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“Hong long! Hong long long!”

As the burly young man at the Source Seizing Heaven Realm cultivation base took the lead in person, the situation began to change.

one after another overwhelms the Vault of Heaven, unstoppable, majestic like the Power of Source of the sea, topple mountains and overturn seas might, the attack thrashes on the “Spirit Witch Abyss” that hides the sky and covering the earth, and darkness and light as a whole. After 10000 zhang waves, layers of storms.

“En.” Little Girl’s Spirit Power, Will Power, and the “Spirit Witch Abyss” are connected to each other regardless of each other. Therefore, “Spirit Witch Abyss” was criticized, and Little Girl suffered huge damage herself, pretty face was pale, and beautiful eyes were shameful; “Damn! My Little Wu Yue will not be afraid of you!”

Spirit Witch Forbidden Technique Spirit Witch Abyss Samsara!

After biting through the slender jade finger, Little Girl dripped dark red blood into the Spirit Witch Abyss, which was “invisible”.

Rustle ~ rustle.

Deep in “Spirit Witch Abyss”, which absorbed Little Girl’s blood, there was a sound of Bian Bian muscle, have one’s hair stand on end.

The Spirit Witch Abyss that exudes dark evil, bright divine, is like a gateway to hell, or an entrance to heaven.

Subversive cognition, an incredible scene was born.

a path of silhouette, one after another, coming out of the depth of “Spirit Witch Abyss”.

Look at the silhouette of 100 to 1000 Solitary Soul Unbound Ghost, not at all flesh and blood, but the power fluctuates and is arrogant. The 100,000 Human Race geniuses present were stunned and unbelievable; “Then … that were all geniuses who had just taken their souls away by strange chains!”

Yes, the above 1000 souls are all the former Spirit Witch Chain, the soul of Heaven’s Proud pulled into the depth of “Spirit Witch Abyss”.

A path of soul seems to have been processed and strengthened, and lost its sense of consciousness, some just follow the command and pursue the instinct of the slaveter. “There is even more horror. These lone souls from the depths of Spirit Witch Abyss are more powerful than they were before their lives! Arms like those of Super Grade Source Great Sage Realm Level during their 10 lives. Solitary Soul, now aura is able to mention on equal terms with Low Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm mention. “

… Ask yourself, the burly young man who has dealt with Little Girl, who is High Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm. Looking at the way Little Girl took out, why did n’t he feel trembling and hairy?

“Hehe, know that my Little Wu Yue is amazing.” Snorted, Little Girl issued a delicately shouted: “Kill! Kill this guy!”

Rustle ~~

More than 1000 “Spirit Witch”, fierce and unafraid of death, rushed towards the burly youth.

“Coming with that monster, there is such a weird means, it really is Monstress.”

High Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm cultivation base, concurrently and vividly and thoroughly.

The burly youth, punches like rain.

“dong! dong! dong! ”

The overbearing is fierce, like the fist glow of long rainbow, shattering and tearing a few hundred “Spirit Witch”.

30 or more “Spirit Witch Lone Soul” comparable to Low Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm powerhouse, breaking the bamboo trend, tearing the fist glow blocking in front, giving a “prey” blow.

He stumbled backwards several hundred meters away. The burly youth, fly into a rage out of humiliation: “damn it!”

“Earth Rank 7 Star Source Technique Divine Ability! Heavenly Dragon Fist Art!”

In a rage, the burly young man exhibited the Killing Move trump card.

“Roar! 嗷 Ao!” Every fist glow is a majestic, godly, and dragon God beast illusory shadow destroying Earth extinguishing Heaven.

With such prestige, many King Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm cultivator can not be parried.

Hua la la.

The 30 or more strands “Spirit Witch” with Low Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm Level are fragmented and disappeared.

“Ha ha ha! How powerful Monster Art is, in the face of absolute strength, is also impossible to withstand a single blow.”

With a long laugh, the burly young man “like a Great Roc”, spread his arms and rushed to Little Girl.


“Humph Humph!” Little Girl skimmed her small mouth: “Spirit Witch Forbidden Technique, Spirit Witch Abyss, Samsara Resurrection!”

Then the unimaginable means, in the hands of Little Girl, is the fact that the genuine happened.

Several hundred crushed “Spirit Witch Lone Souls”, including the “Spirit Witch Lone Souls” with 100 or more strands comparable to the Low Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm cultivation base, are all seen again and again.

… What kind of means is this?

It is already terrifying to take away the soul of human beings and fight for yourself.

This Little Girl can actually resurrect the “soul” of scattered ashes and dispersed smoke?

Each and everyone Human Race genius, his face blank, the waves in his heart, beyond words.

“Hey.” Qin Tian, ​​who closed his eyes and nourished his eyes, didn’t know when, eyes opened, and got up said: “Little Girl, have you played enough?”

“Big Brother, have you rested?” Little Girl asked: “I’ll take care of all the troubles with Little Wu Yue. Big Brother, you still have to rest.”


“Are you childish? Are you stupid?”

Qin Tian smiled bitterly: “Stop playing. Let’s leave here.”

To be honest, the weakness of Ultimate One Punch Man Mode. Qin Tian did not recover naturally in just one hour.

But there is also the strength to act arbitrarily. In this place, the longer the delay, the more disadvantageous the situation.

Taking advantage of his own killing rare beast Suan Ni, the unworldly ominous might, and wandering to deter these 100,000 Human Race geniuses, and withdrew as soon as possible to make a wise choice.


Frozen body.

The burly youth of High Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm cultivation base, heartbeat speed up, gnashing teeth, watching the white clothed youth who got up.

The dozens of Human Race geniuses present were all trembling, holding their breath.

“Leave the way.”

A pedal, came to the sky. Qin Tian looked at the silhouette of the genius in front of “thousands upon tens of thousands, countless”, warning word by word.

“Don’t …” The burly young man wanted to remind everyone: “That guy is probably pretending. Actually, it’s frightening.”

Then the words came to his lips, and there was no courage to speak out. 10000 one … 10000 one monster, really recovered his strength, he said his disrespectful words to him, this monster is not like killing a grasshopper like killing him.

The same is true of the burly youth of High Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm cultivation base. Talking about other people, the genius stuck in front of Qin Tian, ​​a strategic withdrawal.

sou! sou!

So, in the sight of 100,000 Human Race geniuses, the white clothed youth who came and went dashingly, with a few girls, open and aboveboard, disappeared at the end of the distant sky.


“Flying above the original mountain range.”

Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, voluptuously charming face, smiling brightly, said: “Husband was too domineering just now. In a word, it scares hundreds of thousands of geniuses, and fart dare not let it go.”

“En, Big Brother is the most powerful, and can share the same with Big Brother, only me Little Wu Yue.” Little Girl rushed and said.


Qin Tian speechless.


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