Moving forward, Chen Qi goes deeper. In the countless Lava Lake below, you can see more and more Fire Lion children, Fire Snake, and even Fire Dragon.

These Monster Beasts were originally Flame Monster Beasts who ran over when Phoenix corpse fell, and they also wanted to absorb Phoenix Flame.

However, after the formation, they are trapped inside, absorbing the flames of all around to strengthen themselves, because they are born of fire beasts, they will not die. The longer they stay here, the more they can increase strength.

Groups of family disciple, sect disciple, and Monster Beasts who enter here from other places, also hunt these Flame Monster Beasts.

Chen Qi even saw the Demon Sovereign, two horns growing on the head of the horrible Demon. Every time he shot, a huge claw stuck out from behind, hiding the sky and covering the earth. Can kill a lot of Monster Beast.

He even crushed the Monster Beast, put it in his mouth, smashed it, swallowed it in his stomach, and watched all the people tremble. This Demon Sovereign is Demon Sovereign, and the physique is powerful.

“Then Jiang Li didn’t know where to run, so fast.” Chen Qi found that there was no silhouette of Jiang Li in front of him, apparently he had gone to the depths. The speed was so fast. .


Chen Qi saw a Fire Dragon below, Divine King Boundary, leap out, the fire burned the sky, baring fangs and brandishing claws, but grabbed a 7-color big hand from Chen Qi, grabbed him directly, pinched Rule Vibrating, pinching it to death, Continuously Flame Essence enters Chen Qi within the body.

Even Divine Spark was also broken and was quickly absorbed by Chen Qi.

He has absorbed several heads along the way. At this moment, the body finally burst out with a breath of promotion base, and the flames soared.

Breakthrough to Grade 3 True Divinity.

Chen Qi stands in the air, like a Red Bright Battle Divinity, the flames even surpass those of Flame Lion.

Killing these Monster Beasts, his EXP is also growing, and some things have burst, but it is useless.

“Hahaha, continue hunting. According to this momentum, breaking through Divine Monarch is not a problem.” Chen Qi continued hunting. On the way, those who saw Chen Qi absorbed the Spirit Divinity of Flame Monster Beast, each and everyone was stunned.

Because some Spiritual Divinity sits in Void and slowly absorbs those hunted Monster Beasts, but Chen Qi is different. He almost killed Monster Beast in an instant, and Monster Beast within the body entered Chen Qi within the body. , 1000 times faster than them.

Not only that, Divine Spark in the Chen Qi storage ring also appeared one by one, all attached to the body surface of Chen Qi, constantly breaking and absorbing.

Thirteen Rule Powers are growing at the same time.

But among them Fire Attribute is the most powerful.

After an hour of flight, I do n’t know how many Lava Lakes I ’ve passed and how many Monster Beasts I have absorbed. Among them are Divine Monarch, Divine King, and even Divine Sovereign Monster Beast. However, those Divine Sovereign Monster Beasts are not hunted by Chen Qi. Generally They were all captured by the strong Great Divine Sovereign.

However, killing Divine King is great.

After a while, Chen Qi broke through to Grade 4 True Divinity.

From the Spiritual Divinity passing by, I heard the roar of flames from Chen Qi within the body meridian, as if the great waves were boiling, myriad lava was rolling, and my eyes flashed a little fear.

It’s a little unusual that Divine Ability has achieved this.


A Divine King felt this, and suddenly came over. This is a middle-aged man, Grade 4 Divine King Boundary, with a little bit of scum. After coming to Chen Qi, he gave Chen Qi a high look and looked again. Look at Little Chicken and Little Tortoise on Chen Qi’s shoulders.

It was found that Chen Qi was indeed True Divinity. Little Chicken’s cultivation base was too high. He could not see that Little Tortoise was just True Divinity.

This time, this Divine King laughed, “brat, what method did you use to absorb Flame Monster Beast, hand it over, or die.”


Chen Qi, a palm in the past, turned into a thousand zhang 7 lottery hand, and immediately shot to this Divine King. For a while, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the breath of Wei’an was stirred in 4 places, covering this man, and he felt all around instantly. Moving, even the air can’t flow, within the body blood and Divine Spark seem to stop working.

“Impossible, what’s wrong?”

The Divine King man wanted to turn to dodge and found that he couldn’t leave, and was locked by Chen Qi’s air machine. This shock was extremely important, a fear of death had just risen, and this man felt nothing.

Because his body was exploded by Chen Qi’s big hand, the soul was annihilated, and there was only one Flame Divine Spark blooming with rays of light in the air, and even a word could not be said in the future, this Divine King was dead.


Divine Spark flew over. Chen Qi grabbed and played with it, and squeezed it gently. Plundering Technique gave birth to berserk suction. Divine Spark melted at the speed visible by naked eye, and finally became the flame strength of Chen Qi within the body.

“Grass. This True Divinity is terrific. I was ready to shoot just now. Thanks to this dumb fuck Divine King, it’s a step ahead, otherwise I’ll die.”

A lot of Spiritual Divinity in the distance noticed this scene, and started to persevere in a cold sweat, and evaded Chen Qi far away.

In the eyes of everyone, the Divine King man just passed by, shouting a few words, and then settled in the air, and was shot dead by Chen Qi palm. He killed himself almost instantaneously, killing quickly.

“Who dares to hit my mind, this is the end.”

Everyone was embarrassed. Chen Qi flew into the distance instantly, and continued to improve strength, but the deeper the fire, the more the temperature in front. Large areas have all been transformed into red lava.

However, there are also powerful Spiritual Divinity experts who jump directly into lava and hunt Flame Monster Beast in it to get Flame Divine Spark.

The sight was completely distorted, and wherever I looked, there was red, lava fire sea.

Only around Divine Consciousness can you sense all around people, or you can see people roughly in the sky. Extend the hand, the body protection Rule are all sizzled by the temperature, and it seems to break at any time.

“The temperature here is probably reaching 15,000 degrees, tsk tsk.”

Chen Qi was shocked. Suddenly, there was a scream in his ears. Some Divine Monarch powerhouses actually reached here with the help of a magical treasure. Unfortunately, they reached here, and the magical treasure that arrived at the controlling fire was broken. .

Divine Monarch didn’t expect it. He watched the flame burn his body protection and entered within the body. It didn’t blink before he turned into a green smoke rising, even soul and Divine Spark were melted.

However, there is still a little Divine Spark fragment, which was caught by Chen Qi and absorbed on the spot.

Many people have died here. The family influence and sect disciple here all say that there are 100,000 people. Now the death and injury are almost half, and the ones who can live are all experts.

“Hurry up, Phoenix feather!”

Suddenly an exclamation came from the front. Chen Qi looked intently. The Demon Butterfly girl dived down, picked up a palm-sized red feather, burned deep red flames, and twisted all around Void cracks appeared.

This is the real Phoenix Fire, compared to the Phoenix Flame of Chen Qi within the body. It just has a little formidable power.

This Phoenix feather belongs to the fluff inner feather in Phoenix corpse. It is the kind of small feather, strictly speaking, not the real feather of Phoenix. Even so, the formidable power is extremely amazing.

“Little girl, hand over Phoenix feather, Laozi spares you.”

In the distance, several formidable Divine Kings appeared, and they were also a sect influence, but these people did not seem to know that the girl was changed by Demon Butterfly and was a Divine Sovereign powerhouse.

Obviously, they are the ones coming in later. I don’t know the power of Demon Butterfly.

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