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The Fisker Building and several other well-known high-rise buildings are located in a quiet office park near Manhattan’s 5th Avenue.

At this point, it’s getting late, and there are basically no who in several office buildings. Only a handful of young people who are weak in character and don’t understand rejection are still working overtime.

Qi Yu came outside the gate of this office park, and the boss Boss refused to let him in, so he parked his motorcycle on a remote path nearby,

In the country of the United States, illegal invasion is a relatively serious crime, and the property owner can even use violent expulsion, such as shooting, warning the intruder to get away from his private territory.

Qi Yu didn’t want to compete with this boss, so he obediently parked his motorcycle elsewhere, and that’s fine. After all, there might be hot scenes of bullets flying and shells exploding in the office park. If you go in by motorcycle, the motorcycle might be scrapped.

Admittedly, Trifling’s 2 meter high fence can’t stop Qi Yu at all. He punched a big hole in the wall with a punch, and then walked in a big step.

Daredevil didn’t care about “drilling holes.” He raised a high-tech cane, hooked the wall with the hooked end, climbed the wall with his feet, and then jumped in.

When the two came to the Garden Square in front of the Fisker Building, Daredevil coughed hard.

Qi Yu turned his head slightly to look at Daredevil next to him, expression startled: “Daredevil will also catch a cold?”

After a few seconds, Daredevil replied: “You misunderstood. I am based on the trajectory of sound propagation to detect the surrounding ambush, similar to the ultrasonic feedback detection of bats.”

Hearing Daredevil’s explanation, Qi Yu continued to ask with interest: “How is it, is there a result?”

Daredevil’s eyebrows were deep-locked, his expression was solemn, and his tone of speech was quite serious: “Within the range of five hundred meters in diameter, there are about 300 ambushers equipped with weapons including pistols, rifles, machine guns, sniper rifles, and rocket launchers. We have to admit that now The situation is extremely severe for the two of us!”

However, after learning the general situation of the ambush, Qi Yu thought that it was completely different from Daredevil, and there was a little disappointment mixed in the excitement.

“Only 300 people? Isn’t Kingpin’s hand meeting supposed to have 1000 assassins, how come this is the case?”

“Are you crazy? There are still fewer than 300 people? You know, just a guy carrying a rocket launcher, he can explode our stumps with a rocket! Even more how, there are still many hidden in the nearby tall buildings A sniper, let’s you can’t guard against it! In my opinion, we still have to retreat immediately! Kingpin made it clear that he dug the pit, just waiting for you big fool to jump inside!”

“Ugh… you don’t understand…”

Qi Yu was too lazy to explain to Daredevil.

He dignified Overlord level lifeform, within the body contains enough energy to destroy a planet, would he still be afraid of trifling 300 NPCs?

Just when the two quarreled!

Daredevil’s ears swayed, and then the whole person’s complexion greatly changed!


call out!

A Barrett heavy sniper bullet dragging the fiery-red flame tail, accompanied by the roar of the piercing wind, is shooting fast at Qi Yu!

It was said that sooner or later, Daredevil flew Qi Yu by himself, hugged Qi Yu and rolled over in place, dangerously avoiding the Barrett heavy sniper bullet.

Then Daredevil hurriedly pulled Qi Yu’s arm and pulled Qi Yu to hide under a stone sculpture, clinging to the stone wall and converging his legs.


Daredevil’s heart was beating violently, and adrenaline was secreted a lot just now. He wiped the cold sweat from the stubble, “I must point out that your awareness of prevention is really bad. Falling on you in time, you are not dead now, at least you are in a state of serious injury!”

In fact, the overlapping-sound in Qi Yu’s heart is like this-

Alas, fucker, in fact, I was just about to use the right hand’s little finger to flick the sniper bullet, you actually broke my pretending plan…

Dangerously avoiding the sniper bullet just now, Daredevil still had palpitations, listening to the slight abnormal movements nearby, and whispering to Qi Yu warned repeatedly around him: “Don’t make a sound, 10000000 don’t act actly blindly without thinking, here is dangerous. …”

However, only half of Daredevil’s words were heard, and Qi Yu immediately heard the sound of getting up and walking, which was very arrogant and did not mean to be sneaky at all!

Qi Yu walked away from this stone sculpture defensive body carefree, and came out to the open, shouting loudly: “The 300 Assassins in the hand meeting, you all come out quickly, don’t dilly-dallying, this hero will go back later. Watch Big Bear 2!”

At the same time, Daredevil still hiding under the stone carving, his face is full of “mourn for the unfortunate, anger for the cowardice” “hate iron for not becoming steel” “sludge can’t help the wall” and so on With complex expressions, I really think that Qi Yu is a pig teammate. It belongs to the kind of drag oil bottle that is good at dragging partners. The level of hind legs can be said to be first-class.

Laozi just risked mortal danger, and finally rescued you from the sniper bullet. You are now returning to be a living target, and openly provoking the 300 assassins?

Daredevil even secretly decided in his mind that Qi Yu wouldn’t care anymore. Oneself only had to seize the opportunity and must sprint out of the office park at full speed to try to successfully leave this ambushing place.

But the sense of justice in his deep in one’s heart reminds oneself, oneself is a Darede who is strong and weak, and cannot ignore Qi Yu, a living person’s destiny.

In short, Daredevil is now entangled, arguing whether oneself should run alone, or should just try to take Qi Yu to run together.

After clamoring for ten or more seconds, Qi Yu saw that there were no assassins in the vicinity, always hiding, so he came to the front of a big Ben, and grabbed the front of the big Ben to throw the discus Posture, throw this Mercedes-Benz fiercely in the direction of the roof of the building in front.

Qi Yu has long felt that on the rooftop, a sniper has been lurking in secret.

“Your sister!”

The sniper looked awkward, wondering whether the Terminator guy was blind or how to do it. How did he find oneself hiding here in ambush?

Lao Tzu is the top sniper retired from the special forces!

He hurriedly tried to escape with both hands, but it was a pity that the speed of the car flying was so fast that it was too late to evacuate.

Hong long long ! ! !

The bad luck sniper in the violent car explosion, accompanied by the rolling smoke and flames, turned into a dead soul in the fire.

“Ding! Destroy 1 Ordinary Level evil lifeforms and absorb 1 life energy!”

“Currently, 2157 points of total life energy have been collected, and 997843 points of life energy are needed to achieve Great Sage!”

Qi Yu 1st Strike works!

After sacrificing a member of the assassin, as expected, the approximately 300 ninja assassins who were ambushed in the dark were no longer hiding like the shy yellow girl.

They rushed out of the dark, full of energy, steady step, fully armed, killing intent boiling!


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