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North Africa, Egypt.

Egypt is one of the four ancient civilizations recorded in the history of the world.

In the vast territory of Egypt, the oldest, the most famous and the most representative, is naturally the nearly 100 mysterious pyramids in imposing manner, the interpretation and symbol of the ancient Egypt surging forward with great momentum era!

However, just under a dilapidated pyramid in the Loess Desert, there is a person who has slept for 1000 years in the ancient lifeform ——

Old Ancestor of the Vampire family, the first in history to originate Vampire, the great Dracula emperor!

Uh, but it’s nothing, because just under a more dilapidated pyramid next door is actually sleeping a more terrifying figure-the first Mutants in history, apocalypse who slept for 1000 years . Of course, this is just a matter of time. It will take some time for this blue-skinned uncle to return to the historical stage.

In Vampire Old Ancestor Dracula’s sleeping underground burial chamber, there will be a tomb guarding family in until now.

Of course, this tomb guard family also has Bloodline of Vampire family flowing on it.

On the wall of the sleeping tomb of Dracula Old Ancestor, there is an ancient fresco symbolizing the luck of the Vampire family.

The content presented on the mural is a huge dark bat with open wings, blood-billed fangs, and eyes glowing.

The focus is on the 2 eyes of this dark bat…

Before 1000 years, that is, the medieval period of about 1000 AD, the heyday of the Vampire family.

Generally speaking, although an ordinary Vampire has a longer lifespan than humans, it can only live for more than 100 years. Dracula Old Ancestor, which surpasses all Vampires, has a lifespan of only 100 years that’s all.

Dracula Old Ancestor realized that oneself was about to die, so he came to this secret pyramid and under the guard of his tomb-stricken family, fell peacefully into a long sleep, and hoped to prolong by this way of sleep lifespan, 2 came to wish his clansman to be able to discover the secret of immortality someday in the future, so that before he had no Death, he came here to give him the Old Ancestor immortality!

When Dracula Old Ancestor was just asleep, the eyes of giant dark bats on the murals were extremely bright.

However, Dracula Old Ancestor did not expect that when he slept 1000 years ago, there were as many as 1000000 Vampire-clansman at that time, how hey! In the last 100 years, the number of the Vampire family has dropped to a few 10000 trifling, but some 10000, anyway. Despite the decline, it is not too ridiculous.

What is ridiculous is that just tonight, the total number of people in the Vampire family worldwide plummeted more than 99% overnight!

Almost genocide!

At present, it is difficult to say whether there are 100 Vampires surviving in the whole world. Moreover, they are free from the solid backing of the base camp. They can only drag out an ignoble existence in the cracks and survive.

With the bleak current situation of the Vampire family, how can we help Dracula Old Ancestor find the secret of eternal life?

Correspondingly, on the giant dark bat mural, the bright and bright eyes at at first have been gradually darkening in the past 1000 years, but fortunately, it has always maintained a little rays of light. Roughly analogy, it is almost equivalent to It is from the dazzling incandescent lamp brightness before 1000 to the brightness of the old yellow bulb.

And just tonight, the eyes were almost completely black!

The Shou tomb clan became aware of this abnormal situation and could not help getting nervous.

Definitely the major event!

“According to Old Ancestor’s instructions before entering the coffin, the binocular rays of light of the giant dark bat on the mural symbolized the luck of our Vampire family.”

“Now it’s almost completely dimmed…Although we stayed under the isolated desert for a patriarch year and rarely contacted the outside world, according to this information, it is not difficult to speculate that almost all Vampire compatriots Disappeared.”

“So, Sir Father, are we going to wake up the sleeping Old Ancestor?”

In the tomb, in front of the dull ancient mural, a young Vampire man said to an elderly Vampire.

Beside this pair of father and son, there are several other Vampires guarding the tomb.

The elderly Vampire with his hands behind his back, slightly looked up at the bat eyes on the ancient mural, and after a long thought, he gave a deep sigh.

“Stop it! The one that can cause this genocide catastrophe is definitely something we can’t handle.

Speaking of which, there was a hint of coldness in the eyes of the aged Vampire, “Thinking of it, only Dracula Old Ancestor can report this bloody revenge for our Vampire family.”

In his mind, Dracula Old Ancestor is undoubtedly the strongest emperor in the 1000-year history of the Vampire family since its birth!

The time goes back to the medieval period. Although the number of the Vampire family in that era was less than 100 compared with Human Race, they were respected and powerful. They often overwhelmingly occupied a human city as a racial stronghold. Human Race needs to be regularly offered to the Vampire family. Ayesha, a large number of living people, the kings of many countries are only the same class as the Elders of the Vampire family. As for the European emperor with the widest territory, it is only on a par with Dracula Old Ancestor.

And the reason why the Vampire family can have such a high status is that the root is the mysterious power controlled by Dracula Old Ancestor!

According to the history book of “Dracula Epoch”, a small country sent a 1000-person Knight regiment to fight against Dracula Old Ancestor, but in the end it was all killed by Dracula Old Ancestor. Dracula Old Ancestor relied on strength of oneself , So that the whole army of 1000 Knights will be wiped out!

Vampire Old Ancestor, really horrible!

“Let’s prepare, let’s get started!” Aged Vampire said to the other Vampires guarding the tomb.

Then the picture turned, and several of them came to the core tomb.

One after another ignited 8 candlestick torches on the wall of the core tomb, all around, so this tomb gradually became brighter.

A dusty emperor coffin was placed up ahead of this tomb.

That Vampire Old Ancestor Dracula, who had been sleeping for 1000 years, was lying there quietly.

Several Vampires surrounded this quaint emperor’s coffin, folded their hands reverently, and bowed their heads in prayer.

The atmosphere is solemn and solemn, cold and depressed.

Suddenly, several Vampires opened their arms and looked up, shouting in unison—

“My Lord, the great Dracula emperor, the father of the Vampire family, hear the summon of the people, wake up quickly!”


The emperor’s coffin that was still for 1000 years suddenly moved…

Legendary Vampire Old Ancestor, about to be born! !

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