The elite brigade of the eight Division Corps was led by an undercover agent, dark thirteen, and soon found Huludao.

"Li sanjun, you have made a great contribution to finding Huludao this time. You are our best friend." Eight Division Corps of Yamada Ichiro happy chirp waiwaiwai loud said. The next translation is also translated into Chinese by the way.

Dark thirteen is now an ordinary fisherman named Li San. After hearing the translation, he immediately said with a smile: "thank you, Mr. Yamada."

Li Sanwei is afraid to shrink, with deep fear in his flattering smile. He is a typical fisherman who has never seen the market. But in the heart but constantly scold a way: "damned small devil, now you heartily happy, etc. will have you cry of time."

If other people see the appearance of dark thirteen now, they can't help but be impressed by dark thirteen's acting skills. On this level of performance, being a star can at least win a trophy.

"Gentlemen, we must find these treasures, which are very important to us. As long as we find these treasures, we can not only get rapid development, but also get a large amount of money. By then, there will be a lot of wine women Yamada said aloud.

The rest of the eight division soldiers immediately exclaimed excitedly, as if there were a huge treasure in front of them.

Seeing the crazy cheering little devil, he couldn't help but go underground. His face showed a sneer, and he cursed in his heart: "there are a group of things that don't know whether they are alive or dead. There are no good wine women. Then you all go to the sea to feed the fish."

Although the island nation is rubbish, it is undeniable that they still have many advantages, such as obeying orders, doing things carefully and so on. With a command, the soldiers of the eight division army are carefully looking for every inch of land on the island.

In their eyes, dark thirteen is just an ordinary fisherman, so no one will care about dark thirteen, and dark thirteen is also happy to sit there and observe these eight legions carefully to evaluate their strength.

Among these people, the most powerful one is Ichiro Yamada. This guy is tall and big. He doesn't look like the breed of little devils at all. His muscles are tight and his combat clothes are bulging. His fierce eyes are shining and his whole body is full of murderous spirit. I'm afraid that their strength is much higher than that of themselves. Although the rest of them are not as powerful as this guy, they are also tough people. They are also full of bloody murderous spirit. They are absolutely bloody and cruel people.

Dark thirteen thought in his heart: "it seems that these people are very powerful. I'm afraid they are all the elite of the eight division army. If there is a positive conflict, I'm afraid the people on my side will not get much benefit.

As time goes by, the people of the eight division army are still looking for it carefully, not letting go of any missing places. The people of the eight division army are not in a hurry. Dark thirteen is very anxious beside them. These little devils have been looking for them several times. How can they be so desperate? Now dark thirteen wants to get up and tell them, "what are you pigs looking for above? The treasure is under the sea."

"Captain, we have searched all over the island, but we have not found any place to bury the treasure. Have we found the wrong place?" One of the players said to Ichiro Yamada.

Hearing this, Ichiro Yamada frowned and thought. He had no answer for a long time, so he looked at dark thirteen and asked, "Li sanjun, is there an island like a gourd on the sea?"

Although he could understand Japanese, he pretended he didn't know it. He cursed in his heart: "damn little devil, I'm finally enlightened. I know how to ask Laozi. I've been waiting for so long, but I'm bored."

After the translator asked, dark thirteen said: "Mr. Yamada, there is only such a gourd like island in the sea. I really don't know anything else."

"Li sanjun, we are friends. As long as you tell me honestly, is there such an island nearby? We'll double the money and make sure you want to be rich. " Yamada said seductively.

"Thank you, Mr. Yamada. I really don't know. There is only such a Hulu like island nearby. I haven't seen the rest. Why can't I make up one to cheat you. I found this island by accident Dark thirteen pretends to be careful and says helplessly.

The Japanese next to him heard thirteen * * words, and suddenly his face was full of anger. He shouted loudly: "I am going to kill you, the chinanas, your dishonest."

When he heard the soldier's words, he was furious, and a murderous spirit burst out of his body. Fortunately, he stopped in time, but he swore in his heart: "I'll kill this garbage devil myself."

"That's enough, Li sanjun, it's still useful to keep it. You continue to explore, and don't miss any place." Yamada stopped.

"I'm sorry, Li sanjun. That guy just now has a bad temper. I apologize for him. You didn't scare him." Yamada Ichiro said kindly.

Yamada Ichiro's idea is very clear in his heart. It's not that the other side is too kind, but that he is still useful for these eight division legions for the time being. "I won't be angry, Mr. Yamada," he said timidly

Seeing the cowardly appearance of dark thirteen, Ichiro Yamada showed an undisguised look of disdain on his face. He was not interested in asking, so he turned and left directly.

"Damn, I can't wait any longer. With the speed of the little devil, when will I wait?" Dark thirteen see in the island blindly looking for the eight division legion, can't help secretly think.

Thinking about this, dark thirteen said, "Mr. Yamada, I found a problem. I don't know if I should say it or not."

"You're welcome, Li sanjun. If you have any questions, please let me know." Yamada Ichiro said politely.

So dark thirteen pretended: "Mr. Yamada, this island is as long and wide as a gourd. It's wide in front and back, and small in the center. So is the gourd, especially the other end, just like the bottom of the gourd. But it's very strange. Although the island looks like a gourd, the gourd has a mouth. This island doesn't have a mouth. "

"What do you mean?" Yamada Ichiro said curiously.

Dark 13 can't help but have no language, words all say this up, you still don't understand the meaning, really stupid beyond cure. So dark thirteen said helplessly: "I mean the Hulukou of Huludao may be below the sea level, and we can't find it on the island. Maybe we can go down to Hulukou and look for it. Maybe we can get something."

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