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Kingpin Fiske was an unknown little shrimp in New York more than 20 years ago. However, in recent years, he has become the prestigious black Dao Lineage governor of New York, the real local tyrant of Underground World.

The so-called A great man has to be ruthless. In order to expand his hegemony in the underworld forces and become the true king of the underworld, Kingpin killed his own pregnant wife and kicked off this threat that might be taken away by others. His stumbling block overcomes the two major weaknesses of affection and love in human nature.

Even after successfully ascending to the throne of the triad leader in New York City, Kingpin, who has a strong sense of worry, still does not enjoy the comfort all day long, but often takes a lot of time for high-intensity physical training, and fights with many martial arts experts hired to practice It’s an explosive high-strength muscle. He looks like a Big Fatty with a weight of more than 500 pounds. In fact, those are really strong muscles.

Kingpin’s lifeform level is the same as Captain America, and it also belongs to Transcendent grade’s lifeform, which is beyond the special life level of ordinary person.

It is worth mentioning that Daredevil, such as Hawkeye and Black Widow, are actually still stuck in the Life Level of Ordinary Level, and have not yet broken through to the Life Level of Transcendent grade. Of course, Hawkeye and Black Widow are SHIELD’s veteran 8-level agents. Even if they do not reach the Transcendent grade Life Level, they are definitely among the strongest characters in the Ordinary Level Life Level.


Fisker Building, 124th floor, private office.

The interior decoration design tends to be simple, and the golden tone of the gray renders it a bit cold and depressed.

The light in the office is relatively soft. On the cypress wood floor, there are 2 leather sofas and a purple trembling wooden table. The decoration style is simple and elegant.

A few fresh peony pot plants exude a fresh and pleasant fragrance.

Up ahead indoors is a huge LED LCD screen hanging on the wall. This LCD screen is as large as a table tennis table.

At this moment, the dim and dark night scene is displayed on the display, but with the weak light of orange-yellow in the real scene of the picture, you can also roughly see how it is a terrifying scene.

A large number of broken limbs and internal organs were scattered on the ground horizontally and vertically. The dark red blood stained the concrete floor. The flowers and grass around the office park were splashed with many fresh blood.

At the center of about 300 incomplete bodies, a man in casual clothes and a black skull mask stood.

Yes, the man is the rumored Terminator. For some reason, the mysterious existence of the opponents’ joint slaughter in recent days and even the active attack against the attack!

Looking at the real-time picture uploaded by the monitor, Kingpin’s mouth twitched and twitched from time to time, and the cigars caught on his fingers did not bother to smoke, letting each minding their own business burn towards the end.

He originally thought that Terminator sent him a Death challenge letter saying that he was going to take his life tonight, he could arrange an ambush in advance and let 300 elite assassins with complete firepower hidden in the dark besiege Terminator and kill Terminator!


What he didn’t expect was that Terminator’s strength was so horrible!

300 fully armed and trained assassins were wiped out by a bare-handed Terminator group in less than 30 seconds?

Moreover, the Terminator does not seem to have any signs of injury, it is completely difficult to crush!

Kingpin finally figured out why Terminator dared to issue a Death challenge letter to him so boldly, and how dare singlehanded to break into his Fisker building.

The reason is that the other party is not arrogant, but absolute self-confidence!

Ka ka ka ……

Kingpin’s tight palm muscles crushed the corner of the purple trembling wooden table.

Because of annoyance and frustration, his eyes were covered with cobweb-like blood.

“Notify Leona and Drake to cover Terminator with an artillery strike. The last line of defense…”

Kingpin was weakly instructed to a male assistant in a suit and leather suit. The male assistant immediately dialed the communicator when he heard Boss’ words, and repeated the Kingpin command in his own tone.

“Roger that.”

“Roger that.”

From the wireless communicator, the standard echo of 2 mercenary elites came.

Immediately, two advanced military helicopters took off from the sky platform at the then more than 2 meters high of the Fisker Building, emitting a mechanical smell of propellers, and rushed towards the ground.

“Oh? It turns out there are also 2 bad luck eggs for experience!”

Looking at the two menacing helicopters in the sky, Qi Yu unintentionally stretched out a barricade, just as if he had not taken the two military helicopters equipped with heavy firepower seriously.

I had the impression that Terminator easily swept the 300 assassins. When he heard the sound of the two helicopters above his head, Daredevil was not as nervous as before. He was very optimistic about Terminator’s next response. If Terminator symbolizes a stock, then the current Daredevil will buy the Terminator stock even if he does his best, because he has accurate inside information!

Facts have proved that Daredevil’s idea is correct.

Facing the stream of Vulcan Gatlin heavy metal bullets pouring toward oneself, Qi Yu silhouette flickered, and it was teleportation to a safe area away from several dozen meters away.

Although the area where Qi Yu had just settled has been shot into a densely packed cement sieve, that is no longer his business.

While the pilot was using technical means to scan where Terminator was hiding, Qi Yu directly lifted a business van parked under the park wall and fiercely slammed into the high altitude helicopter that started the Vulcan Gatling gun.

Hong long long ! ! !

The first helicopter to launch a powerful artillery blow was shattered, and in the dark night sky, all of a sudden the flames rolled and smoke rose.

Witnessing that his own teammate died in the explosion of this helicopter, the pilot in the other helicopter was really scared and angry.

Under various complex emotions, the driver pressed the launch button of the small rattlesnake missile with red eyes.

With the sound of “xiu”, a pocket missile dragging the flame tail of Crimson blasted towards Qi Yu on the ground with terrifying pressure.

In the face of this rattlesnake missile, Qi Yu stood still and calmly, without moving his footsteps. His eyes revealed the light and captured the impact trajectory of the missile with his eyes.


It can be said that without any warning, Qi Yu extended his right hand with thunderbolt lightning.

His right hand pinched the side wall of the rattlesnake missile accurately, because the fuse at the top of the missile did not trigger, so the missile not at all exploded, that is, the rattlesnake held by Qi Yu in his hand The missile is temporarily safe.

“Hehe! Give it back to you!”

Qi Yu reversed the Rattlesnake missile in his hand by a 180-degree turn.

So, the Rattlesnake Missile returned to roughly the same trajectory as it came.

“Oh! Shit!”

The heavy helicopter in midair was immediately evacuated by this rattlesnake missile into steel debris splashed by Firefly 4.

“Ding! Destroy 2 Ordinary Level evil lifeforms and absorb 2 life energy!”

“Currently, 2359 points of total life energy have been collected, and 997641 points of life energy are needed to achieve Great Sage!”

Since then, all the hand-assembling assassins appearing under the Fisk Building have been wiped out by Qi Yu.

And Qi Yu’s next move is to get rid of the Boss of the hand meeting-Kingpin Fisker, who has made the whole New York Underground World frightened!

PS. Thank you for my 100-point support for Wu Wu Ye, Lonely Dragon ^_^

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