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Quirky and silent island, a mysterious desolate castle … in the castle, the golden hair beautiful woman in the portrait, came alive … everything, it seems out of step with reality, the ordinary person encounters such things before and after, afraid to be crazy It collapsed, and the journey entirely to break.

Little Girl is behind her back, Qin Tian tries his best to calm down, said: “What demons and monsters are you! Scare us here.”

ha ha ha.

“Demons and monsters? You don’t know who I am?” The woman laughed with her face up.

“How can I know who you are.” Qin Tian rolled his eyes.

“I don’t know you can only say that you are too weak! It’s too stupid! Not only is the strength humble and pitiful, but the recognition is also ignorant and inexperienced.”

Golden hair woman, with sharp language and ridicule that stimulates said: “No one can come to this castle for many years. The Little Girl on your side is the bloodline of Spirit Witch Race.”

“This woman is no different.” Qin Tian nodded: “Do you know Spirit Witch Race?”

How do I not know the most taboo lineage between Heaven and Earth? Thought I was as stupid as you?

Every word of the golden hair woman exudes extreme pride, with i as Venerable’s domineering: “It’s like saying I talk to you again, it’s a gift to you! Don’t give me that pair of equal status with me Gesture. “


Qin Tian smiled: “Can you elaborate?”

“When you arrive at Source Outer World, you will know about Spirit Witch Race.” The woman with golden hair stretched lazily.

The perfect figure is vividly and thoroughly, because it is in the painting, it looks especially mysterious shedding dust.

Qin Tian does not dare to think indifferently: “Are you human?”

“Impudent! This God is a man … err, this God is a god! Aloof and remote god, do you know?”

The golden hair woman resembled a wild cat stepped on the tail, raised her voice, said: “Famous folks! That is this God is kind and soft-hearted, otherwise … you are so impudent in front of any” God “, you must be erased.”

I do not believe.

Qin Tian shook his head: “You are not soft-hearted, because you can’t kill me at all! You are sealed in that picture, right?”


The black eyebrows curled up, the golden hair woman didn’t say a word, the eyes of bloody colored glass, and the white clothed youth looked at each other.

Qin Tian’s gaze never evaded, greeted the other’s gaze.

After 3 to 4 hours of stalemate, the golden hair woman sneered: “temperament is awesome! This God is sealed here, but what about that? This God lifespan is endless, myriad years must be able to break the seal, as for Your words … but to die here ~~ Yeah, your good luck, as long as you stay in the castle, you can still die naturally. Once you go out, the “Ghost Guard” on the island will break you corpse into ten thousand pieces to disperse souls. “

Are you crazy?

Only 10,000 years can escape the seal, but smugly show off?

Qin Tian is ridiculous: “I’d rather live a free moment than get stuck for a while!”

“You brat! I really want to slap you to death!” Golden hair woman gnashing teeth.

“Shars ~ Shar.”

The verdant noise came from outside.

Looking back, Qin Tian felt numb all over her body: “The woman in white robe, sickle chain, and her feet off the ground is standing in front of the gate of the castle. In addition to her, there are more than a dozen white robe men dressed in exactly the same way, dishevelled hair , Sickle Chain, Ghost Fire behind, feet off the ground … I do n’t know what level the Realm cultivation base of these guys is, anyway, it is even more dangerous than the fat man of the Giant Realm cultivation base! “

“They are what you said” Ghost Guard “?”

“Yes, it’s them.” In the painting, the golden hair woman said lightly: “Ah, they dare not enter the castle, but they will stay outside because their duty is to kill all the creatures who came to this island. , Whether it’s an ant or a flying bird. “

No wonder I walked one day one night on the island, and I have never seen a creature.

Qin Tian sighed, sit down in place: “Ghost Guards, hover and float in front of the castle gate, motionless.”

Can’t you get out?

Time Pagoda is useless, there is no inheritance energy to burn … Moreover, even if Time Pagoda comes out, it may not be possible to suppress these “Ghost Guard”.

Terrifying, the ghost knows how long these “Ghost Guard” will be standing outside. One year and two years, or the same as the golden hair woman said, never go away, waiting for himself and Little Girl to go out, unfold attacks to kill?

The ancient castle is like a ray of light remaining in hell, a safe haven.

“Ten days, spend a month.” Qin Tian sits on the spot, watching the nose and watching the heart.

Little Girl jumped up and down: “It’s boring, Big Brother, I want to go out … I’m hungry.”

Qin Tian ignores it.

In the painting, the golden hair woman’s mouth smirked and said quietly: “little girl comes, this God has delicious food here.”

“Really?” Little Girl was naively asked.

“God will never deceive mortals.” Golden hair woman solemnly vowed.

“What’s delicious.” Little Girl walked towards the scroll.

Qin Tian didn’t know when she got up, and pulled the Little Girl: “Nonsense! If this woman’s words, you can’t believe it, you know!”

“You!” The golden hair woman’s blood eyes were angry, like heaven falls and earth rends, Millions of Corpses Fall.

Qin Tian’s back spine sweat hair exploded: “You … what are you staring at! You can run out with patience.”

“Hehe, stupid mortal, your provocation, this God to disdain as beneath contempt.” Golden hair woman coldly snorted: “I can’t get out! But after 10,000 years, I will go out! You? Forever trapped in this castle Well, I have to tell you one more thing, full moon night, those “Ghost Guard” can enter the castle, 3 days before the full moon night, I’m sorry, the memory of this God is getting worse, now I will tell you. “


Qin Tian speechless.

Silent for a long time, looked towards Goddess in the painting, said: “Say! How can I leave this island?”

“Am I obligated to tell you?” The golden hair woman yawned.

How about making a deal, you help me, I can help you once, although I do n’t know what can help you … “Qin Tian has a serious face.”


Interesting, where there is no mortal, go to deal with Source God!

You are the first mortal to be so bold.

The golden hair woman seemed to have found a piece of Pure Land, and looked at the white clothed youth strangely: “The reason why the Ghost Guard outside can enter the castle on the night of the full moon is because the rules on the island have reduced their limitations. In other words, the power to seal me has weakened, and you let me out in advance at that time, I can also save you escape alive, fair.

“Let you come out first?” Qin Tian almost talked about refusing: “One, saved the Little Lady, the other party turned against a friend, what should I do? 2 Then, the ghost guardians rushed into the castle, and they dodge too late. How to rescue her? “

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