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peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ Bang!

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ Bang!

Anticipating dangerous and strong spider senses, the hairs on and off Spider-Man all stood up.

However, in the face of a car with a 360-degree all-around package flying, although he had predicted that the threat was coming, he had nowhere to escape, so he still maintained a spherical posture and used his strong body to resist all directions from all directions. One car after another.

When hit by the first few cars, Spider-Man, with his strong body, was still able to bear it, no big deal.

But after resisting more than ten cars in a row, the corners of Spider-Man’s mouth began to bleed, which meant he suffered an internal injury.

After more than 100 cars were smashed, Spider-Man’s red spider web battle clothes were smashed. Half of the red leather mask was damaged and half of his face was exposed. Fortunately, his face was covered with blood and dust. He was beaten so much that Aunt Mei didn’t even know him, so he didn’t have to worry about revealing his identity.

At this moment, Spider-Man was crushed by more than 100 twisted and deformed cars like a hill, unable to move even a little bit.

He lay dying in a pit filled with cobweb-shaped cracks, completely losing battle strength and ability to move.

Daredevil, who once saved the city, doesn’t even stand up at the moment. How ironic and miserable?

Conference Hall of the UN Security Council.

Looking at the Spider-Man with torn skin and gaping flesh smashed by more than 100 cars falling from the sky on the big screen of real-time monitoring, the heads of government and advanced generals of various countries suddenly felt a sad feeling, especially those advanced generals It is also a pity for the brave soldiers who swear to defend Earth.

But at the same time, I have to admit that despite the justice, bravery, and dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety of Spider-Man, seeing him being abused by the alien expert, they still felt a sense of disappointment.

“It seems that Daredevil in our planet is not an opponent of the alien pioneer!” Russian President Ross sighed.

“No, these 5 alien ships are in our Earth airspace in less than 20 minutes. Other heroes are definitely still on their way to the battlefield. Spider-Man is not a hero of the first echelon, and it is weak. Once the other heroes arrive, the damn octopus is absolutely die without a burial site!” Director SHIELD Fury immediately retorted that if he defeated the octopus aliens alone, he was very confident in the Avengers under the jurisdiction of oneself.

“But, Director Fury, you should also see that the octopus alien is just a pioneer.”

The Secretary-General of the United Nations shook the head and expressed sadness, “Behind him, there are also five 5-kilometer cosmic warships, and there are countless alien warriors in it, and there are even some of them as powerful existence as him. Even Killing him doesn’t seem to improve our bad situation.”

In the first scene, Ebony Maw looked at the Earth hero who was severely injured by oneself’s mad smashing tactics, and a smile of satisfaction appeared on the ugly old face.

Ebony Maw spread his hands out, and the more than 100 piled-up scrap cars suddenly flew away from the original place and scattered towards all directions.

He hooked his finger, a rubber hose not far from the control came flying around, wrapped around Spider-Man’s neck a few times, strangled him and suspended his feet off the ground in midair, making him unable to move .

At this moment, Spider-Man was completely reduced to the meat on the knife board, let Ebony Maw slaughter.

“Sacrifice the great Thanos with your blood!”

Ebony Maw waved his big hand, and a sharp iron fence nearby, like a flying arrow, was aggressively aimed at Spider-Man’s heart!

For a time, countless United States people watching live broadcasts on the screen, as well as fellow human beings from other countries, collectively held their breath.

Spider-Man also closed his hematoma eyes, shiver coldly to greet Death.


At this crucial moment, a round metal shield printed with 5-pointed stars suddenly flew out of several dozen meters.

It intercepted in front of Spider-Man’s body, accompanied by a crisp metal crash and a splash of sparks, which resisted the stab of the iron fence.

Yes, that is the Vibranium shield of Captain America Steve Rogers!

Captain America pressed the summon button on his wrist, so the Vibranium shield that flew out was sensed, circled in midair, and returned to the US team’s hand again.

It is worth mentioning that Captain America, a poor man who has to pay 7 to 8 even for his rent, has no money to buy this high-tech equipment and no self-developed technological mind. This summon shield device is an Iron Man who is an Avengers teammate. A gift for him on his 97th birthday.


Spider-Man slowly lifted his eyelids and glanced at Captain America, who was running at a short distance. A relief smile appeared on his face, and he fell to the ground in a faint.

Along with Captain America, the Black Widow woman and Hawkeye, two Avengers members sitting in the front and front passenger seats in the Quinjet cockpit above the street, as well as the black sunglasses male falcon soaring.

“Well, there are four more heroes?” Ebony Maw brows slightly wrinkle, his eyes more serious.

“Go to death! Ugly octopus!”

The Black Widow woman didn’t even bother to say the opening speech. She accidentally pulled the handle and started the Gatling gun on the Quinjet.

puff puff puff puff pu!

One after another large-caliber heavy metal bullet, like a densely packed raindrop, poured in the direction of Ebony Maw.

Ebony Maw stretched his take action arm calmly, with 5 fingers wide open. Like the male protagonist Neo in The Matrix, he fixed those pouring bullets in the sky and could no longer move forward.

“The ability of this octopus is quite similar to that of Magneto at that time.” The bullets shot by the Black Widow woman were all suspended in midair, and they stopped doing useless work and released the handle of the gatling gun. hand.

“If his ability is at the same level as Magneto, then our situation is really bad!” Hawkeye frowned and looked serious.

Before Quinjet, Ebony Maw gnashing teeth, the expression on his face looked quite angry, “Stupid Earth man, I said that, I am a holy sorcerer, not an octopus!”

As the voice fell, Ebony Maw raised his hand, grabbed the Quinjet on which the Black Widow woman and Hawkeye were riding with a strong mind, and controlled the Quinjet’s body, fiercely smashing it to the ground.

Hong long! ! !

Quinjet, worth 100000000 million US dollars from SHIELD, just exploded.

With the flesh and blood of the two women, Black Widow and Hawkeye, most likely to be seriously injured in this explosion, and even directly lead the box lunch.

Fortunately, these two people responded quickly. When they realized that Quinjet was out of control, they had already unbuckled their seat belts and were ready to jump at any time.

The two rolled around on the ground, cushioning the impact of falling from the low meters of several meters, and stood up unharmed.

Although Black Widow woman and Hawkeye belong to Ordinary Level lifeform, which is not a superhuman Transcendent grade, they still have 2 real brushes, otherwise they only have a long relationship with SHIELD, the leader of the Avengers program. The public’s qualifications become a member of Avengers.

At this moment, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Falcon, and the 4 Avengers stand in a line to confront the alien pioneer Ebony Maw.

“Octopus sorcerer, accept the sanctions of the Avengers!” Captain America, as spokesperson of the Avengers team, said righteously.

“Ji jié jié jié, based on your four, is also the opponent of this sorcerer?” Ebony Maw face revealed disdain, the tone is quite ridiculous, as if the 4 heroes in his eyes are like trivial ant.

“Whether it is your opponent or not, first ask if the shield in my hand agrees!”

“Oh, really?”

Ebony Maw’s dry face burst into a strange arc.

He secretly hooked his finger behind his back and quietly exerted his power to capture the Vibranium shield of Captain America from the air. While Captain America was not paying attention, he shot directly at the head of the US team and gave the respected Avengers Captain to him on the spot. Slapped.

Captain America lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

“Captain !”

Black Widow woman glanced at Captain America on the ground and saw that Captain was unconscious due to a sneak attack. She was very annoyed. She quickly pulled out two submachine guns from her waist and fired at Ebony Maw’s body.

However, Nian Li Master Ebony Maw just flicked backhand, and all the bullets turned back and shot on the full body of the Black Widow woman. Fortunately, she was wearing SHIELD’s special bulletproof vest.

However, the powerful impact produced by dozens of bullets shot at the same time, but hit the Black Widow woman 7-8 meters away, spit a mouthful of blood, and was seriously injured.

“Natasha! Damn it!”

Hawkeye gnashing teeth, an angry flame burning in his eyes.

He pulled out a sharp arrow enough to shoot through a few inches of thick steel plate from the arrow basket behind him, put it on the tight bow string that was bent and aimed at Ebony Maw’s throat, let go of the arrow!

Unfortunately, Ebony Maw just flicked his fingers across the air, the arrow of this sharp arrow turned around, and returned to shoot on Hawkeye’s instep, plunging into the ground 30%, the pain of the big man Hawkeye yelled.

The Falcon is a clever thief. Seeing that the three hero teammates who are not weaker than own are all Ebony Maw seconds, knowing that oneself is the next one, so they slap their wings and turn their heads decisively. It is still important to save their strength.

However, Ebony Maw was not so easy to fool. Seeing that the last hero Falcon wanted to run, he directly raised his hand and broke the mechanical wings of the Falcon.

The mechanical wings were destroyed, and the falcon, which had lost its flying ability, fell from a height of more than ten meters and fell half dead.

4 Avengers, so each and everyone was beaten down, all lost the combat capability.

This is terrifying of Terrifying grade lifeform!

A truly powerful Terrifying grade powerhouse, it is not a problem to hang ten Transcendent grade lifeforms, just like Captain America, which is a Transcendent grade lifeform, can hang ten ordinary Hydra soldiers.

Ebony Maw is by no means annoying.

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