After a long time, moe girl checked it again and was surprised: “Chen Qi, this is not a broken dantian, it is really a special physique!”

“What system?” Chen Qi became interested.

“This is the Myriad Leakage Physique that is rarely seen in the universe for 100,000 years.” The moe girl was also a little shocked.

And in the fog of Hao Nan, he felt that there were 2 strengths in his within the body to check, and Chen Qi seemed to be communicating with someone and thinking about what.

“Myriad Leakage Physique, the name sounds awesome. Little White, what is Myriad Leakage Physique?” Chen Qi wondered.

“Chen Qi, don’t call me Little White.”

“You’re so white, don’t call you Little White, it will make you big white.”

“You! Forget it, don’t care about you.”

The moe girl appeared to Chen Qi’s mind as a little girl with very pale skin and a little annoyed at the moment, but after thinking about it, she continued:

“The so-called Myriad Leakage Physique is a kind of physique that any energy can dissipate quickly in his dantian. This kind of dantian does not store energy. However, if the cultivation body Refining Technique of this physique is brought out the best in each other, the effect is surprising. Block is amazing! “

“Body Refining Technique?”

“Yes, it’s the Body Refining Technique. Because it is Myriad Leakage Physique, you cannot condense Immortal Power, but you can miss Immortal Power from Dantian and enter the entire limbs and 4 skeletons. The endless cycle becomes the situation of the temporary physical body.”

“If he cultivates the Immortal Method, Immortal Power does not condense the body, it will be missed and the boundary will never be improved, but through the Body Refining Technique, it can form a loop on its own, with the leaking dantian as the foundation, connecting dantian with the body. , Let Immortal Power walk around Eight Extraordinary Meridians, tempering fleshy body, and condense countless Immortal Qi particles in fleshy body.

In the end, until he mastered Rule Power, so was cultivation into Rule Physique, and the fleshhy body proved that he could also become a powerhouse. “

“Because of the abandonment of Immortal Technique, repairing the Body Refining Technique, only Rule Power can be performed through the fleshy body. The fleshy body is forged like ten thousand refinements steel. Water-Fire does not invade, even faster than some ordinary Immortal cultivation. Strength progress rapid progress. It is a rare physique. “

The moe girl said a lot in a row, Chen Qi was surprised. “Doesn’t this mean that Hao Nan’s dantian will not only hinder his cultivation, if he repairs the Body Refining Technique, it will be even more horrible?”

“Well, his physique is actually a little worse than that of Tang Qianxue’s Five Elements Physique, but it should not be underestimated. In the future, cultivation will be high and very powerful. If there are more rare materials that provide Body Refining, it can theoretically be more Strong. Even like Five Elements Physique. He repairs Body Refining Technique and is several times stronger than ordinary Immortal’s innate talent. “

The moe girl continued: “But it is worth mentioning that this Body Refining Technique is probably not a Celestial Sovereign Immortal World at all. Most of the Celestial Sovereign Immortal World is the Immortal Technique of cultivation, and it is impossible to sell the Body Refining Technique. “

“What should I do?”

“I have a cultivation technique” Myriad Refining Stars Martial Divinity Secret Art “that is more suitable for this kind of physical cultivation. I can buy this book for his cultivation with Resolution Points. But this secret book is not cheap.” Moe girl said with a smile.

“Myriad Refining Stars Martial Divinity Secret Art?”

Chen Qi heard this word and thought this cultivation technique was absolutely amazing. Chen Qi immediately opened the system and looked up. Sure enough, in the secret book column, in the countless multi-colored secret book, there is a 10000 stars Martial Divinity recipe.

This cultivation technique belongs to the higher level cultivation technique, which is the Emperor Level cultivation technique. But the price is not so scary at all.

In the column of the system secret book, the general Emperor Level cultivation technique is very expensive, such as what Shui Mu Di Gong, 1000 autumn and 10000 generations, and so on, but Chen Qi has the cultivation techniques of “Vermilion Bird Burning World Secret Art”. It’s not eye-catching, but nevertheless, these cultivation techniques are all immortal real-world first rate decisions, which should not be underestimated. The value is above 1 billion.

And this “10000 Stars Martial Divinity Recipe” only needs 2 million Reputation Points, the reason is very simple, this is an cultivation technique that ordinary Immortal does not cultivate, and generally speaking people who can cultivate Immortal Technique do not cultivate this kind of cultivation technique.

Not only because there are few people who can cultivation, but also because there are not many suitable people, but Hao Nan’s physique is more suitable.

And need to endure the torture of ordinary people unimaginable. Cultivation often requires tempering fleshy body, washing with waterfalls, sweeping by storms, and even cultivation to high places. You need to go to the starry sky to find the fine sand and gravel storm exercises in the universe.

This condition alone cannot stand the average person. The demand for this cultivation technique is not high, so it is not expensive. Can be considered unique.

The cultivation technique is to make the inside of the body Immortal Qi completely converted to a solid state and save within the body, like stars particles are stored until the entire physical body becomes steel muscles iron bones, which can burst into a strong formidable power.

“Hao Nan, congratulations, your physique is not a regret, but a rare Myriad Leakage Physique. It is really rare.” Chen Qi said with a smile. Hao Nan was told everything.

Hao Nan’s ecstasy from the beginning, to the end, he is a rare Myriad Leakage Physique, suitable for cultivation Body Refining Technique?

This is something that he absolutely didn’t expect, that is to say, his cultivation Body Refining Technique can be as powerful or even stronger than those of Immortal, but this question comes, how can he have any Body Refining Technique, and in Celestial Sovereign Immortal World Body Refining Technique is rare. He couldn’t even afford it.

Hao Nan was downcast and felt surprised.

“Hao Nan, I have a secret art that suits you, but this secret art needs to endure the torture of ordinary people. It requires regular exercise with fleshhy body, and various bitter cultivation to train fleshhy body. The process is very painful. If you If you are willing to accept, I will give it to you.

And you cultivate this cultivation technique, using your Myriad Leakage Physique, the effect can be countless times more than ordinary people, to achieve the effect of cultivation rapid progress. Be your good fortune. “

Chen Qi.

“Endure the torture of ordinary unimaginable?”

Hao Nan shuddered, but immediately became overjoyed, and the voice became trembling: “As long as I can cultivate, I can bear all the hardships, I’m not afraid of anything, I’m afraid that I will not work hard to get the strength improvement. technique, I can bear any pain! “

Hao Nan was so excited that both eyes were hot.

You can see that Hao Nan wants it. In Hao Nan’s memory, he was basically a waste since he was a child. His desire for strength surpassed anyone!

Now that he has such an opportunity, he says he doesn’t want to give up. He was willing to suffer even more.

He has spent his entire life in humiliation, countless times. He longed to be strong in his heart. His requirements are not high, and normal cultivation is just as immortal. As far as Principle Golden Immortal is concerned, it is already a remarkable achievement.

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