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“Go back to hell?”

Hearing Ghost Rider’s threatening words, oneone would be penalty if you didn’t roll back to hell, and Blackheart’s face could not help but burst into a weird smile.

Blackheart smirked and snapped his fingers to bring out the other three Advanced demon summons hidden in the dark corners, taunted with open arms and confidently, “We have four, and you only have the poor one, may I ask where you come from, Threaten me to go back to hell?”

At this time, Qi Yu jumped off the roof of the building opposite.

As he walked here, he followed Blackheart’s words loudly said: “Don’t make a mistake, we are obviously 2 on this side?”

Hearing the voice from behind, the four demons frowned immediately and turned their heads around, looking at the eastern face that came out of nowhere.

In fact, in the past few hundred years, Blackheart has slaughtered 100 to 1000 people in the world. When he saw Qi Yu, who didn’t know which green onion ran over to help Ghost Rider, his expression on his face was completely unsurprised, and there was no wave in his heart. , Do not think that the situation on both sides will be changed by Qi Yu.

Humanity? What threat can a weak human being have? Do those poor guns and ammunition threaten us powerful demons?

“Jié jié jié! Stupid human, waiting for you will come from the life of the devil to extract sanctions!”

Not only Blackheart, but also Blackheart’s three partisans. After seeing Qi Yu’s appearance, the three of them also quite contemptuously despised Qi Yu from deep in one’s heart and did not take Qi Yu seriously.

Introducing mortals, what role can they play in this high-level showdown between the devil and Evil Spirit?

In fact, even Ghost Rider himself looked down on Qi Yu from the heart. Of course, it was purely despised, not the kind of contempt with a strong derogatory color. After all, this man dared to stand up and help him deal with the 4 demons. In his eyes, it is indeed worthy of courage.

“Buddy, I really appreciate your righteous heart and warrior’s move.” At this point, Ghost Rider reached out to the path not far away and said to Qi Yu in a commanding tone, “However, this is not a mortal can You must hurry up and leave the place as soon as possible! Otherwise I will not be responsible for dying later!”

Hearing this, Qi Yu’s face showed an awkward smile.

Obviously this hero can take away all of you non-humans in a glass of water, he meows, but you all think of me as a dragon runner?

A little “compelled by circumstances”, Qi Yu raised his hand, grabbed it in the sky, grabbed the black skull mask, and then put it on his own face neatly, demonstrating his well-known identity of Daredevil “Terminator”.

“Sorry, please don’t treat me as a passerby.”

Blackheart, Earth Demon, Water Demon, and Wind Demon, and occasionally come to Human World when they are bored. They still hear about the very few high-profile great characters of Human World. For example, who is the President of the United States, for example, Fantastic Four in Washington, and Tony Stark, who has all the cover girls of the Maxim magazine in February and February, they all know these famous characters.

As for the Terminator whose reputation has been rising in New York recently, they also have a certain understanding of the 4 demons. It is said that it is the most terrifying and mysterious Daredevil that has never had a defeat since its debut, and it is decisive for killing people. The criminals who are treated are usually killed directly, ruthless!

So when Qi Yu put on a mask and became a legendary terminator, the calmness of the 4 demons all changed quickly, and the evil smile on his face also froze for a while.

Their 4 demons changed their collective self-confidence a few seconds ago into self-doubt at the moment, wondering if they will be able to beat Ghost Rider next.

Originally, the 4 Magic Teams may not be able to win the Ghost Rider that controls the power of Hellfire. However, now that Ghost Rider has another tricky Terminator, how can this fun be played?

“Hahaha! Really the devil of bad luck! I teamed up with Terminator, and you 4 filthy devils are dead!” Ghost Rider lifted the skull to the heart of the burning flames of hell, unleashing a breathtaking laugh.

Regarding the arrogant appearance of Ghost Rider’s winning ticket, the grumpy earth demon was the first to lose sight of it and failed to calm down.

“The devil wants to verify that Terminator is so powerful as the mortal mortals advertise!”

With the furious voice, the earth demons are now incarnation tenmen high in ten meters, ready to play with the legendary terminator!

Seeing the earth demons shows that the giant monster body is about to start, Blackheart, water demons and wind demons have retreated sideways, making enough space for the single challenge battle between the earth demons and Terminator.

“Ghost Rider, you can take a rest next to it!” Looking at the giant earth demon rushing ahead, Qi Yu turned his head slightly to the Ghost Rider next to him.

Ghost Rider nodded, very close to retreat not far, so that Terminator can fully show his fists.

At the same time, the fist-sized fist of the giant Earth Demon had hit fiercely over Qi Yu with the momentum of hiding the sky and covering the earth.

After all, the giant earth demon is the best powerhouse in hell world. His formidable power of this fist is really not small.

If Qi Yu is just an Ordinary Level lifeform with a flesh and blood, and is hit by the head of the giant earth demon this fist, it will definitely be smashed into flesh and blood, and become a pool of erosive bloody pieces.

boom! !

The giant earth demon hit the place where Qi Yu stood with a punch, and the ground suddenly shattered and sunk, and countless stones splashed out.

Immediately, he drew his fist, looking at the dust and dirt falling in the sky, subconsciously thinking that Qi Yu had been smashed to death by him.

“Gā gā gā, human beings are human beings, they have been smashed by the demon’s fist, and no scum is left!” The giant earth demon raised his head and laughed at the sky. Daredevil, which was originally bragged by the human media, was only such a pitiful. level that’s all.

Hearing the words of giant earth demons, the other three demons also laughed. After all, human beings are humble, they will never be as noble as our devil, and are completely unable to withstand a single blow in front of our devil!

“Hey hey hey! This hero is not dead yet!” Just when 4 demons laughed at human incompetence, a harsh voice came into their ears.

Following the source of the sound, the three devils suddenly discovered that Terminator not at all died, and he was standing on top of the giant earth demon!

Seeing the other 3 demons all looked up at the top of own head, the giant earth demonic understood this meaning in seconds, and quickly raised the big slap formed by the mud polymerization, and slammed it against his own head.

It’s a pity that before the giant earth monster’s slap had touched Qi Yu, Qi Yu took the first punch on his top of the head, and the big guy with high ten meters directly shattered into a pile of lifeless soil Slag.

“Ding! Eliminate 1 Transcendent grade evil lifeforms and absorb 1000 life energy!”

“Currently, 6000 points of total life energy have been collected, and 994000 points of life energy are needed to achieve Great Sage!”

As always, after Qi Yu killed the evil lifeform, the sound of the system collecting energy for evil life sounded in his mind immediately.

I witnessed in the world of Hell anyhow it was a dignified earth demon of a region’s Overlord. This scene that Terminator was so casually punched by Terminator, the faces of Blackheart, Water Demon, and Wind Demon became instantly pale and dumbfounded!

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