“FTop Grade Mecha? Whoops, so powerful? Hahahaha, Laozi still chops you.”

Chen Qi stared at the Mecha, and laughed, Kaite Aoli said with a sneer, “I see you will laugh out without waiting, dumbass. Come on, Laser Cannon, 1000 hair!”

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ shua ~.

Suddenly, countless pipes on Mecha sprayed violent rays of light, which stored a large amount of gunpowder and laser energy. Immediately, such as Myriad Sword erupted and fused together and shot at Chen Qi, but Chen Qi master With a wave, Power of Faith forms a bright screen, resisting all shots, and at the same time sword splits in the past, blasting the laser.

“Brothers, work hard! Click cats.”

Chen Qi passed a voice into the universe, everyone’s in mind, Chen Qi’s voice rang out in their minds.

“Relax your mind completely, faith my Chen Qi, the more powerful my Power of Faith will be to defeat the enemy, young people, you ca n’t do anything for me! As long as your faith is religious, I will defeat him.”

Buzz ~ Buzz ~.

When trillion creatures heard this, they immediately became more faithful. Faith Chen Qi, Chen Qi is to protect their Divinity of Universe spirit, Savior. For a time, everyone seemed to be hit with stimulants, great waves, white waves of white power of Faith from Void. Penetrate out and enter within the body of Chen Qi.

“Hahahaha, so cool, so cool. Damn you.”

Sword of Faith in the hands of Chen Qi swelled as if there were no margins, 4 shots.


A large area in front of Laser Cannon collapsed. This sword slashed a loud explosion on Mecha, and Mecha was repelled by several hunted li.


Chen Qi flew over step by step, again it was sword, peng ~ peng ~ peng ~, chopped on Mecha, the sky stirred myriad waves, like the Universe battle, the destruction of energy everywhere.

“I rely, this brat, really strong.”

Beixuan Immortal Venerable was shocked to see Chen Qi holding back Sword of Faith to beat Mecha back.

Everyone present was shocked.

But at this moment, Kaite Aoli’s expression was angry, and her heart moved, triggering a huge energy cannon to launch. On Mecha’s head, a transparent glass appeared, and a sudden buzzing sound was directed at Chen. Qi, inspiring a powerful mirror light, cutting all living things, the hole came through.

This is Mecha’s other energy artillery shell, a light combination of strength.

But the moment he came, he was still killed by Chen Qi.

Two people kept fighting in the air, and in the end, they couldn’t help each other.

Suddenly at this moment, Chen Qi pours all the energy into the hands of Sword of Faith, the rays of light of that sword are unprecedentedly bright, Chen Qi This is a desperate blow, focusing all the gathered faith energy on Together, they suddenly hit the past.


Mecha keeps exploding, floating up and down in the chaotic energy, but this Mecha is tenacious, I do n’t know what materials to build, but it is not broken, even if the Mecha has smoked, but it has not been destroyed, all functions are still working as usual .

“Hahaha, brat, I’m afraid you didn’t think of how strong the Mecha defense of Laozi is? This is a planet that can extract a pound of meteor blue sand and build a defense. If you want to build this Mecha, you don’t know how much the special planet consumes. materials, how can you break it? Let me see the battle form of Mecha and transform! “


In the eyes of everyone’s surprise, the tall Mecha suddenly took apart 4 places, and then continued to rotate, the different parts began to connect, and finally became larger, and became a rampant ferocious beast combat form.

The people were shocked.

This battle form is like a huge Fierce Tiger, but all four limbs are equipped with sharp white blades. The whole person stands on the Void, such as a Great Desolate Monster Tiger. The tail is a sharp blade with a gun shape and a black barb. The entire shape is ten thousand zhang in size.

Kaite Aoli is among them, and I can’t see the silhouette anymore. I don’t know what I thought was a ferocious beast, not Mecha.

On Fierce Tiger’s head, both eyes are gun barrels, noses are Laser Cannon, and large mouths are high-level transmitters that can spray intense energy and fly upside down. There is also a transmitter in the sentence of Fierce Tiger’s sentence. Below the abdomen, on the back, all fires are blowing at this moment. With Kaite’s mind manipulation, you can move around in 4 places. This Mecha speed exceeds Heavenly Venerate.

even more how This Kaite combines this Mecha training with his body and mind, perfect control, all black technology methods.

“It’s over, this defense, this attack, this speed!”

Everyone saw the Fierce Tiger flipping up and down, emitting flames, and flying fast. It was impossible to see where the person was, even Divine Consciousness was a little difficult to capture.

Heavenly Venerate Zhang Kuang complexion dumbstruck, “This is the Mecha of the Float Gate Universe! The battle form!”

“Well, I have also heard that this is a black tech, extremely terrifying. Once transformed, the perfect combat form, the combat capability soars, it is difficult to be broken.”

Northern Black Heavenly Venerate is also body trembled.

“I’m afraid this Mecha is not smaller than the formidable power of Main Battleship. The blade is a special material, which cannot be broken by Ruler Divine Artifact. Chen Qi is in trouble. This is a Mecha specifically for battle. If you don’t pay attention, you may be attacked by the blade. It was cut into fragments, and if you noticed that, the blade is poisonous. “

Azure Heaven Heavenly Venerate This youngster was startled and saw that there was white fluid on the blade, which was a deadly poison, white. This is the same as if he had entered the Float Gate Great Universe before, if an accidentally cut a small wound I am afraid that even soul will be impregnated.

He used to go to several Heavenly Venerates in the Float Gate Universe together, and was cut by a person who transformed into Battle Mecha. The white venom, along with soul and body, Divine Spark was tarnished and terrible.

The tech in this universe can kill Heavenly Venerate. So they are strong.

Heaven’s Mystery Daoist complexion is pale, also said, “This defense, we Heavenly Venerate can not be broken, because materials and the Main Battleship are almost the same. This offensive and defensive Mecha, Chen Qi can’t deal with it, or we should go together.”

“No, I already bet with him, this brat wants my Nine Yang Heaven’s Heart Flame, I’ll see if he can do it, this brat is arrogant, let him take a defeat and ask for humiliation, or both sides suffer , We are shooting. “

youngster said with a sneer.

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