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Looking at the five Earth heroes who couldn’t stand on the ground, Ebony Maw’s mouth showed a proud arc, and his dry face showed a disdainful expression.

Spider-Man, Captain America, Black Widow woman, Hawkeye, Falcon, although these five people belong to the second tier of Avengers, are far inferior to Thor, Hulk, Diga Ultraman, but after all, they can be regarded as Daredevil.

Nowadays, the group is being abused so badly, 2 are unconscious, and the other 3 are half-dead on the ground, struggling to survive, enough to prove the strength of Ebony Maw’s Terrifying grade!

Of the 5 Zittari giant ships suspended in the sky in New York City, 5,000,000 Zittari warriors saw through real-time monitoring screen that Master Ebony Maw had defeated all 5 Earth Army pioneers with only one person’s power. Cheering excitedly again, expressing the high morale of this moment with their Chitauri’s unique roar sound like wild beast.

In the battleship command room of the giant ship, Marshal Zitari, Black Dwarf, Proxima Midnight, and Superstar, each of which is in charge of a giant ship, also greatly appreciated and delighted Ebony Maw’s performance.

At the same time, the heads of state and generals in the United Nations Security Council Conference Hall on the Earth side were completely different at the moment, and basically all were in a state of depression.

In addition to a few people, they still believe that God will bless Earth and humans will eventually turn peril into safety in this war. For example, Director SHIELD Fury wearing a one-eyed mask is one of the most representative representatives of human indestructibility.

Chitauri’s first battle against the Earth, on the wide streets of New York City.

Knowing that these 5 Daredevil are not dead, for the sake of cut weeds and eliminate the roots, Ebony Maw hooked his hand and used his force to grab 5 sharp and iron fences in the air, so that 5 iron fences were suspended in Midair, aiming at the 5 Avengers lying on the ground.

Ebony Maw raised an index finger and bent slightly forward.

Correspondingly, the five iron fences were like fiercely stabbing towards the chest of the five avengers, just like the iron arrows off the string.


The Avengers are worthy of Marvel world’s protagonist group, with the protagonist aura bonus, it is still a big life.

When the iron fence pierced Spider-Man, a pair of faintly discernible, seemingly real and false jade hands suddenly protruded from the ground, pulling Spider-Man in, so that his entire body was submerged and disappeared. on the ground.

So the iron fence pierced an empty space, and failed to hit the target person. The arrow embedded in the stone ground, splashing a few pieces of gravel residue.

In the next scene, a girl carrying Spider-Man in a comatose appeared outside the distance of several dozen meters.

This girl has the ability to transform herself and others into a non-physical state, thereby penetrating through solid materials such as walls or floors. Ms. Shadowcat, one of the ten members of X-Men!

As for the other four death-killing iron fences punctured by Ebony Maw’s display power, they were also cracked by the other four X-Men in a trick of have nothing common with each other.

Wolverine, who stabbed at the iron fence of Captain America in time, was easily divided into 4 sections with Adamantium wolf claws.

The iron fence that stabbed the Black Widow woman was released by Cyclops with a fiery-red laser, and the blast was melted into a pool of molten iron.

The iron fence that stabbed at Hawkeye was resisted by Steel Lux with forcibly more than 2 meters high manganese steel body, and the sharp arrows hit the curled blade.

The iron fence that stabbed at the falcon was caught by the responsive blue-hair wild beast, and then thrown aside at a 90-degree bend with his knee.

In addition to these 5 X-Men, also 5 other X-Men were also present. They are Professor X, Iceman, Pyro, Storm, and Mystique.

This means that the ten major members of X-Men have now collectively arrived at the first scene of the invasion of the Zittari giant ship.

The elderly Professor X is pushing a wheelchair, and Wolverine, Shadowcat, Cyclops, Steel Lux, Wild beast, Iceman, Pyro, Storm, Mystique are standing behind him. Master Ebony Maw confronted.

“You have so many flies on Earth. This sorcerer has just solved 5 of them, and there are 20 more. Will you kill 1 of them and wait for 1 more in a few moments?” Wave and the endless Daredevil came into play, and Ebony Maw was a little impatient.

“Less talk, our X-Men, but it is not so easy to be defeated!”

Wolverine grumpy, pointing at Ebony Maw’s nose and retorted, “Also stinky octopus, the five avengers you just knocked down, just happened to be the weaker five of Avengers, don’t think how powerful you are! If the power ranks The first few Avengers are here and will definitely beat you in badly with many teeth knocked out!”

After finishing speaking, he gave Ebony Maw a middle finger expressing contempt.

“Dear octopus sorcerer, although the Milky Way is colorful and vast, but 10000000 don’t think that our Earth is a very messy place.”

“We will do our utmost to make full strength, even if we give our own life, we must protect our own home. As long as we humans are willing, any alien forces who dare to invade this sacred territory will splash blood on the spot.”

“This is my advice to you, I hope you can take your army of aggression and leave this planet.”

“Peace after all, is a theme of Eternity.”

Professor X with a faint smile, gave his advice, or a polite warning.

“Ben sorcerer said, this sorcerer is not-yes-octopus-fish!!!”

Ebony Maw was crying angrily when he was mistaken for the humble microorganism of the octopus line.

As the angry voice fell, Ebony Maw waved his hand.

The more than 100 scrapped cars that were used to smash Spider-Man were suspended in the air again and flew over the X-Men like raindrops.

It is true that Professor X is not to be trifled with.

In the X-Men 10-player team, the remaining 9 belong to Transcendent grade Mutants. Only Professor X 1 belongs to Terrifying grade Mutants and possesses the strength of Terrifying grade!

Professor X’s Life Level and Ebony Maw belong to the same level. If he is not alone, he may not lose to Ebony Maw. He naturally did not take this trifling Ebony Maw too seriously. In fact, Professor X is really afraid of it. It is the 5 Interstellar invasion-class spaceships behind Ebony Maw, the several million Zitari warriors in the ship, and other unknown powerful alien existences.

In the face of more than 100 cars lifted by Ebony Maw’s display force, Professor X stared at the opposite Ebony Maw, his eyes changed, and a sharp mental energy immediately attacked the central brain of Ebony Maw.


Disturbed by a powerful mental energy, Ebony Maw’s brain seemed to be bumped, and his brain shook slightly.

The resulting phenomenon was that Ebony Maw’s mind manipulation was disturbed. The more than 100 cars suspended in midair were temporarily out of control, and 7 8 1 fell from the sky in a scattered manner, smashing small pieces on the road. Pit.

More than 100 cars hit the X-Men’s offensive, which was resolved by the professor.

I have to say that Ebony Maw, as the terrifying grade powerhouse of the sorcerer department, has a very strong mental barrier defensive ability, and has the world’s first powerful brain, Professor X. Just now, Spirit Attack only caused a slight brain to it. Shock.

And if the ordinary person suffers from the intense mental energy attack of Professor X just now, the brain will definitely burst like a ripe watermelon. Even if a lot of Daredevil get caught, I am afraid that it will be a headache, and even fall into a crazy state.

“How? Stinky octopus sorcerer, dare to underestimate us!”

Wolverine rubbed a pair of Adamantium sharp claw, rubbing the sparkles of scarlet, and harboring malicious intentions mocked Ebony Maw.

“shut up!”

Ebony Maw waved a big hand, and an iron pillar suddenly flew from behind Wolverine.

Because this move was too unexpected, it can even be said that it was a bit insidious. Wolverine couldn’t dodge it, and his body was instantly pierced by this iron pillar from the sneak attack behind, and pierced the front chest from the back.

“Oh! Shit!”

A burst of pain came from within the body, and Wolverine was in pain and howling.

Seeing Wolverine shattered by oneself, Ebony Maw’s face raised a satisfying evil smile, “This is the end of daring to disrespect this sorcerer!”

However, the next scene was a bit unexpected for Ebony Maw.

After wailing for a while, the other party is still stubbornly alive, and the heart is still pierced and still maintains the life force?

I saw that Wolverine pulled out the iron pillar through the heart and threw the iron pillar stained with bright red flesh to the ground.

Ebony Maw clearly saw that the blood hole in Wolverine’s chest was healing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye at the moment, but within a few seconds, the wound recovered as before, and no trace of scar remained, as if it had never been The same as stabbing.

“Do you have…self-healing regeneration ability?”

As a first-class master of thought in the galaxy, following the great Thanos, the massacre of half of the population of 100 civilized planets, Ebony Maw has been very knowledgeable in the past 100 years, and has also seen several guys who also have very strong self-healing capabilities. , So after a brief surprise, he returned to calm.

To deal with this kind of opponent who is extremely self-healing and almost undying, Ebony Maw is not without a way to crack it. In fact, he personally solved such an opponent more than ten years ago.

At that time, Ebony Maw was instructed to clean up half of the indigenous people named “Antar Star” civilization planet, and he encountered a lizard general who could regenerate Infinity in the resistance.

That lizard general argues that fighting is not an opponent of Ebony Maw at all, but he has a special gene for rapid self-healing, even if he has suffered 100 fatal attacks on his body, he can still recover quickly.

Later, Ebony Maw calmed down and changed his mind. Using force to bind the lizard general with a thick iron chain, he found a volcanic crater and threw him directly.

The result is conceivable, General Lizard has the ability of self-healing no matter how strong, but in the face of the 10000-degree high temperature lava that drowned the whole body, he did not insist for a while and was completely melted into blood water in the hot lava.

“The self-healing regeneration ability is indeed a good ability. Hehe, but this sorcerer is not without a way to kill you.”

Ebony Maw said with a smile to Wolverine, there was a strange sense of send cold shivers down one’s spine.

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