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The Temple of Thanos.

For a time, one after another looked suspiciously and threw at Thanos.

Especially the faces of the dozen or so dark Titan Generals, each and everyone are stunned.

They didn’t expect, Thanos Holy Lord, after a fierce battle with Heaven God in heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the result will be in this way…

Escape back to the temple?

And looking at the enemy big BOSSThanos, the pair of batteryd and exhausted serious injuries, Abomination, Magneto, Diana are full of joy.

Although the owner hasn’t chased it over yet, it is not difficult to speculate that Thanos is bloody and awkward. The master must have won.

Thanos, which has dominated the No. 1 galactic chart for 100 years, is the time to give way!

“Haha, I knew that the master could defeat Thanos!” Abomination thumped his own chest like a gorilla, and said with a smile in a powerful voice.

“What’s the top of the Milky Way list, what god of the dark Titan, in front of our master, is all rubbish!” Magneto proudly said.

“In my opinion, Skull Death God is the real Death God’s incarnation in the world, he is True God, and Thanos is just a false god, and he will not be a rival of Skeletal Death God at all!” Diana was also excited, her eyes revealed. A strong worship of Qi Yu.

Thanos does not care about the eyes of everyone.

Whether it was the disappointed eyes of his own dark Titan Generals or the disdainful eyes of the enemy three-player team’s victory, he didn’t care, let them be disappointed and ridiculed.

His eyes were locked on the floating throne alone.

And forced to endure the pain, driving the body that was about to fall apart, step by step Move to the depths of the temple!

There is Skeleton Death God, so a far surpasses the imagination is here. In fact, he has made a heavy decision, that is-

Give up the dark Titan star!

Although the Dark Titan star has lived for hundreds of years and is his long-occupied territory, the base camp of the dark Titans in this starry sky, but in the face of such a killing god as the Death God, the Dark Titan star does not have the ability to keep it, planet He was unable to guarantee safety for all the men on the board.

Now only take out the universe magic cube, quickly summon wormhole crossing over the starry sky escape, first save his life, so that in the future there will be a chance of revenge!

As for the fate of the dark Titan star at the foot, it will be created with its own!

At the moment, Thanos is struggling to move to the floating throne deep in the temple for a distance!

Soon, he crossed under the long temple and was about to reach the steps leading to the upper platform.

Above this ramp, the floating throne of aloof and remote floated there, Thanos raised his head, and the grin on his face grew stronger.

After a few seconds of visual observation, he can climb the stone steps and climb to his floating throne where the magic cube of the universe is secretly stored!


At this moment, the slab of stone ceiling above the temple once again appeareds a hole in the cave.

Accompanied by the scattered 4 scattered gravel pieces, a silhouette with a black skull mask and a shoulder cloak of the dark cloak, dropping from the sky!


Stepped down on both feet, a spider-web-shaped crack immediately broke out on the ground.

Qi Yu is awesome!

When Qi Yu came down intact, the dozen or so dark Titan Generals in the temple, and the facial expression grave of each and everyone suddenly, the color of terror suddenly appeared on the paper!

Their Thanos Holy Lord had been seriously injured as if he had lost most of his life. His body was covered in blood and flesh, his face was covered with scars, and his clothes were ragged.

In contrast, Death God, a skeleton, looks completely harmless and full of energy. It is completely different from the seriously injured state of Thanos Holy Lord!

Even blind can compare it, how badly Thanos was beaten in the great decisive battle of planet tremor.

“It’s over…”

“I can’t think of following Thanos Holy Lord for decades, but now I am going to die with him in his temple.”

“Skull Death God, will be the annihilation of our dark Titan forces…”

For a time, the temple was filled with frustration and fear.

A strong breath of Death pervades the entire Thanos Temple in an instant, as if everyone who belongs to the dark Titan forces is enveloped by this breath of Death!

“Skull… Skull Death God!?”

Thanos had just climbed to the first Dao Altar level, and after hearing the violent movements coming from behind, he held his chest and turned and looked distortedly.

When he saw that Death God was chasing him, his face was ugly and ugly.

The grinning that had originally avoided a catastrophe also collapsed in no time!

Qi Yu, of course, guessed what Thanos is currently doing sly plan.

You must not take this seriously injured Titan, take out the universe magic cube and create a wormhole to escape!

Otherwise it will cause no end of trouble!

call out!

The flash of Qi Yu silhouette flashed with thunderbolt lightning.

The crowd only saw a residual image in the original place, and then found that the next scene of the Death God skeleton appeared before the stairs leading to the floating throne.

In other words, came to Thanos.

“Thanos, trying to escape from my hand, it’s not that simple!”

Qi Yu smirked, raised his leg, and stepped on Thanos’ chest.


Thanos spurt a mouthful of blood.

Qi Yu pressed his foot against it, and his Titan body seemed to be pressed by a planet, so he couldn’t move!

This oppression, like a tiny mortal, was pressed by Thor’s hammer.

Seeing it, I was about to climb up the steps to take out the magic cube of the universe. As a result, at this crucial knot, he was stepped on the chest by Death God. This caused Thanos to be angry, his heart was full of unwillingness, and his wounds were all over the place. His face is full of suffocation and anger, and he can’t wait to take away the Death God!

“Cough cough cough …”

Because of the posture of lying on the stone steps and being stepped on by Qi Yu’s foot, in the posture of Thanos, after vomiting blood, blood poured from the throat and was immediately choked, again trembling and coughing up blood again.

The severely damaged face was covered with thick blood.

“Awful, hateful!”

Thanos stared at Qi Yu with a fierce expression and a split eyes, “Death God, you are a real devil!”


Qi Yu sneered and bent slightly to look directly at Thanos under his feet,” hmph hum, this title also makes me too cheap! My pursuit is to become a god, to become a “real god” recognized by the will of the universe, and you , Thanos, will be my Chengshen Avenue composed of 1000 to 10000 steps, and one of the more prominent steps that’s all.”

Speaking of which, Qi Yu’s gaze slowly became sharper, and the grin on his face also returned to a serious look!

The strength of his foot stepping on Thanos’s chest suddenly increased a little at this time, and he could even hear the sound of “ka ka ka” slowly breaking from the other’s sternum.

“Thanos! I will warn you last!”

“Hand over the magic cube of the universe and leave you full body!”

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