“This Mecha is really powerful. Chen Qi is hardly an opponent.”

Everyone knows that Chen Qi may not be able to deal with it. However, at this moment, Chen Qi ’s Power of Faith broke out of difficult difficult to deal with, and the white light shone, constantly attacking, and fighting with Mecha, but that Mecha was too fast and made elusive.


Suddenly, Sharing Qi of Chen Qi was turned on, with a buzz, in his World it became a light screen of red, and everyone around became a red, seeing clearly.

Sharingan can calculate the next move of a person based on the traces of the person’s movement. This is a horrible pupil. Adding Chen Qi to infuse the Space-Time Rule into both eyes has even enhanced this function.


Chen Qi moved, appeared in a position, suddenly slashed out.

“What is he doing? No one there, he’s stupid.”

Heavenly Venerate Zhang Kuang shaking one’s head, but then there was a bang. He … what did he do? It was Mecha.

How is it possible, how does he know Mecha’s next move, will he budget, I rely.

The people were shocked, this was impossible, but they saw that Chen Qi shot Void every time, and just word slashed out. There was no one there, but Mecha suddenly appeared and was cut. This means that Chen Qi judged Mecha’s location in advance.

Kaite man complexion was surprised, what happened to this brat, his eyes can judge my position in advance, it’s ok.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~.

The two sides are fighting all around. Although Chen Qi’s attack is not as good as him, he can’t help Chen Qi because Chen Qi can evade and attack in advance. In this way, he can’t cause fatal injuries to Chen Qi.

After half an hour, the Kaite man was completely useless, but a sudden laugh came, “How about, you dying, you can’t attack me, but my attack can fall on you.”

“So how can you hurt me, dumbass, my strength is not bad, and with Mecha, how can you beat me? Hahahaha, you ca n’t help me, my Mecha is full of energy, I think you can When will the battle take place? “

“Really.” Chen Qi smiled suddenly. “It looks like you’re going to be disappointed, Plundering Technique, burst!”

Suddenly, Chen Qi thought about it, suddenly grabbed his hands, and a huge Void vortex appeared in front of him. These vortices emitted terrible suction and strangling strength.

“Can this kill me?”

Kaite sneered. But then he dumbstruck.

I saw the plunder vortex swell to an extremely scary level, like a Black Hole, counting ten thousand zhang circumference. Almost all of Qi Qi’s Spirit Power and Little Hei’s strength are used.

If this is the case, there is nothing wrong with Mecha’s eruption speed, but Chen Qi infused all the gathered Power of Faith and white’s invisible strength into the Plundering Technique, and suddenly, continuously rotated to form a huge white The ball of faith.

The ball was extremely tall, like blazing sun, spinning at a high speed, and was caught by Chen Qi in his hands, holding it in vain. It looked as if Chen Qi was holding blazing sun, which was extremely infiltrating.

“Oh my god. Good terrifying. What a trick.”

People are surprised.

In fact, this is one of Chen Qi’s strongest tricks. The Plundering Technique itself is his bottom line, but it consumes a lot of spirit. Once it is displayed at this moment, there is a Spirit blessing from Little Hei, which immediately shows a powerful method. .

The high-speed spinning faith ball almost presents a plunder speed, madly pulling the Power of Faith of the trillion creature, becoming extremely magnificent.

Just created one, and then Chen Qi gave birth to another white cyclone in his left hand, one was a forward spin, and the other was a counter spin.

Chen Qi issued a long howl, as if holding sun, moon, stars in his hands, and threw these two big white balls in an instant.


Two large white balls crossed a huge straight line and chased to a nothingness position, but Chen Qi judged Kaite’s next foothold in advance. After throwing there, Kaite just appeared, the white ball appeared in front of him, both eyes dumbstruck.


Two white balls touched together, two completely different strengths met each other, an unprecedented strength broke out, tearing the Star River, and destroying the universe in general.

The huge cyclone exploded as soon as it touched, and the shock wave burst, and Heavenly Venerate all around was blown off by the exploding ripples.

This is not only the strength of the cyclone, but also the powerful Power of Faith, which destroys everything. Immediately, the Mecha was torn apart and broken apart. In Kaite ’s horror both eyes, it actually exploded and Monster Beast was gone. Now, there was only one Kaite who screamed screaming, his body was constantly exploding, and blood was flowing out.

The countless battleship of all around also swept through it. The countless people screamed and were destroyed by the shock wave. The battleship each and everyone exploded, which looked extremely gorgeous in the starry sky.

Whether it is a large battleship or a small battleship, the people of the Kaite Family are buried.

The Kaite Aoli, whose eyes were terrified, was a watch on his wrist, and the watch immediately blew out a nothingness ripple, covering his already broken flesh body.

“Laozi will come back, you’re paralyzed, Chen Qi, you’ll wait for Laozi. Laozi won’t kill you if you don’t kill you.”

Kaite used life-saving secret art, escaped the watch, and disappeared instantly through Space-Time. This thing can only be used once, but it was used at the moment, which made Kaite feel very ashamed.

He disappeared, the battleship of all around turned into a wreckage starry sky, and the mighty attackers were all destroyed at this moment.

Of course, except for that Kaite escaped.

However, this Kaite was seriously injured, and it may take a while to recover.

Chen Qi didn’t care, he would go to the Bordering Great Universe to rescue his father and must to save him. His father was his adoptive father. After reincarnation, he became his biological father. My father suffered in the Bordering Great Universe. As long as he broke through Heavenly Venerate and was in control of the entire universe, the day would soon come, when the time comes he would destroy the Kaite Family. Revenge for his father.

Chen Qi coughed a little blood, but smiled.

Just a trick, it consumes too much spirit, making him a little bit sluggish. At this moment, the entire Universe trillion creature, Myriad Planes, sees the enemy being repelled by Chen Qi, and sends out myriad cheers, a hint of faith constantly emerges, actually in Fix his injuries.

“Okay.” Chen Qi is overjoyed. After this time, the Power of Faith he gathered has reached a rather scary level. The countless creature has regarded Chen Qi as a Savior, and instilled Power of Faith all the time.

This is his biggest gain, apart from this, is Nine Yang Heaven’s Heart Flame.

“Really defeated?”

“What was the move just now, really strong.”

“Didn’t expect Chen Qi also hid this killing move. Fortunately, Laozi didn’t deal with him.” Heavenly Venerate Zhang Kuang at this moment was a cold sweat, and he really admired Chen Qi’s method. They could not repel the enemy, but Chen Qi Rejected.

Northern Black Heavenly Venerate is also a stun, good brat, really fight off the enemy?

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