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The coffin lid of the emperor’s coffin shivered and fell down.

A dry, sharp fingernail veteran grabbed the edge of the coffin body.

Immediately afterwards, a sturdy old man with yellow face and skinny skin, who appeared to be in his late years, crawled out of the coffin.

Dracula Old Ancestor, after 1000 years of long sleep, finally waking up!

Seeing this, several Vampires of the Tomb Clan were full of excitement and joy, and they prodded on the ground of the tomb consciously, greeted the old Ancestor with the most pious kneeling etiquette of prostrate oneself in admiration The first arrival after 1000 years.

Dracula Old Ancestor lifted his legs across the quaint emperor’s coffin and stepped on the stone ground outside the coffin.

“hu ……”

He took a deep breath, seeming to hold it in the emperor’s coffin for 1000 years, and had never breathed the fresh air outside the coffin. In fact, the air in this tomb is not so fresh. From the reflection of all around candlestick torch, you can see that there are many dust impurities in the air. No wonder, after all, no one has visited the core tomb of the Dracula Old Ancestor coffin in the last 1000 years.

Now it is the genocide of the Vampire family, so they have to reopen the core tomb for 1000 years.

“Get up, my children.”

Dracula Old Ancestor slowly raised his arms, indicating that the creeping kneeling Vampire could stand up.

At the tomb, the Vampire heard Old Ancestor’s instructions, so they stood up with their hands on their backs, but they still kept their heads bowed in awe, despite the fact that they stood up in accordance with Old Ancestor’s request. Don’t dare to stare directly at this Supreme’s horrible Old Ancestor with both eyes!

For a long while, the oldest Vampire of the tomb-holding family, that is, the old Vampire, lifted the head a little bit and said cautiously: “Dear Old Ancestor, please forgive us for awakening you from a 1000-year sleep , We did this because…”

Aged Vampire was about to explain the reason why summon Old Ancestor was born, but Dracula Old Ancestor raised his hand at this time and stopped his words.

He hung his head quickly, silently, and said no more.

Dracula Old Ancestor stretched his legs and stepped slowly towards the main tomb outside the core tomb.

When everyone saw it, they silently followed the Old Ancestor and walked out curiously.

The entire group came to the wall of the main burial chamber, and under the watch of several tomb guards Vampire, Dracula Old Ancestor stretched out his right hand, put his palm on the dull dark bat mural, and closed his eyes gently.

I saw that a ray of black gas was emitted from the mural, continuously flowing into the temple of Dracula Old Ancestor.

After a moment, Dracula Old Ancestor opened his eyes slowly.

“A human wearing a black skull mask imprisoned several relatives of the American-American Vampire King Andrews, and coerced Andrews to hold a Vampire carnival in the Vampire headquarters arena where all the people participated, and then used a huge Ultraviolet grenades wiped out all the Vampire people who were present, and finally killed 8 Vampire kings who were seriously injured…”

Dracula Old Ancestor used ancient mysterious methods, just put his palm on this mural symbolizing the luck of the Vampire family, and immediately grasped the history of the Vampire genocide.

Several Vampires who saw the tomb saw Old Ancestor as easy as blowing off dust and learned the whole story of the genocide. They felt a deep sense of admiration in their hearts and treated the mysterious Old Ancestor in front of them with even more awe.

“Old… Old Ancestor, the guy with the black skull mask you just said… is he awesome?”

The aged Vampire quivered in a quivering shock, believing that this was also of interest to several other tomb-holding Vampires.

Hearing this, Dracula Old Ancestor gently shook the head, and a weird evil smile appeared on the vicissitudes of his face, “Slap to death!”

Speaking of which, he added another sentence, “The ultraviolet grenade he developed for our Vampire family’s weaknesses has almost no killing effect on the emperor. More than 1000 years ago, the emperor was not afraid of any sunlight. The Emperor exterminated the 1000-member Knight Regiment Expeditionary Force who came to fight against the Turkish State, and it was done during the sunny day.”

Hearing the story of Old Ancestor, several Vampire guarding the tomb couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As everyone knows, ultraviolet rays are the greatest constant restraint of the Vampire family, but Old Ancestor was immune to ultraviolet rays more than 1000 years ago. It is really terrifying!

“Alas… according to the emperor’s feelings, there should be only 108 left of Vampire who survived in the whole world, including you. You woke the emperor this time, although it should be, but for the emperor In other words, the road to eternal life is basically broken. Unless you can find the law of eternal life and spy into the mystery of eternal life in the last few years of the life essence of the emperor.

“Stop it! In short, the top priority is to wipe out the human race that has almost killed our entire tribe.”

“As for the emperor’s immortal plan, and the reign of our Vampire family’s hegemony 1000 years ago, we have to postpone it later.”


The next night, Dragon’s Manor.

In the old Dragon’s Manor, the maid, maid, security, cook, etc., more than 20 people, that is called a lively.

But all day today, the inside and outside of the manor was deserted. Apart from the manor Qi Yu and the personal servant Emil, there was no one else.

This is not because Qi Yu couldn’t afford to pay and led them to resign, but because Qi Yu was in a very happy mood.

Yesterday Qi Yu wiped out the entire Vampire clan at one time, and absorbed more than 30000 points of life energy from the entire arena, which is definitely his best record in history. Coupled with the search for the entire underground dead city, winning the vast wealth of gold and silver, beaded jade, pearl agate, various gemstones, and antique famous paintings owned by the Vampire family is another exciting additional harvest.

Happy events again and again, he felt that he should celebrate all over the world!

So he gave more than 20 people in his manor to all of them with a 7-day paid vacation, and it was also a double salary paid vacation. Many employees are very moved, thinking that Boss’s character is very good, always serving people with virtue, he will follow this boss later.

As a result, as soon as more than 20 people were on holiday, now the entire manor is left with only 2 masters and servants, Qi Yu and Emil.

Qi Yu, carrying a black garbage bag full of garbage, walked on the cobbled path in the front yard, preparing to go out to throw garbage on the nearby garbage dump. Now that the servants have gone on holiday HAPPY, this kind of thing can only be done by Qi Yu, the distinguished manor.

Seeing the owner carrying a garbage bag was about to leave the manor, Emil, who was sweeping the fallen leaves in the front yard with a broom, hurriedly came forward and came up with a distressed look, “Master, how can you do this kind of dirty work yourself? , Let go of the bag of garbage and let the genius come down!”

“It’s enough for you to have this kind of intention, and I am very pleased.” Qi Yu pursed her mouth with a smile, pats Emil’s shoulder, “You still continue to sweep the floor, I will throw out the garbage outside, and buy a small pudding by the way. Eat, do you want one too?”

“Um… little pudding doesn’t quite fit my temperament…please bring me a popsicle, pineapple flavor.” Emil thought about it and said.

“Okay, no problem.” After that, Qi Yu walked out of the manor’s big iron gate and walked to the small garbage site at the end of Beiru Street.

However, just shortly after Qi Yu left, a weird man wearing a black robe with a medieval classic appeared quietly in front of the iron gate of the manor.

Yes, this weirdo is Vampire Old Ancestor who came from the Egyptian desert beyond ten thousand li and came to avenge the almost extinct Vampire compatriots ——

Dracula! ! !

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