Although life in the capital is plain, Leng Yi has a strong burden on him. Dayu Jiuding wants to find him. The plan of Xingtian army should be paid close attention to all the time. There is no news about Wu You's grandfather so far. The identity of Wu You's "peeper" may be exposed at any time, and it may lead to a strong enemy. All these are urging Leng Yi to practice constantly, Efforts to improve their own strength, sometimes accompanied by sudden situation, to lengyi caused a little trouble.

Beijing Cherry Blossom Hotel is a five-star hotel with nearly 100 stories high. Listen to the name of the hotel to know that it is a Japanese invested enterprise, but the degree of luxury in the capital can be counted.

Such a luxury hotel, of course, also has high consumption, people who can stay are celebrities and rich, ordinary people don't want to think about it. The most luxurious presidential suite in Cherry Blossom Hotel is extremely expensive. Most rich people are reluctant to live in it. However, yesterday afternoon, several sets of the most luxurious presidential suites were all wrapped up by a group of people. Of course, this group of people is very mysterious. The Japanese senior management of the hotel regards them as distinguished guests and is very respectful.

In the luxury presidential suite, the splendid decoration, white Persian carpet and luxurious Italian leather sofa all show the dignity of the people who can live here.

At this time, on the Persian carpet, there was an old man kneeling in front of him. There was a tea table in front of him. There was a set of tea set on the table. The tea in it gave off a strong aroma. Beside the tea set, there was a martial arts knife. Looking at its appearance, I'm afraid it's been some years.

The old man was dressed in a black Japanese kimono. His hair was all white, and his face had many wrinkles, but he was in good spirits. There was a thick blood under his slightly old skin, and he had a dignified momentum.

"Did you find the exact place?" Said the old man.

"I'm sorry, Mr. service department. We haven't found the exact location yet, but we've narrowed down the scope. In a few days, we will be able to find the exact location." Half kneeling on the ground, a middle-aged man in a black suit bowed his head and said.

"I know. Speed up. I can't wait to see it. If you can't find it, you know the end." The old man's eyes flashed a cold light and said coldly.

"Yes, Mr. Obuchi." The middle-aged man suddenly felt a burst of suffocation in the surrounding air, the air was full of a burst of murderous gas, and suddenly he trembled and said.

"Well, you go down." The old man closed his eyes and said, his manner suddenly became very peaceful. If people who don't know him see it, they will only treat him as an ordinary old man. Only the middle-aged man knew that there was a fierce beast hidden under this peaceful appearance. He was as fond of killing as his life.

"Yes, Mr. Obuchi." The middle-aged man respectfully, carefully low head out of the room.

After closing the door, the middle-aged man could not help but gasp, only to find that his clothes had been soaked in the cold sweat just now.

"It's terrible. Is this the strength of the heaven level master? I can't breathe just because of my momentum. Will I become a heaven level master? " The middle-aged man murmured, with deep fear in his eyes and great ambition and desire at the same time.

"No, I have to hurry them. This matter must be done well, otherwise the man who kills people without blinking an eye will kill me without hesitation." Middle aged whispered fear.

At this time, several waiters saw the middle-aged man and immediately bowed to greet him respectfully: "good general manager."

And the middle-aged man's body immediately straight, condescending looking at a few people, impatient wave let a few people leave, attitude and expression and just now is very different.

"Sixty years, sixty years, sixty years in full. I've had you for sixty years. I never had a chance to solve your secret. Now I can find where you are. This time I'm coming to Huaxia at great risk. I hope you won't disappoint me." The old man stroked the bronze piece in his hand and murmured. Look as if back to the past memories.

This old man's name is takebukura. Mentioning takebukura's name is very famous in Japan's cultivation world and even in the whole world. Takebu banzang, one of the top experts in Japan, is the elder of the Heilong society. His strength is also well-known in the world of Japanese experts.

As for the origin of this bronze film, we should start with the Japanese War of aggression against China.

On the surface, the war of that year was a battle of life and death between the national military, but the battle of the secret cultivation world was more cruel. After the cleaning of the cultivation world in the late Qing Dynasty, the cultivation world in China was withered, the overall strength continued to decline, and the experts also continued to fall, so the cultivation world entered the stage of cultivation and recuperation.

However, during this period, with the support of the state, Japan's cultivation circles experienced unprecedented prosperity. At the beginning of the war of aggression, the Japanese army, with the help of Japan's cultivation circles, became arrogant. Soon, most of China fell into the hands of the Japanese army, and the Chinese people were living in dire straits under Japan's ferocious rule.

When the country is about to die, how can we, as Chinese children and martial arts practitioners in the Chinese cultivation world, sit back and let Japanese martial arts rampant in the Chinese land? After decades of development, although the Chinese cultivation world has not recovered to its previous peak, we can still deal with the Japanese cultivation world. In the dark, the martial arts practitioners on both sides carry out brutal killing.

After several years of fighting, the details of the Japanese warriors are not China's rivals after all, and they are slowly losing. Although the losses of the Chinese warriors are also very huge, they are still much better than Japan. This is the details of a big country. China is a great country with a large number of talents. How can Japan's details be compared with China's, Japan's warriors, like later Japan, had a large number of soldiers killed in the war and had no talent.

Japan surrendered unconditionally, and the Japanese warriors were almost wiped out by the Chinese warriors, so they were defeated and returned to China.

At that time, he was young and not very powerful. He followed Shifu to fight against the warlords in China. After Japan's unconditional surrender, Shifu and Shifu did not return to Japan. They were ordered to hide in China and engage in sabotage everywhere.

Along with his master, FUBU banzang and some of his warriors assassinated senior soldiers and officials, poisoned them, broke the ring railway, and searched for secret books and treasures in China. But these people are very cunning and insidious. Many times, the Chinese warriors failed to intercept them, only to destroy some of them. The two sides have been deadlocked. Only when an opportunity comes can the Chinese warrior completely destroy this group of people.

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