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“Want to force me to hand over the magic cube of the universe? jié jié jié, wait for the rest of my life!”

Thanos crazy said with a smile, it seems that he would rather be killed than obediently hand over such Supreme God things that coveted by God.

He struggled to lift the head, tolerating the pain from his throat, and ordered to the dozen or so dark Titan Generals in the temple: “You are still stunned, give me!”

Although Thanos is now a loser stepped on his feet by Death God, his fierce gaze still has a breathtaking feeling, which makes people feel terrified, and everyone in the temple feels have one’s hair stand on end .

More than half of these Generals in the temple are Terrifying grades, and several of them are of Transcendent grade Peak level. Any one can be placed in the Milky Way to reach the top of the Star Domain.

If Qi Yu is only at the level of Overlord level, and facing the siege of so many powerhouses under Thanos, although it will not be siege, it will definitely cause a lot of obstacles. The more than ten powerhouses will be in a group, which will be very tricky and forgiving. Overlord level powerhouse must be taken seriously!

Fortunately, it is now a higher level of Great Sage, a universe level boss of genuine. These more than ten dark Titan Generals, for him, with a serious blow, they can be wiped out in an instant!


Hearing the orders of Thanos Holy Lord, these dark Titan Generals, you suddenly looked at me, I looked at you, looking at each other, hesitating whether to go up, as if all were taking the lead and the others.

They did fear the horror of Thanos Holy Lord, after all, it was a top powerhouse that had been in the galaxy for 100 years.


At the moment, they are even more afraid of Death God!

That even the Supreme Thanos Holy Lord, who can step on their feet and creep up there is extremely horrible!

Now Thanos Holy Lord has ordered us to deal with him, does it indirectly mean that we are to be killed as cannon fodder! ?

Supported by this idea, or under the pretext of self-evasion, the more than ten Generals under Thanos’ hesitation, hesitated for a long time and still no one was there.

The situation now makes Thanos almost explode.

“Your timid waste, don’t the orders of this Holy Lord work?”

Thanos glared at his teeth, his teeth were filled with scarlet blood, and his eyes were deeply disappointed.

He stared fiercely at the crowd in the temple, but the generals subconsciously lowered their heads, avoiding the gaze between Thanos Holy Lord.

In the past, if you were glared so fiercely by Thanos Holy Lord, the glared men would definitely be scared to the ground and sweating, but now, perhaps because the imposing manner of Thanos Holy Lord is covered by Death God in all directions At present, Thanos is just a LOSER that is strangling the throat of life and fate, so the imposing manner is not as terrifying as before, and it is obviously a little shocking to these men.

“Who dares to offend my master!”

Abomination jumped hard and jumped over 20 meters to Qi Yu.

“Want to touch the master, first pass the old man level!”

Magneto is also driving the metal sheet under his feet, flying to Qi Yu’s side, posing a defensive combat posture and acting as a law protector.

“Also me!”

Diana also stood in front of Qi Yu, holding the shield in her left, right hand holding the sword, and eager to fight.

Although she is among the crowd, the strength is at the bottom level, but the imposing manner of the battle at this time does not enter the multiple Generals on the dark Titan side!

All this is because, behind her, there is a Universe level gangster who can easily suppress the audience!

Disappointed! anger!

Seeing more than a dozen Generals under oneself, but no one had followed oneself’s orders. Thanos was not only disappointed, but also extremely angry!

“cough cough ……”

Qihuo coughed out a mouthful of blood again, and Thanos’ teeth were covered with blood stains, and his face looked sinister shouted, “Well, me myself!”

When the words fell, Thanos clenched his fists, ignoring the unbearable load of the severely injured body, and a fierce punch hit Qi Yu’s knee.

It was as if he was planning to try hard, and kicked Qi Yu’s legs and feet on his chest, so that he could seize the opportunity to climb to the floating throne and remove the universe magic cube!

Once the universe magic cube is available, when the time comes, the almost mortal situation is now hopefully reversed!

“Useless work, in vain!”

Qi Yu sneered. He regarded Thanos’ punch as a struggle before death. That’s all.

This is true.

This fist is more than ten times smaller than the formidable power of Titan.

Qi Yu can easily catch it even at Overlord level level, not to mention that it is now restored to the body of Great Sage.


Qi Yu casually raised his hand and caught it easily with the palm of his left hand.

Then with a little effort, “ka ka ka” crushed Thanos’s fist, 5 fingers all crushed fractures!

“ao ——”

Thanos groaned with his head in pain, his expression distorted by severe pain.

“Tell me, where is the magic cube of the universe!”

Qi Yu stepped on Thanos’ chest and pressed him, holding Thanos 5 fingers with his left fist in his left hand, and the other hand “pia” gave him a slap.

Thanos gnashing teeth, staring at Qi Yu forever, shaking his head without saying.

“Okay, don’t you say it?”




Qi Yu slapped him again.

Thanos still does not say!

Until Qi Yu slapped dozens of his big mouths intermittently, he swollen his cheeks, and most of his teeth were beaten off, and everyone was sobbing. Thanos still kept silent.

Rather die than follow!

“It’s a man!”

Seeing that playing like this repeatedly has no effect, 10000 will kill Thanos, but it will break the clue of the magic cube of the universe. Qi Yu finally stopped.

Only, at this moment, Qi Yu seemed to notice something.


When thinking of him in the process of slapping the magic cube in Thanos, the other party seemed to inadvertently, or intentionally or unintentionally, look at the floating throne a few times, Qi Yu frowned, suddenly thought of something.

Thanos almost drove him to death, and the afterglow in the corner of his eyes was empty to see the floating throne…

Could it be that the magic cube of the universe is hidden within that throne! ?

“Tell me, little Titan, is the magic cube of the universe hidden by you in the floating throne!”

Qi Yu suddenly asked Thanos like this, with a smirk expression.

Thanos was originally a tough guy who refused to die, but when Qi Yu said this, his face suddenly changed!

Eyes are full of anxiety and panic!

“No! No… not there!”

Thanos quickly denied, the words appeared a bit stuttered, already drenched with blood-like drenched face, it was obvious at this moment a bit nervous expression!

That nervous look is like the secret hidden in the deepest heart, found by someone!

It seems that the magic cube of the universe has not ran away from the throne!

Qi Yu faintly smiled, with a touch of arc that floats to the corner of the mouth.

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