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In front is a man and a woman, seemingly aimless escape.

At the rear is more than 300 majestic people, the worst is Saint Grade Domain Mansion Realm, and there are many Super Grade Domain Mansion Realm powerhouse.

The obese man headed by the real “Giant Realm” powerhouse.

According to the display on the Monster System Mini Map, going forward is a place of crisis.

Qin Tian’s heart is awe-inspiring: “Blindly escaping, will surely be caught up! Only boldly try, use a crisis to resolve the current crisis, it sounds crazy, it will be cautiously done.” Fortunately there is Monster System “Mini Map”, knowing that there is a crisis in the front, I am prepared for more or less, and the few hundred people behind are not aware of it. “

An island.

2 After hours, Qin Tian raised his brows: “It is an island completely covered by thick gray fog, lying on the sea, terrifying silently! There is no sound of flying bird.”

[Ding ~ notice to the host, it is recommended that the host not enter the front island]

Not going in? Do I have another choice? “With a bitter smile, Qin Tian pulled the Little Girl and resolutely flew into the island of gray fog.”


Stupid brat, do you think you can escape the disaster by hiding on this island?

Stopped in front of the island, the obese man was overjoyed: “Leave 100 people, enclose the island and blockade, don’t let the brat have a chance to escape! I took the rest in and caught the monster myself.”

“As you bid!” More than 300 cultivators, speak in unison turned around and said.


The rolling forest does not see the end of the lush forest.

10 zhang opened, you can’t see anything, Qin Tian to open “Stage 9 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan.”

The pervasive Eyes Power continued to go out, but there was no way to break through the fog, it was really weird.

Little Girl moved towards Qin Tian timidly and moved a few minutes closer, and then drilled into her arms: “Big Brother, here gives me an ominous feeling.”

“What a ghost place!”

Sky-splitting sound, a few hundred people fell in the forest.

Less than 100 zhang away from Qin Tian, ​​Qin Tian can hear their voices, but they can’t see each other: “The gray mist that is inseparable, mysterious and rich.”


What … what is this.

There are ghosts, ghosts.

The tragic cry was born suddenly.

Qin Tian’s scalp is numb: “The fat man with the Giant Realm cultivation base is headed. What exists on this island that can threaten them?”

Bloody smell, very strong bloody smell … At least 100 people died, and in a short time, 100 people were killed!

On this island, will there really be ghosts here?

“Big Brother, hide away, something is coming.” Little Girl dragged the young man, panicking and hurried into the bushes not far away.

Pulling aside the grass, Qin Tian’s pupil shrank rapidly through a slit: “I’m a good boy … I’m a man, wearing a mask of evil spirits, a chain scimitar in his hand, his feet floating off the ground, and a group of cold Ghost Fire behind The man is still a woman, wearing a long robe in pure white, with a full chest, five officials wondering whether it is, the eyes under the mask of the evil spirits anyway, blank dark cold, no emotion. “

Looking left and right, the ghostly woman turned and flew away.

“Hu.” Little Girl relaxed for a long time: “Let’s go, Big Brother, let’s run quickly, this island is very dangerous.”

Do you know sudden shout? “Qin Tian glanced at Little Girl.”


Little Girl agreed.

“It’s easy to get in, it’s hard to get out …”

Sure enough, Qin Tian and Little Girl wandered in this foggy forest one day one night, let alone seeing the way out, looking up, the sun was gone, the most unacceptable thing for Qin Tian is that I have never seen one There is no living creature, there is no ant on the ground, about the existence of “flying bird”.

Layer 2 Domain Heaven and Earth, there is such a silent place.

“I’m so hungry.” Cherry lip pouted, Little Girl rubbed the belly of “gu gu 叫”.

You are in trouble, and you haven’t done much yet, saying you are “hungry”?

Qin Tian’s fingers were drawn, and fiercely flicked Little Girl’s snowy forehead.

“Oh … it hurts.” Little Girl clutched her forehead, her eyes blurred, and she burst into tears: “Big Brother bullied people.”

Don’t pretend to be pitiful!

I will not be fooled.

Qin Tian does not look at the pitiful appearance of Little Girl: “It seems that we will be trapped here for a lifetime.”

“Hu chi.”

A gust of wind blew and the ground gravel flicked gently.

It’s just a gust of wind, is it worth making a fuss about nothing?

But Qin Tian is as if was struck by lightning: “I came to this island one day one night, and I heard a voice for the first time … to be precise, it is” wind “.”

Hua la la.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger.

The flowers and trees swayed and the soil was loose, as if they were to be uprooted.

The thick fog covered with Heaven and Earth, thinned a lot.

In the distance, an ancient castle is faintly discernible.

Not a city, not a high Palace Room, but a “castle” that has gone through the vicissitudes and mysterious sense.

Qin Tian saw the castle and sullied: “Do you want to go …”

Perhaps the way to leave this island is to go to that castle.

“Big Brother, go?” Little Girl asked.

“Go.” Qin Tian strode meteor.

… A few items, through the dark cold, to the wide area.

3 is 100 meters high, a castle built with ancient Old Shi materials, standing quietly and quietly there.

The castle gate was open, and 2 candlelights hung on the wall.

“Guests coming from afar, don’t you come in and sit?” A strange voice that could not distinguish between men and women came.

The muscles are tight, and the Power of Source wanders in the flesh skeleton, which can explode at any time.

Qin Tian walked ahead and entered the castle gate.

The floor was covered with spotless red carpet.

The empty hall, with no silhouette, only one portrait.

The portrait is of a woman with a beautiful face, a beautiful face, and a skillful depiction.

Qin Tian was slightly distracted: “I thought that between Heaven and Earth, Little Girl was the first extraordinarily beautiful women! But the woman in the huge portrait, with a golden long hair, dropped to her waist, elegant and noble, with a red mark on her eyebrows, highlighting Out of the indescribable style and mysterious, the eyes in the eyes are scarlet. The curves are curled, tall and hot, exquisitely convex and concave.

“Big Brother, she.” Little Girl pointed at the portrait: “This woman looks at us.”

I know he looks at us … “Qin Tian laughed.”

The portrait is facing the gate. She comes in through the gate. She doesn’t look at herself, but who else … wrong.

Suddenly, Qin Tian was horrified, recites silently: “She, looking at me?”

“Hehe, little fellow, your sensitivity is not as good as a little girl.” The portrait fluctuates, and the rays of light shine.

The golden long hair shines enticingly, beauty to Peak, the woman with bloody eyes, winks, smiles all over the city: “Come here, good luck, haven’t you encountered” Ghost Guard “?”

“Alive?” Qin Tian rapidly retreats, protecting Little Girl behind his back.

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