Such a peerless treasure in this world suddenly makes the whole warehouse magnificent.

"What a shock! I didn't think that there was such a treasure in the world. " Lengyi murmured.

In Leng Yi's memory, there are also many peerless treasures that can be compared with the Peacock King Ming Bodhisattva's Buddha statue, but can't compare with the shock in front of him.

Dark eyes straight at the front of the Buddha, mouth unconsciously murmured: "incredible, really incredible..."

"The value of this Buddha statue is really immeasurable. It is estimated that it is really valuable." Cold Yi exclaimed.

"It's really a peerless national treasure, but for us warriors, this treasure is not as important as the iron box in front of us." Leng Yi wakes up the intoxicated people.

Lengyi picked up the silk cloth in the box. Because the space in the box was almost sealed, the silk cloth was kept intact. It recorded the origin of the Buddha statue and the box.

The silk cloth records as follows: after the owner of the treasure got the Buddha statue of the Peacock King Ming Bodhisattva, he knew that the Buddha statue was a peerless treasure. He was close friends with the original leader of the Luban sect, so he took out the Millennium cold iron and asked the leader of the Luban sect to help build a cold iron treasure box to hold the peerless treasure. So the leader of the Luban sect spent a year, This four elephant magic machine treasure box is made of millennial cold iron.

The treasure has been handed down from generation to generation, and the descendants of the owner of the treasure have always followed the instructions of their ancestors, kept a low-key life, and never disclosed the news of the treasure, because they also know that once the news of this peerless treasure is leaked out, they will be doomed.

Until the war, the little devils captured Shanghai. One of the Devils' officers got the news of the treasure from a traitor, so he led his troops to rob it.

At this time, the family of the owner of the treasure has long been lost in the long history. Now it is just an ordinary farmer, so there is no power to protect the treasure. The whole Shanghai sea is full of devils, let alone escape.

So the farmer put the treasure and the silk cloth into the four elephants magic machine treasure box. It was estimated that before he could hide it, the devil rushed to find the treasure box. Needless to say, the man was killed by the little devil, and the treasure box had not been opened since then. Otherwise, the silk cloth would not be put in the treasure box safely, As for the opening method, it was lost with the death of the treasure owner.

Although the poor devil knew that it was a treasure in the box, he didn't know what the treasure looked like and didn't open it by all means. Finally, when he fled from Shanghai, he put the box and the treasure together, and finally he got a low price.

"It turns out that this box was made by the owner of Luban gate. No wonder it's so mysterious and complicated that it's hard to open it. Lubanmen is indeed Lubanmen Said Leng Yi with a sigh.

If it wasn't for Leng Yi's abnormal mental power, I'm afraid that Leng Yi's abnormal intelligence would have done a lot of work to open the box. Now the method of opening the box has been firmly recorded in Leng Yi's mind.

When Leng Yi talks about the silk cloth, the members of dark net are very angry, and their hatred for the little devils increases. These are all blood debts. At the same time, I am very glad that such a peerless national treasure has not been robbed by Japan.

Leng Yi locked up the four elephants' magic box and said, "brothers, it's time to work. Fill all these iron boxes with stones and transport them to the cave of the island. At that time, it's a big surprise for the little ghosts of the eight division army."

"Yes, boss." Everyone said loudly. I am full of yearning for the coming battle.

The iron box filled with stones was transported to the cave under Huludao again. Although it was not easy, everyone was in high spirits. It didn't matter if they were tired to design the eight division army.

"Boss, all the boxes have been put into the hole, but do you want to close the hole you broke?" Dark to stand on the deck looking at the sea, said lengyi.

"No, don't waste time. To put the box back into the cave is just to prepare for the following plan. At the same time, you want to disgust the people of the eight division army. There's no need to let the brothers waste energy and time and do it perfectly." Leng Yi came back and said with a smile. His eyes were full of confidence. He had everything in his mind and was waiting for the fish to take the bait.

"Boss, the latest information is that a team of the eight division army has started from Japan and is expected to arrive at Shanghai in the evening." The agent handed in the latest information.

"These little devils are really slow. It seems that they will have to wait for a while." Cold Yi turns over information, a face is cold to say.

"It's not that the kids are too slow, but that the boss is too strong to find these treasures so quickly. If we let ourselves find them, we probably don't know when to find them." Dark face full of smile said.

"Don't flatter me. Go back to flatter Shenji. That guy likes flattering him most." Leng Yi said with a smile.

"Boss, it's still a long time for the little devils to arrive. What should we do now?" Dark looking at intelligence, eyebrow tiny wrinkly say.

"I didn't think that the speed of the little devils was so slow. We deserved to find the treasure first. I'm afraid it will be a fierce battle to let all the brothers go back to rest and gather their energy. " Leng Yi said.

"Yes, boss, I'll arrange it now." He nodded.

"The strength of the people who came here this time is good. We must keep a close watch on these people. We must not let them leave our sight. We must keep them all." Lengyi's face is full of murderous spirit.

For the little devil, Leng Yi doesn't like him at all. Besides, the Xingtian Legion and the Baqi Legion see that their hatred has reached an irreconcilable level. This time they kill a group of people from the other side, so they charge some interest.

"Don't worry, boss. Shenji has gone on, and the brothers of the intelligence system are watching with all their strength. They can't get rid of the garbage of the eight division army. This time, they guarantee that they will never come back. " Dark confident said.

"All the arrangements are OK?" Lengyi then asked.

In lengyi's expectation, if we follow cloth's plan, it will be over soon. But no one knows whether the heads of those guys in the eight division army are smart or not, or when they can find the island or the cave where the treasure is buried. Lengyi doesn't have so much time to spend here.

"Boss, all arrangements are ready, there is no problem, just wait for the eight division army to take the bait." Dark one face says with a smile.

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