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After leaving the majestic mountain that gave birth to “Primal Chaos Azure Lotus Child”.

… Qin Tian and Nangong Diewu, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, and Little Girl, in a mountain range of “thousand cliffs ten thousand ravines, ancient and primitive”, opened a temporary Cave Mansion.

It took half a day to restore Qin Tian’s physical strength to Perfection state, Essence, Qi, and Spirit was full and full, rushing and roaring, like angry dragon roaring, strong wind scattering the last clouds.

Next, it was time to deal with that “a piece of Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf, rare beast Suan Ni inner core”.

Weng! weng!

The dimly lit cave is divided into 2 extreme areas by 2 completely different aura rays of light.

On one side, there is a dazzling, flamboyant red gold domain! In the vague room, you can also hear an ancient giant beast with eight sides on its side, looking up at Long roar, defying Heaven and Earth, and i as Venerable!

On one side, it is sparkling and translucent, 9 colors divine light perfect with no blemish! A hazy and blurry, seemingly true and seemingly illusory Primal Chaos Azure Lotus, in which vortex waves overflowing with 9 brilliant colors, ups and downs, seemingly true and seemingly illusory, capturing soul.

The two kinds of rays of light are undoubtedly spread by “rare beast Suan Ni, Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf”.

stared wide-eyed, looking at the “Lotus Leaf, inner core” taken out by the youth. Little Girl drooled, coveted: “Big Brother, this Lotus Leaf is really fragrant … give me a bite.”

“Cough cough, you don’t want to think about it.” Qin Tian coughed: “This Lotus Leaf …… we divide equally. The rare beast Suan Ni inner core contains infinite vast energy, and we also divide equally.”

Big Brother.

Little Girl is innocent, stupidly cute rushed to the youth, said: “Look at this Lotus Leaf, it is not big enough, if you are a little, simply can’t taste the taste. Rare beast Suan Ni inner core energy, I do n’t need Little Wu Yue, just give me this Lotus Leaf. “

“Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf, worth the city, throughout all ages is rare … you are purely delicious.” Qin Tian laughed: “How do you guys say?”


Dongfang Xi, it doesn’t matter turned around and said.

I disagree! Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady hum said: “You are always biased, this little girl can’t be cheap this time.”

“What do you argue with Little Girl.” Jiang Yue’er said: “I agree with Little Girl’s view.”

… a little more than Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady. Dongfang Xi, Lu Xiaoyou, Jiang Yue’er, Nangong Diewu, Nangong Mei’er, all agreed to give “Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf” to Little Girl.

This is also the Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady who is fighting alone.

“Young Lady Chi Xue, what about you?” Suddenly, Qin Tian’s eyes fell on the girl who had not spoken from beginning to end.

I … I ’m not your wave, just following you for the time being, is my opinion important? Bao Xue’s blue clothed skirt, tall and tall, Chi Xue, who turned around and said.

“Yeah.” Qin Tian nodded: “The inner core energy of rare beast Suan Ni, it seems that you are not going to want it.”


Chi Xue startled: “Yes! Why not … Ominous Beast is so terrifying, inner core energy can be imagined, it is incomparable!”

“It’s not stupid ~” Qin Tian’s mouth raised a playful arc: “You all say, just follow me for a while, and we are not a wave. For no reason, why should I give you such a great opportunity? In one step, I rescued you from the Heavenly Dragon Race Young Master. You still owe me a great grace. “

“I …” Chi Xue held back for a long time and couldn’t find a reason to refute the other party. He could only sigh said: “Then I will say goodbye. Your life saving grace, if you have a chance, you must repay you.”

And slow.

Qin Tian waved his hand, and the Cave Mansion exit concealed the rich Majestic’s Power of Source.

“What do you mean?” Chi Xue wondered and looked at the youth.

“Rare beast Suan Ni inner core energy, I can share it with you.”

Qin Tian pondered then said.

“Really?” Chi Xue was overjoyed: “That’s really grateful.”

“It’s really generous ~” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, turned the head.

“Here.” Qin Tian freed his hands and threw the “Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf” sparkling and translucent flawless and scented to the Little Girl.

Grabbing the flowing light overflowing with color, “Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf” of the fragrant attracting soul, Little Girl first took a bite and chewed.

Immediately, Little Girl’s eyes were shining, her nostrils, ears, a delicate, ruby-lipped mouth, and 100000000 million 10000 colorful reeds bloomed.

The skin above and below the whole body is also sparkling and translucent, clear and blowable. Plus Little Girl is outstanding beauty, Fanghua peerless, sinking Ghosts and Gods. At this moment, the divine is bright and exquisite, as if it is a sacred lotus out of the ordinary, untainted by even a speck of dust in Bihai Heaven.

“Overbearing!” Qin Tian’s heart fluttered: “But a little Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf served, let the Little Girl shedding body, exchanging bones, glow from the inside out. If it’s really Primal Chaos Azure Lotus … That ’s not one step heavenly ascension yet? “

Sir Queen said that Primal Chaos Azure Lotus is the first dive object of Source Great World … I will take this first dive object in my hands sooner or later and taste it!

Delicious ~

Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf brings bone marrow and bone cleansing, purifying blood and flesh. Little Girl doesn’t care, but just feels that the entrance of Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf is fragrant, sweet and refreshing, and invigorates the soul.

Swallowing and spitting foam, efficiently, a Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf, completely into Little Girl’s belly.

“hua la la.”

Shining Six Directions and Eight Desolates, covering the 9 colors of the Universe Vault of Heaven, the light of the layer, layer upon layer stacking, baring fangs and brandishing claws, bouncing.

Little Girl’s figure of lithe and graceful is gradually wrapped in this endless and eye-catching 9-color holy light.

“Aiya ~~ Big Brother, I can’t see you anymore.”

Loud voice, floating from the layer upon layer of 9 colorful holy lights.

“Just pipe down and stand still. Don’t move. Wait for the energy of Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf to fully nourish and integrate into your flesh and soul, and the rays of light will naturally disappear.”

Qin Tian reminded him and called Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Dongfang Xi, Jiang Yue’er, Chi Xue … all the women shouted to him.

Seriously, said: “Before absorbing and refining this rare beast Suan Ni inner core, I want to remind you. This inner core energy also includes Spirit Power which is dormant with the rare beast Suan Ni. Bring this energy into within The body, if it can’t be in will, suppression defeats the residue of Will Bepower, the spirit of rare beast Suan Ni, what are the consequences … I won’t say much. “

“Relax, I will stick to it.” Jiang Yue’er beautiful eyes are firm and unquestionable.

Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Lu Xiaoyou, Chi Xue … are not willing to fall behind and say: “We will stick to it.”

“OK.” Qin Tian converged, overwhelmed by emotions, looking forward to his cultivation base “rare beast Suan Ni inner core”, what kind of cultivation base will it be when he walks out of this Cave Mansion?

At the same time, the outside world, the Emperor List Great War space, the changeable situation, a rumor … went wild.


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