"Xiaoyi, now that you have reached the sixth level of" alchemy ", it's the same as my previous level, and I have nothing to guide you. But remember not to be complacent, to know that the original Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan practice to the last level, others did not practice to the last level. I hope you can realize my wish and practice to the last level. " Bai Qi said with emotion.

"Master, I will work hard and fulfill your wish. I will practice the" nine metaphysical skills of nothingness "to the Ninth level. I will never let you down." Lengyi has a firm expression on her face.

"Well, well, well, this is my good apprentice. I believe you will succeed." Bai Qi said with a happy smile.

"Master, you have been in the world for countless years, and have seen the most powerful experts. How far have you reached?" Leng Yi asks curiously. In the past, Bai Qi seldom talked to him about the past. Today, Bai Qi is willing to say that Leng Yi naturally asks more.

"God level master, I have seen the most powerful master is to reach the God level master." Bai Qi recalled and said.

"Master, who is it?" Lengyi asks curiously.

"Wudang, Zhang Sanfeng." Bai Qi said.

"Wudang, Zhang Sanfeng? The founder of Taijiquan Leng Yi asked.

"Yes, it's the most ancient and authentic Taijiquan I gave you. Taijiquan, the combination of yin and Yang and the combination of hardness and softness, is known as the most natural boxing. More practice in the future will be of great benefit to your cultivation. " Bai Qi said.

"Yes, master. Besides Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang, are there any God level masters? " Lengyi asks curiously.

"Yes, five thousand years of Chinese martial arts civilization, even the God level masters can't give a fart, but they are all dead, and their souls are scattered in this world." Bai Qi said with emotion.

"Is there a god level master now?" Leng Yi asked.

"I don't know." Bai Qi shook his head and said.

"I don't know what that means?" Cold escape is full of black lines.

"Fifteen years ago, before I entered dinghunzhu, I saw a god level, but he was a false god level. He could reach the edge of the God level only by a special skill explosion, but he was as useless as chicken ribs. Now I don't know if he is dead." Bai Qi recalled and said.

"In this era, although Wulin exists, it is no longer the mainstream, and there are not many experts in Wulin now. I haven't seen any real God level masters in the last hundred years, but there are few emperor level masters. Your current strength is at the imperial level. With the particularity of "nihilistic nine metaphysical skills", you can basically walk horizontally in the imperial level. " Bai Qi continued.

Leng Yi knows from Bai Qi that the whole martial arts practitioners are divided into the following eight stages: "the Holy Spirit, the emperor, the heaven and the earth are mysterious and yellow." each stage is divided into three levels.

The Yellow level is the second, and the saint level is the highest. Eight levels are equivalent to the first eight levels of "nihilistic nine Xuangong". Skin refining is equivalent to yellow level martial arts, bone refining is equivalent to Xuan level martial arts, Fu refining is equivalent to prefecture level martial arts, and pulse refining is equivalent to heaven level martial arts.

There is a certain difference between pulse refining and Tianji martial arts. The purpose of pulse refining is to make these secret meridians and ordinary eight meridians appear, constantly strengthen meridians, and make them tough and smooth. It's for the gas refining in the lower layer.

The heaven level warrior saves the development process of the meridians, directly absorbs the energy of heaven and earth, and applies the power of heaven and earth. Therefore, the heaven level warrior saves the stage of refining the meridians. As a result, it is doomed that the meridians can not be developed, and the strength of the meridians determines the capacity of Qi, so the power of the two is basically the same. After the "nihilistic nine Xuangong" reached the stage of refining Qi, the perception of Qi and the quality and quantity of its storage were not comparable to those of the heaven level martial arts. The difference between the two was 18000 Li.

Qi refining is the same as the king level warrior, but it is obviously much stronger than the king level warrior. It can even go beyond the level of fighting. Like the emperor level warrior, alchemy is equivalent to the God level warrior, and the unity of heaven and man is the saint level warrior. As for the Ninth level, no one knows. Maybe only the ancient gods can understand it.

This level has been handed down from ancient times. In the Warring States period, Baiqi was an emperor level master, one of the most powerful masters in the world. Baiqi had never seen a few God level masters, let alone Saint level masters.

Because Baiqi broke through to the God level and then hung up, so Baiqi didn't know much about the power of the God level. He only knew that the emperor level masters were as vulnerable as children in front of the God level.

"Boy, when I see you, I really don't know what to say. At the beginning, I practiced for nearly 50 years, but I didn't achieve as much as you. I'm really more popular than you." Floating in the air, Bai Qi said, looking at the cold weather standing aloof.

"Master, you are envious again. No matter how high my achievements are, you are not the one who taught me. I have to call you master. No master is envious of his disciples." Leng Yi said with a smile.

Bai Qi rolled his eyes and said, "boy, you're really mysterious. You can't waste your talent. Now it's up to you to find out what's the secret of the anti dragon."

"Yes, master, I understand." Cold Yi respectfully said.

Leng Yi has deeply realized the benefits of "anti dragon body". However, Leng Yi found that the benefits of "anti dragon body" are far more than these, and further research is needed. However, this can only be done by himself, and no one else can help.

"Now you are a master of alchemy. Even in my time, you are a powerful existence, not to mention in today's declining age of Wulin. So you can go into the world and don't have to worry about it any more. But, boy, remember, there are people outside the world, and there is a day outside the world. Don't be complacent, and don't slack off on cultivation. Maybe there are gods in that place in the world. If you can run after you see them, run quickly. " Bai Qi looked at the cold weather seriously and said.

"Master, don't worry. I will understand the last level of" nihilistic jiuxuan Gong "and solve the mystery of" nihilistic jiuxuan Gong ". At that time, not to mention a god level master, even a saint level master, I'll beat him all over the place. " Cold Yi says haughtily.

"Determination is a good thing, but don't be in a hurry for success. Remember, practice step by step. With the help of dinghunzhu, you can hardly go crazy, but you'd better be careful." Bai Qi asked.

"Master, you can rest assured that the apprentice is not a rookie. With the help of you and dinghunzhu, the apprentice is confident to understand and solve the last layer of the mystery of" nihilistic jiuxuan Gong. " Cold Yi says with a smile.

"I'm looking forward to that day." Bai Qi laughed.

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