“what did you say?”

The old man thought he had heard it wrong, but then he reacted, face changed, almost spitting blood, “You brat just want the old man to die!”

“Hahaha, just kidding, but I see you spraying it like this, Absolute Beginning Qi is also wasteful to let go. Why don’t you give it to me and let me absorb it all and become strong, wouldn’t it be better?

Chen Qi said with a smile.

He knows that Absolute Beginning Qi is the strength of the old man, and he spit it out because within the body, the injury is tumbling, but even if it spit out, it is also the energy associated with the old man. Without his permission, Chen Fan wanted devouring. It will be much more difficult.

Equivalently, this is what has the Lord.

“The old man was seriously injured in the past. After so many years, it is still not good, and he will get sick from time to time. It is too uncomfortable. You are right, this thing is a waste here, but why can I give it to you?”

Old man.

“I can kill you now, are you robbing?”


The old man really has nothing to say, but he is not Chen Qi’s opponent. He now has energy but no ability to cast.

Everything about him was injured by the Jun Tianji powerhouse. Divine Soul has been greatly affected.

“It’s better to be my disciple. I can give you energy. Anyway, tell you the truth, I can’t live long. You, take the next Universe Celestial.”

The old man’s complexion faded a lot, hesitating for a while, as if going through endless vicissitudes.

He added, “Actually, I could have killed everything that threatened my existence, but do you know why I didn’t do that?”


“Because, I’ve been dying, this universe needs a controller, and you are the best one.

Originally, I was not optimistic about you at first, but your brat actually integrated the system of the Bordering Universe, which was beyond the expectations of the old man.

Your system is not unusual, and you have also shown a good innate talent. In addition to that system, I think your potential is still very large. Now you are just a tiny person in the universe myriad powerhouse. And we need to continue to grow. “

“Only by being stronger can we protect your loved ones. Our universe, maybe the powerhouses of the Bordering Universe, may dispel us when we are unhappy. This is very likely.”

“You mean, you wanted to find a successor, right?”

Chen Qi was surprised joyfully said.

“Yes, that’s it. It’s just that old man has been this Universe Number One Person for so many years, and suddenly it’s a bit reluctant to be inferior, but the current situation is the only one. Will you be my disciple?”

old man with both eyes staring at Chen Fan, “If you want, I can give you all my energy.”

“So, what about you?”



old man laughed:

“Since you took over, I have suffered an incurable serious injury. Only dead end, early death and later death are the same. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about my business. No one can save me.

“I’m willing to be your disciple, Master.”

Chen Qi immediately agreed.

Do n’t forget it, it ’s just a few words of Master. This old man is the Universe ’s Number One Powerhouse, which is a few Ancestor eighteen generations higher than Chen Fan in terms of rank.

It’s a good deal.

“Hahahaha, good! From now on, old man is your master, and you are the first disciple of old man. Remember, the dharma name of old man is called Revend Overflowing Heaven.”

The old man had three good words in a row, seeming to be extremely happy, and then suddenly took a mouthful, a continuously strength burst out from his mouth, all of which were white rays of light energy group, Absolute Beginning Qi.

Chen Qi looked scalp tingling, too many fucks, right?

I saw densely packed white light clusters in front, and some even had several dozen li circumference, hundred li circumference, but in this vast space bright sea, it still looks very small.

But these pure energies are too terrifying.

It can be said that this piece of energy can allow a mortal to directly ascension to the sum of the energy of Divine Realm. With so much energy, how many Spiritual Divinity and how much Heavenly Venerate must be cultivated?

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