Lengyi goes out along the entrance of the entrance and remembers all the road maps. At the same time, we found that although these vortices are powerful, people who don't know about them may be injured when they are suddenly attacked, but with the strength of the above dark Cheng and others, we should be careful when facing the vortices. There is no problem entering the cave.

At this time, the dark people waiting outside are very anxious. They all want to go down and look for lengyi. Fortunately, he was stopped in the dark and said, "you know the strength of the boss. We should trust him. If he hasn't come up yet, we'll go down and look for him."

Just as we were impatient, we saw a surge of water on the sea. A figure leaped from the sea and fell in front of the crowd.

A look is Leng Yi, everyone immediately happy said: "boss, you have nothing to do?"

"Don't worry. There's nothing wrong. There's not much danger down there." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Brothers, we have made a fortune this time. There are indeed treasures below, and the quantity is amazing. We will move them out later." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"We'll send some fishing boats right away, and we'll get these treasures ashore in the early morning." Cold Yi says to dark.

"Yes, boss, the fishing boat is on standby. I'll send an order for them to come quickly." Dark happy said.

At this time, everyone is very excited. They don't care how much treasure they have. The key is to find the treasure so that they have a sense of achievement. At the same time, they can disgust the people of the eight division army. Why not.

Leng Yi and everyone explained in detail what they should pay attention to when they enter the cave. After that, Leng Yi takes a group of team members into the cave, leaving a group of guards on the island.

The people who entered the cave didn't open the boxes either. They quickly picked up one box and swam to the sea. An hour later, nearly 100 boxes were placed on the island. Although they didn't know what was in the other boxes, the gold in the box lengyi opened earlier shocked everyone.

Although the dark and others are shocked to look at gold, they are only shocked. There is no greedy look in their eyes, which makes lengyi very satisfied. These people are carefully selected elites. Once a person is too greedy to restrain his inner desire, it will bring great harm to the individual and the Legion. So these elites are not only strong, but also very important in terms of will. Everyone loves money, but they should know how to grasp a degree.

Nearly a hundred boxes were carried away by the fishing boats to a secret place. Leng Yi and others left by helicopter. They went back to prepare for the war. The people of the eight division army were coming. In Leng Yi's words, "since you have come, don't go back."

In a secret warehouse on the coast, there are nearly 100 iron boxes in the open space in the middle of the warehouse. Around the box stood dozens of men in black, all of whom were strong and vigorous, with a strong smell.

"Boss, all the boxes are here." He looked at the iron box in the middle of the warehouse and said.

"Brothers, hard work." Cold Yi nods a head to say.

"Boss, what should we do with these things?" Dark continued.

"Are you ready for the boxes you are asked to prepare?" Cold Yi looking at in front of neat row of boxes said.

"It's all ready for you." He said in secret.

"That's good. Let the brothers work hard and put all the gold and jewelry in the new box." Leng Yi said.

All the people quickly open the box, and suddenly the jewels of sixty or seventy years buried in the box are displayed in front of lengyi and others.

Most of these boxes are filled with stacks of shining gold bricks. According to Leng Yi's estimation, the value of these gold bricks is absolutely astronomical.

Some boxes are filled with exquisite ancient porcelain and coral trees of different sizes and colors, while others are filled with pearls, agates, diamonds, Jadeites and other jewelry. The jewelry in these boxes is priceless, and the number of jewelry is too much to calculate.

There are also some antique paintings and rare antiques in the boxes; It is gratifying that these paintings are well preserved and rarely damaged. It seems that these little devils are not all pigs. They know that these calligraphy and paintings are valuable and national treasures. Therefore, in the process of packing, the packaging is very good, so that after 60 or 70 years, they are kept intact.

Looking at the box full of colorful diamonds the size of fists, the jewel is shining. Look at the other boxes. There are stacks of gold bricks, some of which are a whole box of cat's eye, emerald and chicken blood stone. All the people present were stunned by the sight. Many people were open mouthed, and no one could make a sound.

After a long time, people slowly recovered, swallowed the saliva in their mouth, and said carefully: "boss, these treasures are too many, too shocking." The rest of the people came back and nodded their heads. They had never seen so much wealth.

But although they were shocked, there was no greed in their eyes.

Leng Yi said with a smile: "it's really shocking. It's hard to estimate the value of so many treasures, not to mention these priceless antiques, calligraphy and paintings."

"These treasures are just a part of the treasures that little Japan did not have time to take away from China. It can be seen that during the war years, the devils committed crimes in China, burning, killing, looting, doing all kinds of evil and plundering China's countless wealth." Said Leng Yi, full of hatred.

Hearing what Leng Yi said, the faces of the people present were also full of anger. Everyone was full of hatred towards the Japanese. These little devils started a war in China. Maybe the grandparents of the people present died in the hands of the little devils.

"Boss, we'll take revenge." Dark face full of murderous said.

"Yes, we will. The garbage of the eight division army will arrive at huhai in the afternoon. This time, let's charge some interest and kill them all." Lengyi said coldly with a strong sense of killing. This sentence determines the fate of the coming eight division army.

"Yes, boss, promise to let them all perish." Everyone said loudly, suddenly a strong murderous atmosphere hovered in the warehouse.

"Put all the things in the new boxes, replace the rusty iron boxes, and put all the stones on me. Then I'll give a surprise to the garbage of the eight division army." Lengyi smiles wickedly.

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