Lengyi raises the box and disappears in the jungle like a ghost. The Chinese soldiers are coming.

When sukhba beast with soldiers arrived at the scene of the battle, the battle had already ended. There were six corpses lying on the scene, and there was no breath of life.

The scene was so terrible and shocking that everyone was killed in one blow. Except for the slight fighting trace beside the tall soldier, the rest were all killed in an instant. Looking at the direction where these people died, it was obvious that they were fighting head-on. None of the six people had a chance to fight in each other's hands.

These people have thick calluses in their hands, and their strong muscles are about to burst their combat clothes. Even though they are dead, they can still feel strong murderous and bloody. It can be seen that these people are very strong. But now it's like killing a chicken, which shows how terrible the mysterious man's strength is.

"If that mysterious force wants to attack us," thought of here, the leader sukhba's heart could not help shivering.

So quickly ordered: "a group of alert, the rest of the people quickly search the scene."

At this time, one of the soldiers in charge of the search took an army card and said, "Captain, look."

"Lisev is lisev. He didn't expect to die here." Captain sukhba beast said in great surprise.

Risev: Russian, nicknamed "black bear"! The squadron leader of the blood bear brigade of the polar bear mercenary is proficient in the death fighting skills of the Russian army. It is said that he once served in the mysterious special combat team of Russia. Later, he retired and joined the polar bear mercenary Corps. Because of his bravery and strength, he has a great reputation in the international mercenary circle! "

"Lisev can be said to be an excellent and powerful soldier, but now he died in a foreign land. It's really very sad." Su Feng said with emotion.

"We are soldiers. For the sake of the motherland and the people, we carry out difficult tasks and may die at any time. It's the greatest honor for our soldiers to die in the battle, but it's also our greatest sorrow not to die in our motherland. How many brothers bury their bones in other places, and their souls can't return to their motherland. But for the sake of the motherland and the people, we will not regret even if we die in battle. " Captain sukhba beast also said with emotion.

"The correspondent sent back the situation here, saying that all the people of the polar bear mercenaries were destroyed by a mysterious force. As for the stolen cultural relics, they have no whereabouts for the time being, please tell us what to do next." Captain sukhba said.

After receiving the news, Li zhantian's nervous heart was half relaxed. The blood bear brigade was not an ordinary person. Now it was destroyed by a mysterious force. Although I don't know the intention of the other side for the time being, it's better than that one's own soldiers get hurt.

"Let the Siberian tigers return quickly. They are now out of the border and can't be grasped. There is the Russian polar bear mercenary blood bear squadron on the border, and the other two squadrons are coming to the forest." Li zhantian said a little tired.

"Captain, the division commander called and asked us to go back immediately. Two other squadrons of polar bear mercenaries entered the forest, probably to meet them." Correspondents report.

The commander sukhba ordered, "go down and gather your troops. Leave here at once."

"Brothers, bury these people. After all, they are soldiers. We can't let their bodies be torn by animals in the forest. We can give them a resting place. The same is true for those two places. Send a few people to deal with them. After that, gather at the entrance of the forest." Captain sukhba said.

"Yes, captain." After that, the two teams sent several people to deal with the scene.

The Northeast Tiger special combat team quickly returned along the route. The Northeast Tiger special combat team soon left the place full of bloody killing, but there were several more mounds in the forest. Of course, the bodies of lisev and his mercenary comrades were buried inside.

Watching the tigers leave. Lengyi jumps out from behind the tree. On a cold day, I quietly looked at these mounds, then bowed, sighed and turned away. This is not crocodile tears, but respect for a good soldier.

Soldiers, dead in battle, that is the highest honor of soldiers, but also the best destination of soldiers.

Dark night envelops the whole primeval forest, which is mysterious and dangerous.

Just listen to the distant sky came buzzing sound, and then a few helicopters appeared in the forest above, under the plane's strong searchlight shining on a forest, it seems to be looking for a place to land. All of a sudden, the wild animals that are searching for food at night are running around under such strong light and noise. They feel that they are in danger for the coming behemoths, so they have to leave here quickly.

Soon the helicopter landed, is the latest Russian armed transport helicopter, is a kind of attack and transport into one of the armed helicopter. A total of six aircraft, and then each aircraft down about 10 people, each person is very tall, all of them are showing a strong breath, and all of them are the top individual special combat equipment.

"Captain, according to the satellite positioning system, this is probably the place." The correspondent said to a middle-aged soldier with a big body and a big beard.

This middle-aged soldier is also the commander of this army: bonewagu, the leader of the blood bear brigade of polar bear mercenaries, who commands nearly 100 elite mercenaries.

The polar bear mercenary system is divided as follows: ten people are a small team, three teams are a squadron, three squadrons are a big team, ten teams are a regiment, and ten regiments become the polar bear mercenary group. In addition, there are nearly ten thousand logistics personnel, which shows the strength of the polar bear mercenary group.

The team led by bonewagu is not the ordinary mercenary of polar bear, but the most elite and powerful blood bear team, which is directly led by the headquarters of polar bear mercenary.

"Everyone, pay attention to the alert, scout around and see what's going on. Speed up." Bonewagu said aloud with a dignified look.

Bonewagu was very angry. He had been taking people to meet him outside the primeval forest, but he didn't expect to receive a call for help from a squadron leader: lisev. Then the signal was interrupted, and he didn't even know what happened.

One of my squadrons was wiped out in an unknown situation, but I didn't even know the reason, and I didn't know what happened. I thought that the danger of this mission would not be too great, and I didn't expect things to come out of my expectation.

Feeling something wrong, bonewagu quickly asked the correspondent to determine the location of the distress signal and hurriedly led the headquarters down to the signal location.

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