Everything went according to plan, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

"Are you ready for what I asked you to prepare?" Lengyi looks at Huludao for a while, then turns to ask.

"I've been ready for a long time, boss. Dare I not do what you've told me? I'll get those things right away. " After a while, he took out a black box from the inside of the boat.

This black box is not an ordinary thing, but a bomb. This bomb is quite special. Its name is "deep-sea bomb". As soon as you hear this name, you can know that it exploded in water.

All the outer metal of the bomb is made of special alloy. This kind of bomb is very waterproof. It can be placed in the water for several years without any problem. Moreover, it has very strong pressure resistance. It can be installed thousands of meters under the sea. Signal transmission is also very strong, not affected by sea water interference, very suitable for remote control operation.

Also don't underestimate such a small bomb, its power can instantly blow down a building.

"Boss, what's the use of this?" He asked in doubt.

"Then you'll know." Lengyi didn't answer directly, but said with a mysterious smile.

"I'll go under the sea." With that, lengyi jumps into the sea with the bomb in her arms.

In the afternoon, a plane from Japan entered the airport in Shanghai, and nearly 100 Japanese came out of the airport in succession. They were all ordinary tourists dressed up, scattered and pretended not to know each other. Although these people are not tall and strong, they are all very tough. If there are soldiers or experts around, you can feel the murderous spirit of these people.

At this time, there were already several buses waiting outside the Shanghai Shanghai airport to pick up these people in batches.

In the crowd not far away, there is a very ordinary person who can be ignored. He looks like a public face. Even in the crowd, it's hard to find him. After seeing the bus leave, his eyes flashed, and then he left and disappeared in the crowd.

"Boss, the people of the eight division army have already arrived in Shanghai. Although they left in batches, they still can't escape our surveillance. There are 100 people in all, all of them are elite. This time, several Japanese funded enterprises in Shanghai and Shanghai are picking up the plane. We have investigated and found that all of these Japanese funded enterprises are Japanese group branches, and the behind the scenes boss of these groups is heilonghui. " The intelligence agent reports the latest information to Leng Yi.

"It seems that there is a good relationship between the Black Dragon Society and the Baqi Legion. The black dragon society is one of the three major gangs in Japan, and its power can not be ignored. With the financial resources and power of the Black Dragon Society, the strength of the Baqi Legion will be even stronger." Cold Yi murmurs to say.

"Keep a close watch on the Baqi Legion and those Japanese funded enterprises, and keep track of their trends at any time. This time, we need to wipe them out, and do not let a single fish slip through the net." Cold Yi says here, the whole body is full of thick murderous gas. The pressure was so overwhelming that the people around them could hardly breathe.

"Yes, boss." Dark hastily said.

"Let's pay attention to the fact that it's very secret for the people of Baqi army to enter Shanghai, but it's hard to ensure that they won't be discovered by the Chinese government. While we are monitoring the Baqi army, we should not disclose ourselves." Leng Yi thought for a moment and said.

"Yes, boss. I want them to pay attention. " He nodded. If it is really noticed by Huaxia security department, it will be very troublesome.

In the early morning, lengyi is playing Tai Chi slowly in the yard. The whole person is immersed in a magical artistic conception, which is integrated with heaven and earth.

"Boss, you really have not guessed wrong. Since last night, the little devils have sent people to inquire about Hulu Island on the coast. Our people have told them the location of Hulu Island. Now they start to prepare tools. It is estimated that they will start in an hour." Dark excited report way.

"Let the brothers get ready to start, and cheer me up. The strength of the eight divisions is not weak this time. Be careful with everything." Leng Yi said after Taiji.

"Yes, boss, but I don't understand why we had to go to sea to kill them when they were not ready last night." He asked in doubt.

"Huhai is an international metropolis. On the surface, there is nothing. In the dark, the Chinese security department has been closely monitoring. As long as we have a conflict with the eight division army, even if we kill these guys, we will be watched by the Chinese security department. Now we should not expose ourselves too much."

"When we get to the sea, we are far away from the Shanghai sea. Even if there is a battle, it will not have much impact on the Shanghai sea. Moreover, we can eliminate all traces and retreat calmly." Said Leng Yi.

"Boss, can the little devils find that cave?" He said anxiously.

"I'm not sure. If we can't find it, our next plan won't be fun“ Leng Yi also said with a bitter smile.

”The person who was sent out to disclose the information was very secretive, and the exposed information was not too obvious. For fear of arousing the little devil's vigilance, all previous efforts were wasted. Now I have to worry about whether they can find the cave. What are these things? " Dark face helpless.

"What I'm worried about now is that even if these little devils find the cave, it's not sure whether they can get in. It's dangerous to get in that place with your strength without route and guidance. You have to know that the reason why the little devils were able to transport the treasures was because of the ebb tide. The sea water dropped a lot before they could transport the treasures. Where is the ebb tide now? In recent decades, the sea level has grown a lot, and the island has sunk, making it more difficult to get in. " Lengyi is also helpless.

At this moment, a player came and said: "boss, the man we planted was taken away by the eighth Legion."

"What's going on? Make it clear. " Lengyi said in some astonishment.

"Yes, boss. According to the information, the eight division army took our people and asked our people to lead them to the sea to find Huludao. " The person that comes over says in detail.

”Damn, this group of rubbish is cruel enough, but, boss, it's also a good thing. At least we don't have to worry that those stupid pigs can't find the hole. " Said the dark fire.

"Well, let our people pay attention to safety, and disclose the secret hole at an appropriate time, but we must ensure our own safety." Leng Yi said.

"Yes, boss." The reporter left.

"Now that the little devil can't bear it, he has started to act. Let's go too. We'll give them a big surprise then. " Lengyi sneers with a strong sense of killing.

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