That thunder and lightning appeared on Chen Qi, but was disregarded by Chen Qi, and the external 7-color body protection appeared, resisting all Heavenly Thunder strikes, myriad thunder and lightning could not break through the Chen Qi defense, showing impervious to sword or spear, Water-Fire non-invasive defense.

Even when 10000 mountains are thrown, none of Chen Qi body protection can be shaken.

The more terrifying Heavenly Thunder is brewing. It is more massive than before, thunder rolls are deafening, and the ground is shaking.

“Not good! Everyone is far away from Chen Qi. It is him who is fast in the Transcending Tribulation and cultivation. It only took a few days to break through Immortal Venerable.”

“Rewind, it ’s a miracle! How can cultivation be so fast, and this breath is not at all an ordinary Immortal Venerable, just that Immortal Saint may not have caught up with Chen Qi now.”

countless Demon was frightened, even Guda Leader was shocked, both eyes were frightened, and even backed down. In order to avoid being affected by Heavenly Thunder, this degree of Heavenly Thunder allows everyone to hit themselves without any doubt, and it will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in an instant.

Hong long!

A path of Heavenly Thunder fell, the ground palace was destroyed, Chen Qi was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the thick and ten thousand zhang Thunder Dragon coiled around Chen Qi to kill him.

But as soon as Chen Qi’s gaze moved, a flash of purple lightning emerged, and Nine Heavens Thunder Spirit in the body dantian suddenly moved. Chen Qi opened his mouth, suddenly burst out a ten thousand zhang Thunder Dragon from his mouth, and shot directly.

It is purple Nine Heavens Immortal Thunder, Thunder Dragon made by condomense.

Void cracks appeared, thunderous prestige.

directionsThunder Dragon in all directions, in front of it, appears to be unable to withstand a single blow, ten thousand zhang Nine Heavens Thunder Dragon, swimming around, and passing by, countless Heavenly Thunder long dragon was bitten, collapsed, and some were The claws hit and fell apart.

Take Nine Heavens Immortal Thunder’s thunder and lightning formidable power, which is Chen Qi’s Immortal Venerable Heavenly Tribulation.

Nine Heavens Immortal Thunder is Immortal Realm’s thunder and lightning strength that can kill Immortal, Immortal Venerable, unlike ordinary Immortal Thunder. When it falls into the sea, as long as it escapes a trace, the water vapor that can be electric will transpiration and become a dry basin.


The countless Thunder Dragon landed in the sky, but just appeared, ten thousand zhang purple dragon, Divine Dragon Moving it’s Tail, baring fangs and brandishing claws, all these thunder dragons crushed by the collapse of thunder and lightning oppression, and a thunder and lightning light beam spit out , Kill all Thunder Dragons.

It flew into the high altitude and stirred the sky. Tribulation clouds rising winds, scudding clouds, countless thunder and lightning strength were suddenly sucked into the mouth by this purple long dragon, and the body skyrocketed. A few agitations, all Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning were absorbed.

Heavenly Tribulation just disappeared.

Just now the black clouds are full of sky, all dissipate at this moment, and there is only one rays of light ten thousand zhang left, absorbing all the Heavenly Tribulation strength of the Purple Thunder Dragon. Suddenly fall, drill from Chen Qi’s mouth, and converge on Purple Qi Spirit of Chen Qi dantian.

Make Purple Thunder Spirit more solid, as if to become an entity.

The blockbuster thunder and lightning rays of light are full of Chen Qi within the body. Seen from a distance, Chen Qi has become a purple silhouette. Prestige is like prison, like Thunder Divinity. To destroy all evildoers in the world, it falls into the eyes of many Demons, as much as Heaven Prestige appears.

Crackle and rattle !

Thunder and lightning were in Chen Qi within the body tempering his fleshy body, deep into his skeleton, Chen Qi within the body skeleton was born with golden rays of light, and strands of Phoenix body golden rune, veined patterns spread all over. To make skeleton more hard, even Immortal Sword cannot be cut. Fleshy body has also been greatly improved.

Phoenix Body, cultivation Vermilion Bird Burning World Secret Art. Can be born slowly. Chen Qi now has a process of transformation towards the Phoenix skeleton. Although golden rays of light are small, they will quickly transform in the future.

“Hahaha. Shuang.” Chen Qi uttered a loud whistle, aerodynamic clouds, powerful shaking the numerical demons.

Now, Chen Qi has completely stabilized the Immortal Venerable cultivation base, which is 1000 times more powerful than before. Ten Dao Fruits suddenly appear behind them, each of which is rippled and full of light halo Dao Fruit strength.

Divine Ability – Plundering!

Chen Qi’s body has a suction of overflowing heaven, as if the circumference earth mountain and rivers, Void should be absorbed, integrated into the body, vividly and thoroughly displayed by the nature of plunder. With a grab of his arm, a cyclone of countless hundred zhang appeared on a mountain outside the hunted li.

Ka-cha !

Cyclone turns white, white air waves roll, forming a twisted cyclone, countless mountain peak below, big trees, rivers, rocks, uprooted, all strangled by this strength to shatter, and become dust floating Void.

The moment the cyclone dissipated, the ground was already a huge deep pit, several thousand miles wide.

All Demon Mountain, demon tree, no longer exist. Shows the power of this method. Chen Qi is satisfied.

flicks to shoot with the finger, purple thunder and lightning radiated from the Chen Qi right hand forefinger, zi zi rang, a 1000 zhang high mountain outside ten thousand li, contacted with this thunder and lightning, suddenly exploded Come, flattened. The green smoke simmered, the scorched air filled.

Chen Qi has now become a real powerhouse, more than enough to deal with that Zhang Tianchen.

Moreover, Little Tortoise is already a Grade 6 Immortal Sovereign. Although strength is not as good as him, it can also show terrifying battle strength.


“Successful Transcending Tribulation?”

countless Demon, Guda Leader, eyeball almost glared.

The formidable power of the Heavenly Tribulation just now was seen by all. All strikers will die after the strikes, but they will be destroyed by Chen Qi a few times to resist the past. This method is completely beyond everyone’s knowledge of an Immortal Venerable.

However, Chen Qi strength is already very strong. Cultivation of so many Dao Fruit to break through the Immortal Venerable Boundary is very scary. In the history of Immortal Realm, I am afraid that it is also the first to cultivate so many Rule Powers to become Immortal Venerable genius characters.

“Congratulations, break through Immortal Venerable.”

Chen Qi fell from the sky, Guda Leader rushed up, looked up and down, and found that Chen Qi at this moment is quite different from before. Exactly 2 levels of existence.

The eyes seemed to have sun, moon, stars, with a thick thunder prestige, and purple rays of light appeared in the depths, almost making Guda think Chen Qi was Heaven’s incarnation.

The prestige came over, even Guda couldn’t bear it.

It seems that his benefactor is a remarkable person.

Cough cough !

Just now, Guda was so excited that within the body qi and blood emerged, causing injuries, and even spit out blood.

“What’s the matter?” Chen Qi glanced over and found Guda’s chest was seriously injured, as if forced by something, blasting flesh, hurting internal organs. A demons head in the distance also suffered more or less this condition and was injured.

Chen Qi wondered, did these people just go through what they did n’t know, why were they injured for a few days? And in the distance, the countless Demon Hall collapsed, not as if caused by his own Heavenly Tribulation.

“Chen Qi, the past few days of your cultivation, then the Immortal Saint powerhouse is here.” A Demon sighed and said everything before that. There is no need to hide it.

Chen Qi’s eyes moved, and he took a look at the big Asura of Guda. Is such a serious injury for himself?

Hong long!

A sacred light suddenly roused from Chen Qi. In the shocking eyes of everyone, the strength of the sacred light entered Guda within the body, constantly repairing his body. And Wood Attribute Rule Power, instilling his within the body.

Soon, Chen Qi not only repaired the injury for Guda, but his face changed from slump to spirit energetic. Within the body meridian was also cleared by Chen Qi. The cultivation technique worked more smoothly and directly cleansing the essence to cut down the marrow. It has given us great benefits.

It was as if Supreme Powerhouse had shot and instilled an Immortal Venerable, not only him, sacred light and Wood Attribute Rule, wavy, rays of light into those Demon in the distance.

Why Chen Qi Rule Power is robust, one after another repairs their injuries and cleansing the essence to cut down the marrow for them. Chen Qi consumes strength, but one hair from nine oxen.

“My injury has recovered?”

“What’s going on, my dark illness within the body has also been cleared? This is Chen Qi’s!”

“He will also treat the injury, it’s great.”

countless Demon froze for a long time, and they did not respond for a long time, and they obviously felt that after Chen Qi cleansing the essence to cut down the marrow, they run demon art on their own, it is much smoother, and in the future, cultivation will definitely be the result for half the effort.

They simply can’t imagine how Chen Qi did it, that is, their Leader Great Immortal Venerable, which is a few grades higher than Chen Qi, can never do this.

This is the benefit of Chen Qi mastering a variety of Rule Powers. The sacred light of Chen Qi can eliminate the darkness of poison qi, and also can repair the light strength, and the Wood Attribute Rule. The two together bring out the best in each other. These demos Injuries can be recovered.

Originally, some Demon left internal injuries because they had previously fought with the enemy. Under the cover of Chen Qi sacred light, all the evil breaths were removed from the depth of flesh and turned into smoke and disappeared in vitro. So the problem that has held them for many years is lifted.

“many thanks benefactor.”

“Many thanks …”

Guda and a demons leader are grateful. Some Demon are already injured, and Chen Qi clears them up, giving them great benefits. Don’t know how to thank Chen Qi.

“Thank you, Guda. Everything I just understood just now. You can almost conceal Immortal Saint for me, I almost killed myself. Oh, by the way, what did you say Three Headed Demon Race before The race is raging. So, in the future, I have the opportunity to kill the Three Headed Demon Race for you and eliminate your threat. “

“What?” Guda froze, her body shaking, and Chen Qi meant to help them get revenge?

Guda looked dumbstruck, but then shaking one’s head, “I know you are strong, but the Leader of Three Headed Demon Race is not as simple as imagined, and the strength is strong.”

They can now see that Chen Qi’s strength can fight the Immortal Saint just now, but it’s just a confrontation, and the killing is a bit difficult. Not to mention the Three Headed Demon Race, the Great Demon Palace influence of the trillion army.

Chen Qi alone resists the trillion army, plus many Three Headed Demon Race experts, which is too difficult.

“Well, I know how you think about it, that’s it. That’s it.”

Chen Qi also didn’t want to explain that his current strength is no worse than anyone else.

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