As for other Principle Celestial Immortal, Immortal Monarch and other boundary, he could not imagine, after all, below Celestial Immortal has been for a long time, there is a sense of weakness in his heart, it is difficult for him to break through that level, ascending Heaven .

But now, Chen Qi has revealed to him that as long as he cultivates this cultivation technique, he can reach the cultivation speed of rapid progress. Doesn’t this mean that he is expected to become a Principle Celestial Immortal or even an Immortal Monarch in the future?

Hao Nan felt like he was in a dream.

Chen Qi can also see Hao Nan’s inner desire.

2 million Reputation Points …

Chen Qi thought about it, Hao Nan was also his own, and he couldn’t be stingy.

Chen Qi immediately purchased this cultivation technique and handed a deep blue secret book to Hao Nan. Hao Nan’s tears are grateful. He opened the secret book. Although he didn’t know much about it, it can be seen that this secret book is definitely not an ordinary thing. Some of the things recorded in it are very profound.

“This is an Emperor Level Body Refining Technique. 10000000 Do n’t pass it on, otherwise it will bring you the scourge of death. Although the Body Refining Technique Immortal Realm has very little demand, it must be of great value. What will you find in the future? Me. “

“What? Emperor Level High Grade cultivation technique!” Hao Nan was a little hard to believe in his ears. What is the concept of Emperor Level?

He knows something about Immortal Realm, even the secret book is divided into Human, Earth, Heaven, Sacred, Emperor levels. Generally, Immortal masters people, Earth Level, and ability to master Heaven Level. Others are rare. Immortal, the Sacred Level above, or even Emperor Level, is a treasure that is impossible for ordinary Immortal.

This precious Emperor Level cultivation technique is that even if he sells his entire Hao Family, he can’t afford a book page, but now this treasure is held in the hands of Hao Nan. For a while, Hao Nan had a kind of illness or not. Sober feeling.

This dream is too much, right?

But he stomped his leg and felt a terrible pain. He was definitely not dreaming.

“Chen Qi, great kindness, thank you! From now on, my Hao Nan’s life is Brother Chen’s. In the future, as long as Brother Chen has one sentence, go through water and tread on fire, and do not hesitate!”

Hao Nan took this secret book as if gaining the most precious treasure, and then faced Chen Qi cup one fist in the other hand, the complexion was flushed with red.

“I don’t need you to go through water and tread on fire. It is enough for you to have this heart. Okay, go on. I have 1,000,000 Immortal Stones here. You can take Immortal Stone cultivation. You are Myriad. Leakage Physique, with this secret book, future achievements will not be worse than anyone, you Hao Nan, no longer a waste, destined to become the genius of Immortal Realm. And, from now on, I cover you, you do n’t have Any worries. Go on. “

“This!” Hao Nan took the storage ring of 1,000,000 Immortal Stone, and his head was completely stunned. Chen Qi not only gave him the secret book, but also gave him 1,000,000 Immortal Stone, which is 100 Immortal Stone.

Most importantly, Chen Qi was so protective of him. With Chen Qi, who will he fear in Wide Origin City in the future?

He didn’t expect him to have a day of turning over Hao Nan too!


Hao Nan’s excitement couldn’t be suppressed, and he sweared in his heart. He vowed that he had never been so excited in his life, he would develop in the future!

Hao Nan took the Immortal Stone and secret book and ran downstairs. The complexion became red. He couldn’t be thankful for Chen Qi. He could only make an all-out effort to entertain guests in this shop. At the same time, he was familiar with this cultivation technique in his mind.

After Hao Nan left, Chen Qi lay in bed hu hu and fell asleep. The tired spirit has only relaxed now and fell asleep immediately.

The day passed and Chen Qi woke up.

He sat on the bed on the second floor, and one after another multi-colored Rule Crystal Stone appeared in front of him. Chen Qi found hundreds of Water Attribute Rule Crystal Stones in it, and planned to put these Water Attribute Rule Crystal Stones first. absorb.

Under the absorption of Absorbing Stars Great Technique, Chen Qi absorbs Rule Crystal Stone faster than ordinary Immortal. I don’t know how many times. It is completely devouring.

And, now he is the boundary of Great Principle Golden Immortal. With the enhancement of Immortal Power, the strength of this secret art has also been improved.

Today, Chen Qi has made such a big thing, and my heart is a little unreliable. I still need to quickly raise the cultivation base boundary and run my own store. Provide him with Continuously Rule Crystal Stone cultivation, let him condense out Rule Power faster, and reach Dao Fruit’s boundary.

Once all Rule Powers are all condense into Dao Fruit, Chen Qi ’s strength will be changed dramatically, because once Immortal Realm Chen Qi is successful, it is definitely the only person who can condense out so many Rule Dao Fruit Immortals.

Ka-cha !

One after another Rule Crystal Stone began to shatter in Chen Qi’s hands, and the turbulent ripples followed Chen Qi’s arm into his within the body, and finally the condense belonged to the position of the Water Attribute Rule light group.

His Water Attribute Rule Power is being enhanced.

Two days passed, during this period Chen Qi absorbed the Rule Crystal Stone and nourished the Immortal Burning Nether Fire in his dantian with Immortal Power. Until now, Immortal Burning Nether Fire has slowly recovered from the damaged state.

Hundreds of Rule Crystal Stones have also been absorbed by Chen Qi and become powders. The rule in the mind is getting stronger and stronger.

Under the induction of Chen Qi, his mind can be said to shine with 9 different sizes and different colors of Rule light clusters, the small ones are as big as the nails, and the big ones have reached the size of the fist like the Water Attribute Rule.

If anyone saw a scene in Chen Qi’s mind, it would be scared to death.

Generally, Immortal cultivation is enough for a Rule. If it is not until the Immortal Monarch Boundary is cultivated, it will take how many years, at least for 100 years, 100 years, or even 1000 years. Immortal ’s life essence is very long. It is just the lack of resources and the innate talent of its own cultivation that are the biggest obstacles to the progress of strength.

But like Chen Qi, no one can imagine so many rules for cultivation, so let ’s not say whether cultivation can be successful first, even if the consumed resources are also beyond hope and despair.

Chen Qi continued cultivation, and the past few days Huaxia Classy Restaurant, downstairs sat Xiong Qian 3 brother, and Hao Nan, small tortoise.

Xiong Qian 3 brother is boring, because there are no customers in the store, obviously many people still think Chen Qi is a lunatic Immortal Monarch. It’s too expensive to open a broken restaurant and sell a bowl of instant noodles for one Rule Crystal Stone.

Some Immortal who want to endorse Chen Qi and want to come in, but ordinary Immortal can’t afford such an expensive dish. I just want to stagnate, I do n’t have a Rule Crystal Stone for a meal, and I may not be able to say a few words with Chen Qi.

Many people watched and looked outside the restaurant, and finally left. There are affordable Immortal not at all to go in, because they did not see Chen Qi, their main purpose is to get to know, Chen Qi is not here , They are not worth wasting a Rule Crystal Stone.

Chen Qi the past few days It seems to everyone that it seems to be cultivation, and Chen Qi took out a few buckets of spicy instant noodles to put below noodles, as long as someone eats, Hao Nan and the others just soak directly, so do n’t use Chen How Qi greets.

The past few days of business, it can be said that there is still no one to come. Business is dying!

Many people have been talking about Chen Qi, a lunatic Immortal Monarch in secret, thinking that Crystal Stone is crazy, so rich, and so pitted.

This is a pit!

A bowl of broken noodles is so expensive, is it worth so much?

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