"Master, why is this mysterious pearl called dinghun pearl? Why is it in my head? " Cold Yi points to his forehead to ask a way.

It turns out that Bai Qi was imprisoned in the mysterious pearl, and then the Pearl was eaten by a fish, but the big fish miraculously entered the mountain stream from the undercurrent at the bottom of Tianchi Lake. And in the storm was caught by Leng Zhentao in the stream, found this bead, although surprised, but also did not care, give lengyi as a toy.

Five years ago, Leng Yi was beaten by a thin monkey on the mountain. He was found by Wu Feng, the fighting instructor of the ice training camp. In order to revive Leng Yi, Wu Feng takes Leng Yi to the ice training camp base.

But the reason why Leng Yi can survive, in addition to the ice training camp doctors superb medical skills, the biggest reason is the mysterious bead in Leng Yimei's heart.

It turns out that when Leng Yi is dying, after absorbing Leng Yi's blood, the bead turns into a purple light and melts into Leng Yi's eyebrow. Inspired by blood, Bai Qi wakes up from deep sleep and saves lengyi's life with the energy of purple beads.

"After carefully looking through the memory in my mind, I found that this mysterious bead should be the soul fixing bead in the legend." Bai Qi said.

"It's strange to have something in your head." Cold Yi rubs his forehead to say.

"The most important thing is to have an old monster in your head, which will make you feel strange." Bai Qi said with a smile.

"Shifu, I'm joking. How can I have this feeling?" Lengyi quickly denied.

"Dinghun pearl is in your mind, but I'm in it. Don't worry, once I enter it, I won't know what's going on outside. So you don't have to worry about me when you do something bad in the future. " Bai Qi said with a smile.

"Master, you are disrespectful for the old." Cold Yi says helplessly.

"Well, let's get down to business. I don't understand why dinghunzhu is integrated into your mind. After all, dinghun bead is a legendary thing. Whether it has this function or not is not recorded in ancient books. But at present, it is still a good thing. The integration of the soul fixing beads into your mind not only helps to speed up your cultivation, but also ensures that the soul fixing beads will not be lost. " Bai Qi said.

"Sounds like a great opportunity for me?" Lengyi has a bitter smile on his face.

"Of course, the legendary soul fixing bead has the effect of calming the soul and nourishing the soul, which is of great help to improve the spiritual strength. It's a priceless treasure for practitioners. When they wear the soul fixing pearl, they can keep their mind clear and prevent them from being possessed. It's a big chance. You don't seem to like it. What's the matter? " Bai Qi said with a smile.

"What if you don't like it? It's been five years, but dinghunzhu is still here. " Cold Yi hands a spread to say.

"The soul fixing bead is really amazing. I have been practicing in it all these years. I also found that my soul strength has not weakened with the loss of time. It seems that my realm is about to reach the level of refining gods." Bai Qi said.

"Congratulations, master." Leng Yi said happily.

"There's nothing to congratulate, but the realm is reached, but the soul energy is still too scarce. Besides, you are now at the level of refining God. You know, it took me nearly 50 years to reach this level, but it only took you five years. It's really more popular than people. But you are my apprentice, and I have a lot of face as a master. " Bai Qi said with a smile.

Bai Qi's and lengyi's kungfu is called "nihilistic nine metaphysical skills", which Bai Qi got from a strange piece of metal. It records the movements and the key points. According to legend, it was created by the ancient Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan when he observed the sun, moon, stars, birds and animals. Whether it is true or not is impossible to verify. You don't have to worry about where he came from. In a word, he is a very powerful and abnormal skill.

There are nine levels in nihilistic jiuxuan Gong, each of which has its own key points and actions.

The first level of "nihilistic nine metaphysical skills" is mainly to exercise the skin and flesh. Through continuous exercise, the muscles are as hard as iron and can withstand blows. At the same time, they also have a strong stretching force. That is to say, when the muscles are trained to stretch freely, they are as hard as steel.

The second level of "nihilistic jiuxuan Gong": bone refining is to exercise the bones in the human body, increase the density of the bones, change the bones, and make them as hard as steel.

The third level of "nihilistic nine Xuangong": to cultivate the Fu organs is to cultivate the five zang organs and six Fu organs. Only through continuous cultivation and continuous strengthening of the five zang organs and six Fu organs can we achieve both internal and external cultivation and make the body really strong.

The fourth level of "nihilistic nine Xuangong": pulse refining. There are thousands of channels in the human body, most of which are hidden and difficult to find. The purpose of pulse refining is to make these secret meridians and ordinary Eight Extraordinary Meridians appear, constantly strengthen meridians, make them tough and smooth, and expand the width of meridians.

At the same time, the level of refining pulse is to prepare for the lower level of refining gas, so refining pulse is very important. If the meridians are well strengthened, refining gas will be twice as effective, otherwise it will be twice as effective.

The fifth level of "nihilistic nine Xuangong": Qi refining. The so-called Qi refining is to absorb the energy between heaven and earth into the meridians and store it in the human body through refining. Therefore, the strength of the meridians determines the quality and capacity of Qi refining.

The energy of heaven and earth stored in the human body can further strengthen and change people's physique. Improve the strength, reaction ability, attack power and speed of human body. It can also quickly restore people's physical strength and treat injuries, so refining Qi is the way to the strong.

The sixth level of "nihilistic nine Xuangong": Alchemy, the so-called alchemy, just as the name implies, is the energy condensation in the body, which continuously extracts, fuses, compresses and forms liquid energy, and integrates into countless entity energy bodies, just like a pill, which is stored in every place of the human body. It's like one cell after another, constantly dividing, constantly fusing, and strengthening every part of the body.

The seventh level of "nihilistic nine metaphysical skills": refining the spirit. The brain is a forbidden area in the human body. It is very mysterious and dangerous. If it is damaged, it will lead to death or become an idiot.

Therefore, most people have never touched the brain. Alchemy is to develop the brain and improve mental power. The improvement of mental power helps to communicate with heaven and earth more easily and absorb the energy of heaven and earth more quickly. Therefore, alchemy is very dangerous and may die at any time.

The eighth level of "nihilistic nine metaphysical skills": the unity of man and God, that is, the unity of man and nature, the unity of spirit and body, into the heaven and earth, without the barrier of heaven and earth, the perfect fusion of mind and body, to achieve the goal of "meaning to people, intention to move people". With the help of the power of heaven and earth, where the mind goes, the body moves instantly.

As for the Ninth level of nihilism, there is no clear explanation, only a picture. A Weian figure, hands behind, head slightly raised to the sky.

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