times. Milov, who was still struggling, felt as if his whole strength had been quickly drained, and he was weak.

Mirov reluctantly opened his mouth and widened his eyes, trying to look back and see what the devil who killed him silently looked like, but it was difficult to realize his wish. In a few seconds, mirov's head tilted powerlessly and lost the breath of life.

Lengyi pulls out the dragon's sting and brings out a stream of blood arrow. In the air, there is a thick smell of blood. The jungle, set off by the smell of blood, seems so strange, full of thick murders everywhere.

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