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For a time, Qi Yu was surrounded by nearly 300 hand-assembling assassins, armed with guns.

At the same time, Daredevil, who was sweating with cold sweat behind the stone sculpture, sensed that Qi Yu had been surrounded by assassins.

“Terminator, Terminator, you are really reckless! Impulsive! Stupid!” Daredevil secretly sighed in his heart, fists clenched, doing a strong ideological struggle in his mind, hesitating whether to rescue Qi Yu, a pig teammate.

It was surrounded by about 300 fully armed assassins inside and out for several laps. Once Terminator had any abnormal movements, it was estimated that there would be hundreds of bullets shot at him at the same time. At the thought of this, Daredevil felt deeply desperate. A few hundred bullets were fired per second. My God, how could Terminator also survive, he will definitely be ended! And how can I successfully take him to break through? I’m afraid I’m running over to help him now, even own life will take it in!

From the perspective of any normal person, under this situation, Qi Yu is definitely at an absolute disadvantage.

Nearly 300 well-trained assassins, even if each person only fired one shot, Qi Yu’s body will be beaten into a densely packed sieve. Unless he surrenders voluntarily, there is no possibility of life.

However, Qi Yu didn’t think so, let’s not mention it for the time being, he wouldn’t believe it anyway, the bullets used by these ants could penetrate his invincible flesh beyond Adamantium.

Qi Yu just kept silent with them in a face-to-face confrontation, imposing manner in which you shoot.

This tension, which seemed with swords drawn and bows bent, actually hardly felt nervousness on both sides.

Qi Yu knows his own strength, can crush any enemy on Earth, and even stands still, letting them launch an attack, whether it is a bullet, artillery shell, or missile, just greet it and will not be injured anyway. In other words, he actually didn’t take these 300 insignificant assassins into consideration.

In contrast, these assassins think that our 300 fully armed assassins have surrounded you with an unarmed person, and you are absolutely planted!

In such a stable win situation, the assassins’ original tense nerves have also been relaxed for the most part. From deep in one’s heart, they believe that their own side is already winning, so they will not be nervous because they have no heart.

At this time, a middle-aged man who looked like a small boss came out of the crowd abruptly.

In view of the circumstance that the steady win now brings 100% security to him, he unintentionally put away his gun and hung it around his neck.

“At the order of the respected King Kingpin, if you agree to surrender, Mr. Terminator, we will not kill…”

boom! !

Before the little leader had finished speaking, Qi Yu was punched in the head!

That punch was surprisingly fast, ridiculously fast, so fast that no one on the scene could clearly see his punching action!

If they had not seen the hot red blood above the neck of the little boss with their own eyes, they were thrown into the air like a scarlet fountain, they did not know that Terminator just took action!

As the elite assassin among the elite assassins, the little boss was just hit by Terminator casually!

Then again, is this Terminator braining? Didn’t we see so many of us holding guns to surround him, or did he say that he is in the chest and thinks that we can’t restrain him and decide us?

At this moment, everyone no longer dare to take it lightly!

Tensioning their nerves, they immediately picked up the muzzle and aimed at Qi Yu where they pulled the trigger to fire collectively.

da da da da da…

Hundreds of fiery lines of fire, like the brutal Fire Dragon pierced the air, baring fangs and brandishing claws rushing towards all parts of Qi Yu’s body.

For a time, the dim night was shining like the daylight by these metal fire lines!

At this moment Daredevil was almost scared to pee, and he continued to hide under the stone statues shiverly, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. If the enemy has only a few guns, he can also avoid several bullets safely with his excellent response speed and superb sports skills. But now it’s a few hundred guns, a few hundred bullets per second, who the hell has the ability to survive? I’m afraid that wearing ten layers of body armor is not enough for them to shoot!

“Timing begins!”

Qi Yu pressed the timer on the electronic watch, and a confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The silhouette shook quickly, avoiding these bullets in an instant.

His movement speed is definitely faster than these bullets!

Bang × 1!

Bang × 2!

Bang × 3!


Bang × 294!

Bang × 295!

Bang × 296!

Recruiting fatal!

Fist and burst!

In a few breathing moments, Qi Yu used the unstoppable total annihilation to destroy all 296 assassins who surrounded him!

Xiu xiu xiu!

Three snipers hiding in the vicinity on the rooftop of the high-rise building without taking action lately also pulled the triggers of heavy sniper rifles at the last moment of life and death.

3 sniper bullets carrying huge impacts, rolled up a scream of breaking wind in the air, from the direction of the 3 high-rise rooftops in the southeast and north, as if carrying a sickle skeleton Death God, flying towards Qi Yu come.


Qi Yu stepped on the ground to take advantage of it and jumped to a height of more than a hundred meters, easily avoiding 3 heavy sniper bullets.

Immediately afterwards, the silhouette of the whole person was like a ghost and a ghost, traversing a circle of rays in the sky at high speed.

The three excellent snipers lurking in the dark were cut by the trajectory of the aperture formed by Qi Yu’s body into two halves of flesh and blood splashes.

After completing all of this, Qi Yu quickly pressed the timer pause button on the watch to freeze the commemorative significance of the assassin army.

“Ding! Destroy 299 Ordinary Level evil lifeforms and absorb 299 life energy!”

“Currently, 2457 points of total life energy have been collected, and 997543 points of life energy are needed to achieve Great Sage!”

After solving the last three snipers hidden in the vicinity of the tall building in one breath, the cumulative killing prompt of the system came from Qi Yu’s mind.

Immediately, he landed on the ground covered with corpses, hung his head slightly, and looked at the time displayed on the watch’s timer function.

“A total of 27 seconds, less than half a minute, it’s okay.” Qi Yu shrugged his shoulders and said to himself.

In fact, if this is a wilderness, Qi Yu slaughtered their 300 assassins. It didn’t take 27 seconds at all. He directly crushed everything within a radius of several hundred meters into one piece with a punch. The enemy wiped out in an instant. It’s a pity that considering that this is a city, with many buildings and many citizens, you can’t hurt the innocent, so you can only kill each and everyone.

At the same time, Daredevil, who was hiding under a stone sculpture like a mouse afraid of cats, was blinded for more than a decade, and he was shocked, oh wrong, it should be said that it was horror, and it was so horrible that Boss opened it!

Daredevil has five tastes in his mind right now. Although he has not witnessed how Qi Yu wiped out all 5 fully armed assassins nearby in less than half a minute, his ears I heard it absolutely clearly just now. The cries, wailing, and screaming of the assassins when they were slaughtered are simply terrible, like a world of purgatory!

Daredevil knows that if he is faced with only 30 fully armed assassins, he will rely on his physical fitness, combat experience, high-tech cane equipment, combined with the surrounding terrain and environment, after a long period of tussle and contest, maybe Can barely defeat them. However, the Terminator guy, in just half a minute, slaughtered this enemy that is ten times the number of assassins, it is unimaginable!

Now, Daredevil finally understands why when Terminator said to kill Kingpin, his words and manners seemed so casual.

The reason is that Terminator has all this strength, and this absolute crushing strength that can ignore everything!

Although Kingpin’s hand-joint power is huge, his network is vast, his money is countless, and there are many assassins. Kingpin himself is also an extraordinary powerhouse injected with Super Soldier Serum, but all this is the “god” of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. In front of them, it’s all scum!

Daredevil has looked down on Terminator just now, and thinks Terminator is an inferior Daredevil who will not judge the situation and reckless impulse. Now I know that oneself is a big fool who does not know Mount Tai!

At this moment, Daredevil’s face was covered with hot embarrassment, and his face was red.

Fortunately, Terminator didn’t look here. With the cover of the night and good emotional self-control ability, Daredevil quickly faded the blush on the cheek…

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