With that said, Chen Qi was about to leave fortress, but suddenly, Qi Qi gave a slight whisper.

Looking at a square palace deep in the ancient castle ground, this is the Space-Time Room where Chen Qi was cultivation.

Everything around was destroyed by thunder and lightning, but the four black pillars that inspired Space-Time are still there, and they stand out in the surroundings ruins.

Chen Qi flew down and grabbed four long demonic pillars in his hands to look at them. There were many runes on them, and magic seals were engraved. It is precisely these formations combined with the energy excited by the demonic pillars that can form a space-time.

Looking closely, the demonic pillar is still a bit broken. You can see that there is a diffusing ripple in the depths, which is a transparent rays of light. Full of years.

“Is this … Time Rule Power?”

Chen Qi looks at demonic pillar. No wonder the 4 demonic pillars can give birth to Space-Time. With this Time Power, combined with the formation rune, it can form a short-term space, at another time axis. Block all breath.

“This is our Immemorial Nether Race, something passed down from the previous powerhouse. Among them is the Time Crystal Stone fragment. The special method can be used to create Space-Time. Everything in Space-Time is shielded, but now the demonic pillar has been broken. Rune because I can’t use it a few times for a long time. “

Guda came over and seemed to see Chen Qi interested in this thing, said with a smile: “If you need it, these things will be given to you, the benefactor saved us Guda Fortress countless lives, this is what it should be, and this We do n’t need anything. “

“Actually you didn’t owe me, you just saved my life just now.”

Although Chen Qi would not be killed by Zhang Tianchen without the help of these people, at worst, it was directly killed with a trump card.

But this Guda Leader is kind. Now that everyone is leveled off, Chen Qi is not good enough to take it directly, saying, “That ’s still the case, what Three Headed Demon Race will be handed to me, but I ’m not sure when I will come to the door, and you guys Find me if you have any difficulties and I will help. “

Chen Qi left these people with a Sound Transmission Talisman. Not arrogant, and accepted these 4 demonic pillars.

Guda Leader didn’t take Chen Qi’s words to heart.

Chen Qi sat in a corner and started researching the 4 demonic pillars obtained. The Rule was shocked. The 4 demonic pillars were all broken. From them, 4 thumb-sized Rule Crystal Stone fragments were caught.

There are depressions in the demonic pillar. Due to the number of uses, most of the strength of the Time Crystal Stone is consumed, and now there are only a few fragments. But chat is better than nothing. Time Crystal Stone is in short supply.

The four time fragments are like transparent mirrors, exuding the scent of Time Years, the pinch of the arm, and the cyclone is born. When the time fragment is about to explode, one strand of Time Rule enters Chen Qi within the body.

The refining time fragment was slower than he imagined, and an hour passed before it was absorbed. Into a powder.

Time Rule is a rare rule, and strength is above ordinary rule, which is special. Even such a small point can give Chen Qi a great benefit, an increase in Time Dao Fruit formidable power.

Behind his head, Time Dao Fruit obviously has a slight increase, formidable power becomes stronger, his mind moves, the ripples on the surface of the time appear, and the atmosphere is filled with time. It gives Chen Qi as if he is not in this World and is in another Space-Time illusion.

Pointing at it, Power of Time hit a big tree beyond a thousand li in the distance. That big tree was aging at a speed visible by naked eye, and gradually withered. At the end of the whole life, the stump was ruined and became The old tree collapsed without a life force.

It ’s amazing to show Power of Time. In that space, time has passed quickly, but now Time Power is very weak, otherwise I do n’t know how strong it is.

Another day passed and Chen Qi was planning to leave. Saying goodbye to Guda and the others, he moved towards the deep flight ahead in the direction of the Nether Realm entrance opened by the Celestial Divinity Academy.

“Let’s go too. It’s not safe here.”

Chen Qi turned into a light beam and disappeared. Guda Leader looked at the fortress at the scene. It was destroyed anyway, and it was time to move out of position.

Although the Three Headed Demon Race killed them clansman, it was some time since the last thing, but they secretly probed, Three Headed Demon Race is still searching for their whereabouts, so every time, they have to change positions to ensure the final This is the safety of Immemorial Nether Race Bloodline.

And recently, there was a lot of noise here and there. Immortal Saint and Chen Qi fought in front, surely attracted a lot of Demon’s attention. It may also be found that Guda Demon Race stationed here, the sooner you leave, the better.

“Not good. Guda Leader.”

“What’s panic, say slowly.”

Suddenly a Demon rushed over and was covered with injuries. Guda froze. This Demon was a spy he sent out. This Demon had one arm gone, bloody Linlin, and everyone seemed to realize what, complexion greatly changed.

“Not long ago, we secretly noticed the movement of the Three Headed Demon Race and was caught by a Three Headed Demon Race. The others were killed. They sucked our blood and tasted the unique taste of the blood of the Immemorial Nether Race. And Recently, it has also been reported that some of their spies seem to have suspected us. They have sent the Demon Army to destroy us. “

“We’re going now, we have time.”

this Demon talks hard. Guda complexion is ugly and he takes out medicine pill to heal him. “Everyone is ready. Evacuate now.”

“Leader, in which direction are we fleeing? The demons around here are killing, and Three Headed Demon Race is behind, and it is not safe anywhere.”

As soon as this word came out, everyone was silent. There are wars everywhere, and they are indeed dangerous.

“There is a place to go.”

At this point, a Demon General stood out, “It’s just as dangerous there, but it’s safer for us than elsewhere. That’s the entrance to the Nether Realm established by Celestial Divinity Academy.”

“There the Celestial Divinity Academy expert and Nether Realm genius fought against each other. And without the Great Demon Palace influence, we counted 1000000 Demon Army as long as they walked through the Nether Realm Channel and settled in the mountain range in the depths, they can definitely escape the storm, just pass through Celestial The Nether Realm Channel established by Divinity Academy is afraid that Celestial Divinity Academy experts will block us. “

“The Nether Realm Channel established by the Celestial Divinity Academy is a place where the Demon Palace influence is relatively scarce, which is helpful for the disciplinary experience. Many Celestial Divinity Academy disciples are there now, and Three Headed Demon Race should not expect that we will be there . “

Guda Leader thought for a while, “Either way, we will divide into 20 teams and disperse and move, otherwise a large number of actions will definitely cause movement. Keep in touch on the way. As long as you cross the Nether Realm Channel and enter the deep mountain range, you will be out of danger temporarily. “

“It’s not too late, let’s go now.”

A large number of Guda Demon Army dispersed immediately and took refuge in Demon Mountain deep in Nether Realm. Just avoid the Nether Realm Channel on the way and reduce the conflict with the Celestial Divinity Academy disciple. It will definitely be a lot safer in the past.

This is a dangerous move, because if they escape to other places, they will definitely be searched all the way by Three Headed Demon Race. Only there, but the most suitable place. However, if you encounter Celestial Divinity Academy expert, it is also very dangerous.

“I ca n’t think of our Immemorial Nether Race, where we live in such a situation, Antiquity Era Immemorial Nether Race unifies Nether Realm, what awe-inspiring is that, the entire Nether Realm stops chaos of war, it ’s peaceful, but after all, it ca n’t resist the addiction of Nether Realm Demon Blood Heart. There will be a day of destruction. I wonder if our last Nether Race Bloodline will be buried in my Guda? “

Guda’s tall silhouette shows a trace of exhaustion and twilight. He is the Nether Race descendant, adhering to the great mission of Antiquity Era, that is, helping the Nether Realm.

But now he is an old Asura. Although it is comparable to Human Race Great Immortal Venerable, it is difficult for him to complete such a great mission if he wants his old life ascending Heaven. There is almost no dawn.

Don’t say this, it is a big question whether we can live now.

“Leader, don’t think too much about it. We Nether Race is completely down until now. There is no chance of recovery. It is good to survive now.” A Demon General sighed, comforting Leader. Guda nodded, watching all around, cautiously moving forward.

countless Demon Army moved towards moving forward. Guda Fortress, which was just alive just now, is now empty and depressed.


Deep in the Nether Realm, far away from Guda Fortress, a white clothed middle-aged man flying fast over the sky. At this moment, the complexion was cold, and the heavy Rule Power shot down from the sky, each one reaching 1000 miles in length, like a lifeline.

In a flash, all the Demon in the entire Demon Palace were crossed by this rays of light, countless Demon was cut off by the body, and some heads were cut into 2 sections. Among them were Immortal Sovereign and Great of Immortal Venerable Boundary. Demon, but all died under this rays of light.

Demon sends out a terrifying roar, his face full of fear, and the blockbuster falls. Pieces of mountain of corpses blood sea, a bloody scene.

When this silhouette was passed, there was a silence below, the high Great Demon Palace city wall collapsed into a ruin, and 1000000 Demon were all buried here in an instant. both eyes Bewildered, afraid, don’t understand why.

Such a scene is basically presented along with Zhang Tianchen.

“Little bastard, let this Saint find you, let you die!”

Zhang Tianchen became more and more angry, Immortal Saint was angry, rolling over the sky, countless Demon was brutally killed by him.

He is venting his anger!

Thinking of how Chen Qi made him eat 3 times and 5 times, as a Blood Divinity Palace high level, Immortal Saint powerhouse, how can he bear. Normally aloof and remote, but repeatedly humiliated by Chen Qi. It’s like a poisonous stab stuck in my heart.

Moreover, he searched here for a long time, there was no trace of Chen Qi at all, and he did not know where he died. As an Immortal Saint cultivation base, I can only vent his anger again.

If Chen Qi is found, he will without the slightest hesitation erupt all strengths, kill Chen Qi in Nether Realm, no bones will be left, and even throw his soul into the Purgatory Space, never be born again!


ps: Thanks, I am Liu Shao for 12000 books. do not bully extremely the youngster, laugh, and give a shy reward. . The old iron has a reward, plus one more tomorrow and six more. I wish you all a happy holiday. Cool. Haha.


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