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The two black guards in front of the big iron gate of the manor, after witnessing the person standing in front of oneself who was originally the iron man Tony · Stark, both of them have different mental outlooks.

The other party is Tony Stark, the justice Daredevil Iron Man, and the representative of the American patriots. Obviously, it is not a cause of trouble. The two black guards are very clear.

So they guessed that Boss should know Tony Stark. In addition, Tony Stark came here in casual clothes. The driver also carried beautifully decorated red wine. There was no business secretary or administrative assistant behind them. In suits, it seems that 2% of him came to visit Boss as a friend.

At the thought of this, the two black guards couldn’t help but sigh. It was very correct to choose to work in this manor. The Boss they served was definitely not simple!

“Dear Mr. Stark, please wait a moment, and I will inform the owner.” One of the black guards quickly pulled out the communicator to notify Qi Yu, who was reading books in the manor’s study.

During the conversation between the black guard and Boss, another black guard explained amicably: “Sorry, Mr. Stark, this is our Boss rule.”

“It doesn’t matter. The rules are the rules. If there are no rules, maybe even the United States of America will not exist.” Tony shrugged, laughed teasingly.

“Hogan, bring me the red wine.” Tony took the red wine from the hands of the fat bodyguard. “You can drive the dazzling car for a ride. Take the girl, you don’t want to go with me in the manor, this involves To my personal privacy with the manor.”

In fact, the real identity of Terminator is the owner of Dragon’s Manor. So far, only Tony knows. Tony considered from Terminator’s perspective, this kind of secret can’t be revealed to anyone else, even the loyal bodyguard who has followed oneself for many years, this is a matter of principle.

Hogan obediently nodded when he heard what Boss said.

At this time, the black doorman of the newsletter said to Tony respectfully: “Mr. Stark, the host asked me to tell you and welcome your visit.”

So, Tony took the precious red wine, and after the black guard stepped back, he walked past the iron gate of the manor and walked towards the mansion.

From afar, Tony saw Qi Yu standing at the door of the manor hall at the moment. On the 2nd side of Qi Yu, there were two young maids standing. Looking at this situation, it seemed to be a ceremony to welcome guests.

“Welcome to the hut, Mr. Stark.” Qi Yu opened his arms in a hug gesture, and came to Stark with an intimate hug between friends.

Although this is the second time the two have met, they are not friends to some extent, but it is undeniable that since Qi Yu successively saved the lives of Tony and Pepper that night, Tony has taken Qi Yu became his friend.

Even more how Tony knows that the other party is a Daredevil. Although Terminator is said to be cruel to crack down on criminals, he often does not give criminals any way to live, and a living criminal Terminator, but the essence of his approach is still justified. Just Bushwacker is not strictly a bad person in the strict sense, and it is worth making a deep relationship.

“Mr. Terminator.” Tony doesn’t know Qi Yu’s name yet, so he just called him with a ridicule, “You are really tasteful, even the maid is a hired Danish girl.”

hearing this, Qi Yu slightly startled: “Your vision is really good, even if they are from any country.”

“Of course, I can remember very clearly that the night before I went to Afghanistan to demonstrate the Jericho missile, I was a sleeping Danish girl.” Tony explained.

“Then you will be retaliated, right?” Qi Yu said with a smile.

“Perhaps!” Tony spread out both hands. “Yes, are your Danish maids still in charge of you at night?”

“You are too dirty.” Qi Yu rolled the eyes, indicating that the baby is very pure.

In this way, Qi Yu walked with Tony while walking towards the study area of ​​the manor.

Qi Yu pushed open the door and let Tony go into the house. After Tony entered, he walked in and gently took the wooden door of the study.

“Please sit down.” Qi Yu pointed to a wooden chair under the desk and politely motioned Tony to sit down.

“Oh, a wooden chair?” Tony sat down on the buttocks, leaning on this hand-made chair relaxedly. “I haven’t been in this wooden chair for a long time, and I really miss the smell of nature. “

“Qi Yu, a Chinese from Eastern China.” Qi Yu stretched the take action to the opposite Tony. Tony also took back 2 Lang’s legs with a face, stood up and shook hands with Qi Yu.

“Tony · Stark, um… I won’t introduce it in other cases. You should be very clear. Those media have reported it countless times.” Tony smiled and shook Qi Yu’s hand hard, and then Sitting back on the wooden chair again, brows slightly wrinkle, “To be honest, I really didn’t expect you to be a Chinese.”

Qi Yu sat relaxed in the chair behind him and shrugged his shoulders: “What a surprise, after all, Daredevil can’t be all of you from the United States? Maybe, what Spider-Man is still obsessed with tight clothes, at the same time Thai mutant shemale who speaks fluent English!”

“Well, you are right.” Tony Qi Yu’s point of view, Tony agrees nodded, with a sincere face, “However, there is one thing I must admit, you are the most grown-up I have ever seen in my life Handsome man.”

Hearing Tony’s words, Qi Yu felt flattered and goose bumps were about to rise. He admitted that oneself was a little handsome, but did Tony say so exaggerated?

Sure enough, after the damn Tony paused for 2 seconds, then added another sentence: “Oh, forget to say, I mean limited to all male Daredevil, for example, you are more handsome than the stone man in Fantastic Four too much.”

“You B*tch! I knew you were cheating!” Qi Yu said slightly, “It’s really useless to look handsome this year, for example, you are not handsome, but I guess the woman you played It’s 100 times mine.”

“The woman I’ve played is 100 times yours?” Tony pats thigh, a little surprised. “So brat, have you played several women?”

“Uh…” Qi Yu didn’t answer Tony’s words. The woman who played with Tony was just courting death. Qi Yu 2 is a human being, but he still has the pure and flawless body of a boy until now. How can he compare with the super playboy Tony who has played with hundreds of women? Too much speech is a must. If this topic continues, Qi Yu is worried that his own virgin identity is likely to be seen by the experienced Tony…

Qi Yu cleverly shifted the topic, straightened up, and directly stepped into the theme of the meeting between the two of them today: “Yes, let’s talk about the agreed fee standard for the night when Obadea was defeated…”

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