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In terms of fees, Qi Yu does not intend to ask Tony for monetary compensation.

Tony is not only the coveted immense wealth, in addition to the money, he also has a vast military and political connections, abundant resources in various circles, world-renowned reputation, and a lot of black technology and so on.

At present, there is still a deposit of thousands of US dollars in Qi Yu’s account, enough for him to pay the salaries of more than 20 employees in the manor for several months. Even more how money this thing, with Qi Yu’s current ability, want to earn a sum of 1000000 US dollars, 10000000 US dollars, or even 100000000 million US dollars of wealth, it is really not difficult.

Therefore, Qi Yu decided to set his charging standard as a black technology from Tony!

Jarvis is a super artificial intelligence developed by Tony. Its artificial intelligence level is definitely in the cream of the crop of today’s world. However, Tony has not put Jarvis artificial intelligence system on the market, but has been oneself developed and used by oneself. It is a non-sale product.

Qi Yu once planned to get a copy of Jarvis’ source code from Tony, but then think about it carefully. It is estimated that Tony is not willing to give it to others at all.

A very sufficient proof example is that if Tony puts the Jarvis artificial intelligence system on the global market in a comprehensive manner, this epoch-making invention that will change the world in the next few years can at least create a huge amount of USD 1000 100000000 million for the Stark Group. Profit, but Tony not at all does this, in fact, means that in Tony’s in mind, Jarvis’ value exceeds the value of money and wealth. Moreover, after his parents died, Tony regarded Jarvis as his only “family”.

Now that Tony incarnation is Iron Man, Jarvis system still plays a vital role in Iron Man Armor. It is the root of Iron Man Armor software and the soul of Iron Man Armor.

Since the idea of ​​playing Jarvis’ entire program was almost impossible, Qi Yu was not greedy, and decided to ask Tony for a Jarvis’ subprogram as oneself’s negotiation goal.

Although Qi Yu is not too proficient in computer programs, he still understands some basic common sense. He knows that a super artificial intelligence software system like Jarvis should be composed of “medical programs”, “hacker programs”, “weapon programs” and “security”. “Program” and other various subprograms into a total program. For example, the hacking program is said to be able to invade even the United States Department of Defense network.

Qi Yu hopes to be able to get the “security program” in it, and uses the Jarvis security program to upgrade the Dragon’s Manor’s security system. I believe that once the estate’s security system is upgraded to the world’s highest security system, such things as spies, thieves, and killers will not Friendly people, the difficulty of successfully infiltrating into the manor will be increased by several orders of magnitude, and in the event of power outage, water leakage, fire, etc. in the manor 10000, Jarvis security system can also effectively solve it.

For Qi Yu at present, the way to gather 1,000,000 evil life energy in Marvel world to achieve Great Sage is still a long way to go. He needs to accumulate slowly and enjoy the relaxed and leisurely beautiful daily life in the process. Therefore, it is indeed necessary to have a decent residence in this World, and once the Jarvis security system is in place, it will be icing on the cake for this manor.

“Tony, I don’t know who is more important to you in your mind, Jarvis and Pepper?” Qi Yu didn’t straight to the point, but chose to euphemistically express Tony the reward he wanted.

It goes without saying that a world-class genius as smart as Tony, after hearing Qi Yu’s question, naturally understands what the other party is referring to.

“In all fairness, Jarvis is a little bit more important than Pepper.” I don’t know Tony can tell true or false, anyway Qi Yu heard the answer.

“Uh… listen to what you mean, you are not going to send me a copy of Jarvis’ source code.” Qi Yu spread out both hands and accepted the fact. After all, he does not intend to obtain Jarvis’ entire program from Tony, he only needs to obtain the subprogram of the security system.

“I’m sorry. Jarvis is not a real person, but I have treated him as a real person for years, even as his only relative.” Tony opened French wine exclusively for the nobility and poured it into the brown teacup on the desk, “So, If you want to take Jarvis’ source code from me, you can’t help it.”

After talking, Tony raised a teacup filled with red wine and poured a delicious red wine into his mouth, looking very enjoyable.

Seeing how Tony enjoyed it so much, Qi Yu knew that the bottle of red wine he brought was very valuable: “How much is this bottle of red wine?” While speaking, Qi Yu also held the bottle of each minding their own business. Dark red French wine is poured into a teacup.

“8810000 US dollars, brewed in France’s Orbion winery, ordered privately.” Tony finished drinking the red wine in the teacup and put down the teacup. “This bottle of red wine should be regarded as one of the best red wines in the world. I only ordered 12 Bottle, when you first visit your manor, you always have to bring something, so I took a bottle and shared it with you.”

Hearing Tony’s “8810000 US dollars”, Qi Yu’s expression flashed a bit of surprise, this fuck is simply inhuman!

8810000 US dollars, Renminbi is approximately 70010000 Renminbi, this local tyrant actually spent 70010000 to buy a bottle of red wine, which is equivalent to 8 sets of 2 ring houses in Beijing City in 3!

But the surprise on Qi Yu’s face was just a flash of that’s all. The current US$8810000 is indeed quite scary for him, but it will definitely be nothing in the future, especially during his journey to the vast sea of ​​stars Time.

The dark red wine color is like a bottomless abyss, the elegance is filled with cold and noble, exuding the unique temperament of only the world’s top precious red wine.

Qi Yu couldn’t help the temptation, and even took a sip.

At the entrance, there is no pungent alcohol, no strong sweetness, only a slight sourness, and a light fruity fragrance.

After drinking this sip of red wine, Qi Yu’s lips and teeth still retain a fragrance that has not yet evaporated, and the aftertaste is endless.

“Good wine!”

Qi Yu nodded praised, and sure enough, the $8 French luxury privately-made red wine tasted completely different from the 180,000 pieces of 8 red wine he had previously drank in the cafeteria!

“Forget it, for the sake of bringing you such a delicious red wine.” Qi Yu grabbed the bottle and poured a glass of wine for oneself. “Jarvis’ source code I don’t need it, but…”

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