At this time, there were three forces in the primitive jungle. The polar bear mercenaries were on the run, lengyi was killing crazily, and the Amur tiger was chasing crazily.

"Captain, there's a situation ahead." A northeast tiger special forces said.

It turned out that he found five people lying on the ground, all of them dead, with blood flowing all over the ground, which dyed the snow on the ground red.

"Fight with bare hands, every one is a must kill, and he is also a master of using three edged spears." Su Feng can't help but take a breath when he looks at several corpses.

The people present are all fighting masters. They know that the killing power of Sanleng - Jun is great, but it's hard to learn and master. If they can use Sanleng - Jun to such an amazing level, they are absolutely the masters among the masters.

"It's not the damage caused by the three edged sword. It's similar to the three edged sword, but it's more poisonous than the three edged sword. Once you get hurt, the wound will bleed continuously. If you don't rescue it in time, the blood will soon run out." Sukhba beast carefully observed the wound and said with a heavy face.

"These people are elite soldiers of polar bear mercenaries, and the people of blood bear brigade are no worse than those of us. However, the situation on the scene is that these mercenaries were killed in an instant without even the chance to resist. It can be seen that the strength of the people who took the action is so high that they can't imagine. The method of killing people is superb. It's as easy as killing an ant by crushing them. " With Su Feng's words, everyone felt a cold sweat on his back.

"The blood bear brigade has a great record and is famous all over the world. I didn't expect to be killed today. I can't believe it." All the people look sorry.

"We all know the strength of the mysterious forces. In the face of the blood bear brigade, we may still have confidence to compete with one of them, but the current situation of the blood bear brigade makes us understand that the secret forces are not something we can deal with. Although we are afraid, we can't shrink back. In the dictionary of Chinese soldiers, there is no word "retreat". Do you understand? " Sukhba said solemnly.

"Yes, Captain, Chinese soldier, advance without retreat." All the people vowed to the death to show their determination.

"Let's go now and keep alert." Sukhba beast heard gunfire from a distance, and immediately ordered.

About a quarter of an hour later, the Northeast Tiger special combat brigade rushed to the scene along with the gunfire, only to see that there were six bodies at the scene, all of which had no breath of life. Guns were scattered everywhere on the ground, and blood was flowing all over the ground.

"Well, don't be dazed. Let's check and see what's going on." Perhaps seeing the previous massacres, sukhba beast has been a little immune. When he arrived at the scene, he immediately said with a cold drink.

"All these people are dead. It's the same way to be killed. It's clean." A team member finished the inspection and reported.

Sukhba beast's face was heavy. Although he was afraid, he said, "brothers, speed up and catch up with them to see what happened."

"Yes, captain." The soldiers responded loudly, speeding up again.

As the polar bear mercenaries took a short rest, lisev's uneasiness became more and more intense. He knew that he could not delay any longer. This feeling had saved him many times on the battlefield. This intuition is honed by the killing in the real battlefield.

Extremely dangerous. Lisev believed his intuition very much. Ever since he entered the virgin forest, he felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him, but he couldn't find it.

The smell of fallen leaves and rotten leaves floated in the woods. A kind of fear called death wandered in the woods, constantly devouring the will and spirit of mercenaries.

Lengyi quietly appeared in front of the polar bear mercenary team, dressed in the uniform of the Chinese frontier army, holding the spear in his right hand, without any expression on his face, and his eyes were as cold as an ice lake in ancient times.

"Are you a Chinese soldier?" Looking at lengyi's uniform, lisev asked in a trembling voice.

"No, but I'm a Chinese. Your men are all dead. Today you are all going to die here. " Lengyi has a cold face, colder than the ambient temperature.

If someone dared to talk to him like this before, he would be seriously disabled even if he didn't die. However, in the face of indifference today, he can't have the courage to resist.

"You bastard, you devil, I'll kill you." Rousseff, who had recovered from his trance, roared angrily. He raised his assault rifle and pulled the trigger on Leng Yi. The bullets rained on Leng Yi, and the other five also fired.

See Leng Yi's figure disappear instantly, like the bullet of rain hit the place Leng Yi stands. Then, lengyi appears in front of a soldier of the polar bear mercenary. With a flash of black light, the Dragon stabs into the soldier's head, and then instantly pulls out.

Lengyi holds down the dead soldier with one hand, but he hasn't fallen down yet. He flies up with his strength. People in the air like an eagle, the right hand of the Dragon stab lightning stabbed out toward a soldier, the soldier's pupil suddenly saw a shadow hit, about to scream, only feel a cold throat, a blood arrow from the three edged hole.

Lengyi jumps behind the polar bear mercenary. The last mercenary turned around and found a black figure standing in front of him, smiling at him.

The mercenary soldier was shocked. Just as he was about to open his mouth and shout, he heard a dull "click", and his neck was broken by lengyi. He slowly fell to the ground with a face of disbelief and doubt.

"Damn fast!" It was the last gasp of his death.

Lengyi killed three people in a flash. Then he jumped up, only to hear the "bang bang" sound, and then he saw the two figures flying out, spilling blood all the way in the air. After landing, there was no breath. There were deep footprints on their chest, and the whole chest was sunken.

In the blink of an eye, six mercenaries, five dead, and now there's only one lisev left. But his neck was still touched by Leng Yi's Dragon sting. As long as Leng Yi's hand was sent gently, lisev would die instantly.

Lisev sadly dropped the gun in his hand. He knew it was useless to resist. Six of them died in an instant. It can be seen how unfathomable lengyi's strength is. There is no need to resist.

"You are an excellent soldier. Goodbye. Don't come to China next life." Lengyi sent the Dragon sting forward and pierced lisev's main artery and throat.

Blood gushed from his neck, and Rousseff roared and died. The roar was full of reluctance and anger.

"Those who violate China's heavenly power will be punished even though they are far away." Lengyi looks at lisev's cold body and says coldly.

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