“What is the Bordering Universe? The old man is not clear.”

Chen Qi originally thought that this old man would know what level the Bordering Universe belonged to, and who knew he didn’t know, which was a little surprising.

“Who told you that this World divides many Universe Ranks.”

“When the old man traveled around other worlds, I found an ancient book record, which was a bit broken, but clearly said that our universe of this area is at best just a 9th Rank Universe.

As for what area bordering is and what level it reaches, the ancient book is very broken, not at all gets a specific range record. “

old man said:

“However, it is certain that the 1st Rank Universe is beyond your imagination and cannot be imagined by the Bordering Universe. It is a universe where you ca n’t see much. Even if your strength is strong, you ca n’t feel it. It’s a bubble world because it can’t be seen outside. It’s too big.

Even if you want to fly out of this universe, you have to count ten million years. Do you say this universe is big? “

so awesome than?

Chen Qi heart startled. I drop obediently, how many ten million years does it take to fly out?

It doesn’t matter what level or level it is, he cares more about the powerhouse in the Bordering Universe.

“According to your meaning, there are many powerhouses in bordering, Jun Tianji is one of them, and palm can defeat you, putting it that way. This Bordering Universe is very dangerous. One is not good. If those powerhouses suddenly want one day, Against us, would n’t it be fist, how could it be, grass! “

Chen Qi suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

This will not work.

“Why, do you want to protect this universe?”

Old man suddenly said.

“Well, of course, my loved ones, wives, and friends are all in this universe. If they were destroyed, wouldn’t they have to finish playing? So, no one can harm this universe. Unfortunately, your strength No, otherwise it will be a great help. “

Chen Qi shaking one’s head.


old man laughed, sighed:

“It is indeed old man didn’t expect, there is Person beyond the Person, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, then Jun Tianji is so powerful, one is so scary, I am afraid it will be a few more.

You want to protect this universe, the best way is not to offend them. Moreover, this is not the whole strategy. “

“I’ve offended. I killed their people.”

“I know. So, do you want to become Celestial and become the most powerful person in this universe to resist them, then you are wrong.

Even if you become a ruler of this universe, it is useless and not his opponent.

During my period of Strong Peak, it was definitely better than you, but the result was still defeated by that man, what do you think. “

The old man sighed, “You want to protect your family, you might as well take them away.”

“Leave? If you leave, wouldn’t it consume Divine Power within the body every day, and in the end I would have nothing but the strength of the body, then I ca n’t protect the other World, should I start again? Faster! “

Chen Qi naturally did not want to scrap everything that was painstakingly cultivated.

“By the way, I think you have Absolute Beginning Qi here, a lot!”

Suddenly, Chen Qi both eyes shined, staring at all the white Absolute Beginning Qi floating around here, very eager.

“What do you brat think? This is the energy of the old man and cannot absorb it, otherwise the old man drink the northwest wind?”

old man rolled the eyes.

“Then I destroy you.”

“Wait, wait, brat, you brat is not kind, if you cultivate Acting Cool Divine Art, if the old man dropped Divine Thunder directly at that time, and will hack you to death, can you still live to this day?”


Chen Qi remembered that when he was performing the Loser Counterattack Acting Cool Divine Art, the old man sound that appeared deep in the sky was this person. It’s kind of interesting to think about it.

“But that’s just the avatar of the old man, not the old man true body. This is a natural manifestation of the Heavenly Dao Rule. The cultivation technique of your cultivation is the one that touches the Heavenly Dao Rule, so the old man will appear.

However, it is useless to say these things now. Your brat has grown up and can threaten me. I knew that today, you should have beheaded you! “

Old man sighed.

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