The next morning, before dawn, a group of people had set out and arrived on the island when the sun was about to rise. Looking for the legendary treasure, not only lengyi is very excited, but also dark and other soldiers are very excited. The treasure hunting equipment is very complete, detection equipment, engineering shovel, explosives and so on.

The sky is still light blue, and the sun is about to come out.

"I haven't seen the sunrise at sea yet. It's rare for me to have such a chance. I must enjoy it well." Leng Yi looked at the sun in the East and said with a smile.

In the twinkling of an eye, a red haze appeared in the place where Tianshui meets. The scope of the red haze gradually expanded and became brighter. The sun is about to rise from the horizon, and lengyi is staring there.

After a while, a small half of the sun appeared there. The other end of the sea is like the beam of hundreds of millions of searchlights jetting out. The long-awaited sun has bathed in the vast sea, revealing half a round of fiery red glow. The sea seems to be agitated by the morning glow, full of colorful waves, ripples and hundreds of millions of golden lights.

Then, the semicircle fireball finally broke away from the sea level, and the whole sea level was dyed red.

Leng Yi silently stares at the picture that shakes the soul and cleanses the soul, and stands still for a long time in spite of the cool sea breeze. The rising glow in the sea is really beautiful and charming. Her unique power of shock is so intoxicating. The colorful glow seems to rise in lengyi's body. At this time, lengyi's whole person has been integrated with the colorful glow, and the whole world has been infiltrated and dyed, full of dawn and hope.

Leng Yi came back and sighed with a smile: "even if there is no treasure, it is worthwhile to see such a shocking scene."

That round of scorching sun surging out of the splendor of ten thousand points, that touching moment, deeply fixed in Leng Yi's mind, condensed into an eternal picture. Let Leng Yi's perception of life be further improved, and his accomplishments have a faint growth.

To the point of lengyi, hard cultivation alone is no longer enough. What we need at this time is perception, the perception of heaven and earth. It's just like the legend that "once you have an epiphany, you become a Buddha."

Dark these people, the cultivation level of nature did not reach the level of lengyi, there is no perception of heaven and earth, nature can not feel the true meaning of heaven and earth life. In their eyes, the rising sun on the sea is just magnificent and beautiful, and there is no such mysterious and mysterious feeling as lengyi said.

The island has about ten acres of land. The ground of the island is covered with weeds. There is not even a decent big tree. There are a lot of rocks piled up everywhere.

Soon, dark and others in the island all search completed, did not find a trace of buried treasure. Ten meters underground, all of them have been detected, and nothing has been found.

This time, the detector is just an ordinary detector, which can't be detected after 10 meters underground. In people's minds, this treasure will never be buried more than ten meters below the ground by little Japan.

"Boss, the brothers have looked for it, and have not found any clues. Are we wrong? The place where the treasure is buried is not this island." The dark says to lengyi.

"Let the brothers look for it carefully. I have a feeling that these treasures should be on this island." Lengyi frowned and looked at the whole island carefully.

"Yes, boss, I'll let them search carefully at once." He nodded and said that for Leng Yi's orders, they would never doubt them, they would only implement them unconditionally.

Lengyi wandered around on the island, observed everywhere, looked for a long time, always felt that some places were wrong, but could not say that there were problems in those places.

"Boss, brothers, the whole island has been searched carefully, but nothing has been found." Dark a face helpless say.

"Well, I know." Leng Yi replied that at this time, Leng Yi finally understood what was wrong.

Leng Yi looked at the sea around him, then put his foot on the ground a little bit, and suddenly he flew to a height of more than ten meters. All the people below looked up at a figure in the sky, and their eyes were full of fanatical worship. The people on the island are all the elite of the Legion, and they have received the training of lengyi, so they all worship lengyi.

In the air, lengyi looked around, and then quickly fell to the ground and said, "this island is as long and wide as a gourd. It's big in front and back, and small in the center. So is the gourd, especially the other end, just like the bottom of the gourd."

"But boss, I don't think this island is like a gourd." Dark doubt said.

Leng Yi asked with interest, "why do you feel like this?"

"Although this island looks like a gourd, all the gourds have mouths, but this gourd island has no mouths." Thought about it for a moment and said.

"Yes, you observe carefully enough. That's why." Leng Yi said with appreciation.

"Here is the mouth of gourd. If it breaks down here, it doesn't look like a mouth of gourd. If there is a place in front of it, it will be like a gourd." Lengyi then said carefully.

Everyone looked at it carefully. It was true. It was obvious that a gourd shaped long island had been cut off at the neck.

In the public's impression, the mouth of the gourd must be upward, but now the mouth of the gourd in Huludao can't be downward. It's like a crooked mouth gourd lying flat on the sea and downward. Of course, it must be downward.

Think of here, dark happy said: "boss, you mean the Huludao Huludao stem in the sea level below."

"Yes, if we can't find any more treasure in Hulukou, it means that we have made a mistake“ Cold Yi says with a smile.

”Let's have a rest. I'll go down to the bottom of the sea and have a look“ Leng Yi said.

”Boss, let's go down“ Dark quickly said.

"It's OK. I'll go down. You know my strength. Even if there is any danger, you can deal with it." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Well, boss, let's go down. Just wait for the news on it." Dark embarrassed said.

"How can there be so much nonsense? It's an order. Execute the order." Cold Yi drinks a way.

Although lengyi knows that the other party is worried about their own safety, they will be killed if they are in danger.

"Yes, boss“ Dark respect a military salute to say, the rest of the people also full of eyes move of looking at cold Yi.

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