“Do you want to grab my stuff?”

The Demon Butterfly girl gave a lovely smile, but there was a trace of evil in that cuteness, “Then you come to grab it. As long as you have this ability.”

“Courting death, girl who is not afraid of death! Impatient of life?”

One of the old man, Grade 7 Divine King, was immediately irritated by the words of the little girl, and suddenly, with the Divine King around him, all kinds of methods appeared, shaking Void, and he was about to kill the little girl.

But at the next moment, a sudden explosion came, but it was the girl’s sip, and a spinning Space Storm suddenly appeared from the back of her throat, extremely overbearing, tearing the Void, and the circumference flame just appeared. And even the air was bounced off.

I saw the divinities screaming screaming, his body was torn by the storm, his head, hands and feet, along with internal organs, blood and water, were all involved in the storm and torn.

The storm was originally invisible and colorless. At this moment, because the blood and water entered it, it became red tornado, all around, the little girl snorted, the storm immediately stopped, and then all around the flame temperature swept over again, and the pool of blood and water was evaporated immediately .

Their blood and water were clean, and Divine Spark was gone, torn apart by the storm. The scene was quiet.

“Fuck, this little girl, awesome.”

Chen Qi looked at the tongue, but the little girl put her eyes in with a playful smile, “Little Brother, this Eminence is older than you. I do n’t know how old. You call this Eminence little girl. I do n’t think you I know the power of this Eminence, but now is not the time to meet you, the next time you call me little girl, I will blow you to death in one breath. “

Demon Butterfly actually blinked, and disappeared as soon as she smoked. I don’t know how to disappear.

Chen Qi hesitated, “I’ll wipe it, this little Lolita, Laozi is going to pinch her little face, and she actually said that I’m Little Brother, and soon, I can match Divine Sovereign. Hehe.”

Chen Qi smiled evilly and suddenly went deep again.

En route, Monster Beast was killed by Chen Qi, and even some people who wanted to be robbed were killed by Chen Qi. Not to mention Chen Qi’s strength, that is, Little Chicken can easily resist any grade of Divine King. So Chen Qi came along and Divine King couldn’t threaten him.

Hong long long !

4 5 flame pythons were killed by Chen Qi fist, one of them appeared Divine Spark, together with the flames of them within the body also became a group of burning fires entering Chen Qi within the body.

His cultivation base is arguably unprecedented.

Promoted directly to Grade 5 True Divinity.

A breath burst from her body, and Little Chicken was shocked. Chen Qi was originally strong, but now it has been enhanced too much.


On the way forward, Chen Qi’s eyes moved and he suddenly found that under a lava, there was a hot wave, not only he felt it, but also several Divine King passing by.


Chen Qi jumped directly into it, deepened at least 1000 meters all the way, and then saw the depth of the ground below. There was actually a Phoenix feather, a feather of red, palm size, quietly lying on the bottom of the lava, but all around there The space crack, and the red flame burning, are just the high-temperature heat waves that line out the lava, forming a vacuum zone.

The circleference 100 meters of Phoenix feather is a vacuum zone, without any lava and air, and feather circumference ten meters is a large group of red flames.

The high temperature is the most powerful of all flames that Chen Qi has ever seen, definitely the Phoenix Flame of Geneva.

If such a feather is thrown into the Star Domain of Immortal Realm and detonated, there is no doubt that a Star Domain countless planet will be exploded into countless powder.

“This feather belongs to Laozi. Whoever robs me will kill anyone.”

Suddenly Chen Qi shout loudly, flew directly over, grabbed his hands, and went deep into the vacuum zone, but to his surprise, his Rule ’s big hand just entered and there was a stagnation. The heat wave forced by the vacuum zone seemed like a repulsive force Hindered.

Dozens of Divine King powerhouses appeared next to him, each and everyone breath overflowing heaven, staring at the flame feather, full of bloodshot, not only Chen Qi was snatching, they were angry and yelled at Chen Qi , Want to snatch this Phoenix feather.

But like Chen Qi, this state has been slowed down.

“Brat, Hong Family Young Master is here, all give way.”

Beside, a silhouette immediately appeared next to Chen Qi, jumping from the top, speeding fast.

This is a youngster. Judging from his breath, it is Grade 1 Divine Sovereign, which is the Hong Family disciple, Hong Tao that scares everyone. It is also a very very ruthless youngster with handsome eyes, but both eyes are sharp, with a cold stare at Chen Qi.

“Not good, this is Hong Family Hong Tao, we can’t afford to offend.”

Several Divine Kings immediately resigned, not only strength was not Hong Tao’s opponent, but most importantly, the family background of this person was an extremely horrible influence. It can be seen from the eyes of everyone who was jealous of all around that this person was easily Can’t provoke. Otherwise, it will cause death.

Hong Tao was Grade 1 Divine Sovereign, and everyone around him saw him and retreated. There was a smug smugness in the corner of Hong Tao’s mouth. This kind of thing was already the norm. Finally, he looked at Chen Qi, but found that Chen Qi was still snatching, and he didn’t let it go.

“Impudent, Little True Divinity, you are striking a stone with an egg. Believe it or not, I kill you.” Hong Tao issued a gluttonous drink, but Chen Qi was still moving forward.


The sound of ice-cold was so loud that the speed of Hong Tao Grade 1 Divine Sovereign erupted. Like a sharp arrow, it flew immediately, increasing the speed, actually surpassing Chen Qi.

Ok? Chen Qi frowned, who was about to approach Phoenix feather, but this Hong Tao was faster than him, so he had to wrap the feather in Rule, and once he was caught, he failed.

“Just because you have a True Divinity, you also snatched it from me, Hong Tao. Have you snatched it?” Hong Tao sneered, already determined to win.

But at this moment, Chen Qi fingered a little.

Time Acceleration !


An antiquity sound came out, and a vast ripple suddenly came to this Space, covering Chen Qi and the vacuum zone in front, forming a straight Channel, accelerating Time Flow Speed. Like radio, at the moment Hong Tao was about to grab, Chen Qi’s hand grabbed the past. Immediately pinch the Phoenix feather, suddenly there was a feeling of melting in the hand.


Suddenly, Phoenix feather was caught by Chen Qi and received a storage ring.

After a flash, Chen Qi was leaving, but Divine Sovereign Hong Tao was already furious. Chen Qi was provoking his prestige, and his sin was unforgivable. Hong Tao both eyes flashed a little breath. Suddenly backed out, and now Chen Qi Power of Time dissipated, speed exceeded by him, intercepted in front of him.

Suddenly, Hong Tao hit palm. Shocking mountain and rivers, splitting it over.

Hong long!

The world of star cluster is coming, Chen Qi is also fist, this lava land explodes, the lava is flying all over the sky, and it is shaking everywhere, but what shocked Hong Tao is that Chen Qi actually only took a few steps back, safe and sound, He didn’t die.

“Everyone, stop me!”

At the order of Hong Tao, dozens of Divine Kings in the surroundings showed a little hesitation, but under the threat of Hong Tao, they immediately made a choice and prepared to help kill Chen Qi together so that they could survive.

This Hong Tao they can’t offend because the Hong Family is an antiquity family that rivals the Patron Saint Divine Dynasty.

Hong Tao is the eighteenth genius, the very bottom of the family, not to mention the genius disciple on it, all are direct lineage, even more terrifying, and even the Terrory of their Hong Family is nothing less than Patron Saint Divine Dynasty, entrenched in a Divine Realm Foreign Dimension Space, where generations are descendants of the Hong Family, family expert, vast crowd.

If anyone offends the Hong Family, it’s like hornet’s nest.

The number has reached 10000000 million. Not to mention their family’s servants, slaves, or experts. That’s even more.

It has been from Divine Realm antiquity to this day, and its stubbornness of Life Strength and the founding of its foundation, Patron Saint Divine Dynasty dare not move him easily.

It is also the colossus of Divine Realm. It is even rumored that family has a powerhouse that surpasses Divine Emperor. Who dares to rebel?

Suddenly, a Hong Family expert, in conjunction with Hong Tao, dozens of Divine King powerhouse present, attacked Chen Qi together. At least 60 people, each Murderous intention 4 overflow, Rule surrounds the body, becomes a light body, the whole body is shining.

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