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In the past few days, Odyssey, who was beaten to death by Qi Yu that night, was later rushed to the hospital by Tony and recovered almost completely.

The reason for Tony’s decision to rescue Obadea was not because he had sympathy with the villain, but because he didn’t want him to die so easily, he decided to save him.

No, as soon as Obadea was rescued, Tony personally sent the 50-year-old man to prison, allowing him to spend the rest of his life in the cold prison.

In fact, the past few days Tony even wondered whether oneself’s parents were also murdered by the scum of Obadea.

In his view, the Stark couple reported accidental death in the media, maybe simply not an accident, but intentional man-made, and other hidden feelings!

Tony thought more and more angry, more and more suspicious, in the attitude of Ning Xinxin has untrustworthy and nothing, that his parents’ death Obadea blame!

Therefore, it is not enough for Obadea to spend the rest of his life silently in prison. Penalty Obadea must be given more weight to let him experience the desperate taste of all black, no daylight!

So, Tony used his hands-on connections to deliberately put two secret eyeliners in the prison, a prison guard and a prisoner, who were specifically responsible for monitoring Obadea’s every move.

At the same time, Tony also hired several hundred prisoners in prison at the cost of cigarette packs per person per Monday, and asked them to give Obatadea a small fight for 100 days and a big fight for 3 days. To death.

Admittedly, the prisoners are not fools, knowing that Obadea is a very valuable tree that shakes cigarettes. After death, there is no smoking, so everyone generally does not weigh too much, and it is almost like hitting his eyes.

apart from this, those inmates spontaneously formed an “Obadea Project Supervision Team” in the prison. There are 4 people on duty every day. These 4 people are responsible for following behind Obadea all the time, always monitoring and comprehensive evaluation Obadea’s physical condition in case Obadiah accidentally hung up.

I have to say that the good days of Obadea are coming to an end. Unless one day, both the spirit and body collapse, and they can’t bear the suffering of this kind of suffering and choose to commit suicide, otherwise the days will only increase. Misery, always in a dark world of purgatory…

The fiery sun rises gradually from the east of New York City, and the light penetrates the veil-like clouds and the misty morning fog, covering the colorful and prosperous city with warm glow.

In the grassland of the manor, crystal clear and near-transparent dew shines in the sunshine, sucking the nutrients in the air and the fragrance of the soil.

A few birds stood on the flowers in the grass, and chirp chirp twitter twitter sang songs. As soon as they sensed the unusual movement nearby, they were so surprised that they spread their wings and flew into the distance.

New York, Queens, 9527 Beiru Street, Dragon’s Manor.

This manor filled with a classic atmosphere is Qi Yu’s stronghold in Marvel world, where he has lived for a while.

Today, a man in white casual clothes came down from a cool Rolls-Royce car and was escorted by a fat bodyguard to the iron gate of the manor.

Standing in front of the big iron gate were two black guards wearing sunglasses. Two of them were hired by Qi Yu from the security company to guard the gate. Let them 2 to block the existence of super criminals, Qi Yu did not expect at all, but used to deter thieves and bad gangsters and so on, it is still very useful.

When the two burly black guards saw someone coming, the professional security qualities made the two of them start a vigilant observation of the stranger in front of them.

At this time, the white clothed man took off his sunglasses and handed it to the fat bodyguard beside him.

After seeing the appearance of the white clothed man, the two black guards originally accelerated their beating heart slightly because of vigilance, and suddenly became more intense because of excitement.

This… This is the Renowned Daredevil Iron Man, the top ten super rich Tony · Stark in the global rich list! !

Yes, it’s Tony Stark right now standing outside the Dragon’s Manor gate!

A few days have passed since the night of the steel armor violent war outside Stark Industrial Park.

The story of the latest Daredevil Iron Man in the United States also continued to ferment during the past few days, and it was spread that the two names, Tony Stark and Iron Man, seemed like wild wildfire likes, which spread all over the time. The United States.

Although in terms of military force, N Iron Man may not be comparable to a Terminator, but in terms of fame, Terminator is indeed far inferior to Iron Man.

The reason why Terminator’s fame is not as big as Iron Man is, the fundamental reason of all this is that the real identity of Iron Man is actually Tony Stark!

Tony · Stark is who?

He is a super playboy who has been in bed with the cover girl of the maxim for 12 months!

He is a super inventor with over 100 individual patents!

He is a super rich with a net worth of more than 1000 100000000 million US dollars!

He is a super genius with a very high IQ!

In addition to these super titles, which were enough to cause a national sensation, he won a patriotic Daredevil title a few days ago!

With so many super titles in one body, I am afraid there are not many people in the whole world, right?

Closer to home. Tony has been busy these days.

For example, send the dying Obadiah to the hospital for rescue, for example, send the recovered Obadiah to the prison, for example, contact the warden and the prisoner in the prison, for example, cooperate with SHIELD for investigation, for example, deal with Stark The backlog of the group is a matter of urgency, such as re-manufacturing several small-energy small ark reactors with sufficient energy for backup, and so on.

Tony was finally busy with all the things on hand last night. Early this morning, according to the address Qi Yu gave the other night, he took a car outside the Dragon’s Manor gate in Queens.

Qi Yu had previously told Tony clearly that he was charged for helping others solve problems, and gave Tony time to come over and discuss with him the question of charging standards.

Tony is not a guy who likes renege on a debt, and because he is so rich, he doesn’t need renege on a debt at all.

The most important thing is that in Tony’s eyes, Terminator is an extremely powerful mysterious existence, and the character is also okay, maybe he will embrace his Terminator’s thighs, and he will never worry about finding a life-saving in the future.

Attracted by the charm of Terminator’s personality, Tony still really wants to make Terminator, so as soon as he has processed all the important events at hand, he came to Terminator in person immediately.

PS. Thank you for the 100-point currency support of the paper Doraemon!

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