Lengyi comes to Hulukou and looks at the deep blue water in front of her. Lengyi turns around and jumps into the sea.

Because it was early in the morning, the light did not shine into the sea, only a blur under the sea, but with a cool eye, it could be carefully identified on the bottom of the sea.

Leng Yi slowly dives and carefully observes the surrounding conditions. Suddenly, a dark force rolls up. Leng Yi whispers: "it's dangerous. There is a powerful vortex under the sea."

Then Leng Yi quickly and calmly flashed over the edge of the vortex.

Then there are many eddies approaching. Lengyi finds these eddies very strange. Generally, the eddies on the bottom of the sea are not oriented, but they all run to one place.

Thinking of this, Leng Yi's eyes flashed. He made up his mind and immediately filled his body with Qi. He relaxed his body and whirled in along the whirlpool. In the process of spinning in, lengyi's body constantly hits the surrounding rocks, but it doesn't hurt lengyi's strong body.

Spin down a depth, and suddenly be absorbed by a strong suction. Leng Yi feels that the body gradually rises up along the suction. After rising for a certain distance, the body was ejected from the water by the force of force, and fell to the rock ground with a bang. The current rolled forward with a terrible momentum, just like ten thousand horses galloping, deafening.

Lengyi stood up, adapted to the situation, and then couldn't help sighing: "it's like this. The natural wonders created by nature are really uncanny."

At this time, lengyi is presented with a huge cave, which is exactly a karst cave. It's extremely wide. Looking at the area, it's half the size of an island leaking out of the sea. There are many strange rocks in it.

Leng Yi looks around carefully. With Leng Yi's eyesight, there is no difference between darkness and daytime, so you can see things around clearly. It's just a spacious place. There's no legendary treasure. There's not even a broken box on the ground.

Leng Yi did not give up his heart to look at all the places in the cave, and found that there was no suspicious place.

"It can't be at high tide that all these treasures are washed into the sea. If it is, I'm afraid it will be in vain this time." Leng Yi observes the surrounding environment without any result and thinks secretly.

"It should be a mistake. The entrance of the cave is at least 20 meters below the sea level. It's not easy to transport jewelry from the cave with the current scientific and technological ability. What's more, the little devil didn't have the ability to transport those heavy jewelry." Leng Yi thought.

Suddenly, a wisp of wind blows on Leng Yi's face. Leng Yi looks at the source of the wind and finds that there is only a wall on the opposite side, which is no different from the surrounding rock wall, and there is nothing strange.

"No, there's a problem." Lengyi carefully observed the opposite wall, and found that the opposite wall was not so self heating, although the surface was eroded by sea water, there was no trace of artificial carving. But it's not as natural as the surrounding rocks are eroded by the sea.

Thinking of this, lengyi comes to the cliff and knocks it gently. The echo of the cliff in front of him is slightly different from that of the surrounding cliff. Most people can't hear it. Fortunately, lengyi's hearing is abnormal enough.

Through the echo, we can judge that there should be a hole in the back of the wall. It is estimated that what is hidden inside should be the legendary treasure. Lengyi estimated that the wall should be about one meter thick. This is the result of decades of seawater erosion. It should have been thicker.

"This small hole should have been closed by the little devil at the beginning. It's very thick to prevent the sea from entering and wash away the treasure. After decades of sea water scouring, the surface of the artificial wall will be washed out just like the surrounding rock wall. If it's not for the strong observation ability, I'm afraid it will be put in the past. " Leng Yi sighs to himself.

Think of here, lengyi stands in front of the wall, legs naturally separated, right hand slowly clenched, only to see the arm of the green tendon slowly highlighted, in the cohesion of the incomparably powerful force, then lengyi gently drink, right hand fist quickly rushed to the wall in front of, fist shadow flashed, and the air friction sound issued squeaky sound.

Then just listen to "boom", the wall in front of lengyi is broken instantly, the rocks are splashing everywhere, and the hard rock one meter thick is broken. The power of this fist is very strong. If you hit a person, it is estimated that it will be split. Lengyi looks very relaxed, so it should not use much power.

The stone crumbs are scattered, and a one person high hole appears in front of lengyi. Suddenly, a damp musty smell comes out. Lengyi immediately stops breathing. After a while, the musty smell becomes thin in the flow of sea air. Lengyi begins to breathe gently, and then begins to observe the dense hole carefully.

The area of the cave is about several hundred square meters. There are nearly a hundred iron boxes, big and small, in the cave. They are neatly arranged and piled up for a long time. In this humid cave, the boxes are covered with rust. If the cave is not well sealed, I'm afraid these iron boxes will not have rust.

Lengyi approached the outermost row of boxes and found a box at random. There was a lock on the box. The old lock of the 1930s was rusty. There was no difficulty in opening this kind of lock. Leng Yi turns on the rusty iron lock on the box with one hand. When he opens the box, a musty smell comes out. There is a thick oil paper covered in the iron box. It seems that the kid was very considerate at the beginning. The hole is very wet, so all the boxes are held in thick oil paper.

Lengyi opened the oil paper, and saw a neat gold nugget under the oil paper. Although there was some oxidation on the surface, it was still intact because of the protection of the oil paper.

Then lengyi opened several boxes continuously, and there were also neat gold nuggets in them. With so much gold, I can't help feeling excited, not to mention it's the outermost.

If we follow the normal thinking of human beings, I'm afraid the value of the things in those boxes will be even more amazing. So many iron boxes are absolutely an amazing treasure.

Thinking of this, Leng Yi calms down and goes back to the sea. He has been in this cave for a long time. The dark people are still waiting on it. I'm afraid they are worried. If they come down to look for these powerful whirlpools, they will be injured even if they don't die.

Besides, there are so many boxes in the cave. If all of them are opened one by one, I don't know when. I'd better hurry back to the island and organize everyone to move these iron boxes.

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