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Dignified Earth Demon, the high-end battle strength of Hell World, is so impossible to withstand a single blow in Terminator’s hands, a punch blow, how terrifying the power contained in the Terminator’s within the body?

Realizing that the single impossible is simply Terminator’s opponent, Blackheart waved his hand and ordered the wind and water monsters to go together. At the same time, he also took a step toward the Terminator.

In fact, Cunning’s Blackheart left a hand, he not at all really intends to go up, deliberately rushed to Terminator with a “quick walk” gesture, so it seems that he is the first to rush, but in fact should be the last to rush Go to Terminator.

Under the current tension, the wind and water monsters didn’t consider that many, only knowing that Terminator is a strong enemy, we must full strength to join forces to attack it! As long as Terminator, the obstacle, is killed, the future of our grand demon rule of the world will be just around the corner!


The wind turned into a strong black wind, and all the cars and debris along the way were swept into the sky.

“It’s worthy of the wind demon, this fuck must have ten levels of gusty wind?” Looking at the wind demon striking towards oneself, Qi Yu stabilized his footsteps and stabilized his own body.

“Unfortunately, compared to me, it is still dozens of streets away!” Qi Yu opened his mouth wide, straightened his chest, and sucked the air nearby.

For a time, with Qi Yu as the center, all the air in the range of ten meters in diameter was completely murderously drained, and even Ghost Rider, who was standing not far away from the battle, was almost burned by Qi Yu. It sucked out.

The wind force generated by Qi Yu’s violent inhalation is estimated to have a Level 12 level, which is even more terrifying than the tenth wind of the wind demon. Therefore, the wind devil in the form of the black wind gas has not been spared.

The wind demon was sucked into Qi Yu’s stomach with suffocation, and then melted into waste gas without Life Aura, and re-sprayed in the form of a hiccup.

Wind demon, die!

“Ding! Eliminate 1 Transcendent grade evil lifeforms and absorb 1000 life energy!”

“Currently, 7000 points of total life energy have been collected, and 993000 points of life energy are needed to achieve Great Sage!”

The strongest system cue came from Qi Yu’s mind.

When the Wind Demon died, the progress of the Water Demon suddenly stopped in the middle.

He began to hesitate!

He originally planned to roll up his sleeves and do a big fight, but seeing the wind demon a bit more powerful than the earth demon, and being so easily killed by Terminator, he could not bear to retreat in his heart.

Even if there is only 10% of the hope of winning, inspired by such great ideals as ruling the world of the world, the Water Demon may still brace oneself to fight for a better future.

But the Earth Demon and the Wind Demon, in Hell World, can be regarded as the strong demon ghost of a region’s Overlord. Both of them couldn’t sustain a move, failed to sustain a move, failed to sustain a move in Terminator’s hands. Trick!

Terminator chopped melons and chopped up the vegetables and cut them off in seconds, so how can he or she hit it?

I am afraid that the Supreme Existence in Hell, the famous Demon King Mephisto, may not be his Terminator’s opponent, right? The Terminator of the human world may be the real king of the devil!

What’s more desperate for the Water Demon is that Terminator also has a Ghost Rider that hasn’t taken action has been watching, plus Ghost Rider, the odds on the Devil side are even lower, it is estimated that even 1% does not have, and wins Hope is extremely slim!

Rather than sacrifice to help Blackheart rule the human world, it is better to return to own nest and become a quiet little water demon.

Thinking of this, the water demon has made a decision in his heart, no longer going forward but choosing to turn around and escape.

Although do not chase after cornered enemy, Qi Yu does not want to let go of this 1000-point life energy at his fingertips.

For Qi Yu who needs to collect life energy from the corpses of evil lifeform, even if the water demon kneels on the ground and snots and calls tears, Qi Yu will still kill him without consultation!

call out!

Qi Yu rushed into the warehouse at a very fast speed, picked up a barrel of gasoline, and quickly moved to the water monster, intercepted the water monster who was about to escape, and poured gasoline on him.

In view of the high viscosity of gasoline, after the water demon was splashed by this barrel of gasoline, his legs were like heavy lead. The movement of the body was severely restricted, and the speed of movement slowed down a lot.

“Ghost Rider, borrow your fire to light a cigarette.” Qi Yu teleported Ghost Rider’s side and pulled out a cigar from his arms.

“No problem!” Ghost Rider smirked, and the bone bone index finger flicked forward, and there was a arrogant little flame hanging above the fingertips.

“Thank you!” Qi Yu stretched the cigar onto Ghost Rider’s head and lit the cigar with the blazing fire on Ghost Rider’s head.

In the embarrassing expression of Ghost Rider, Qi Yu took a breath and walked to the water monster not far away, spit out a smoke ring very comfortably, looked at the water monster restricted by the sticky gasoline in front of him, and waved his hand : “Bye!”

As the voice fell, Qi Yu flicked the cigar in his finger to the water demon.

“No !!!!”

Gasoline was ignited in an instant, and a raging fire burst into the sky.

In the fierce blaze, the water demon screamed terribly, and wailed with tears…

Kill the three advanced demons, Earth Demons, Wind Demons, and Water Demons in one go, all possess the evil lifeform of Transcendent grade Life Level, and Qi Yu collected a total of 3 points of life energy.

I have to say that the collection of 3000 points of life energy in one minute is definitely the best record of Qi Yu crossing over to this Marvel world in half a year.

Of course, Qi Yu, who is optimistic about the future, believes that this record will definitely be constantly refreshed by him in the future!

At the same time, seeing the three Devil Generals of their own, all died easily in the hands of Terminator. Blackheart couldn’t help but gnashing teeth in anger, but the oneself in the present was weak, so there was nowhere to vent.

Blackheart originally thought that the other party was just a stupid mortal passing by, and the kind of junk that could be killed with a slap. Without thinking, the three devil Generals on oneself’s side, let the other party easily eliminate.

The great plan to rule the human world was severely disrupted in the first step of the opening. What a hell is this?

Blackheart resisted the anger and helplessness in his heart, staring fiercely at the opposite Ghost Rider.

“It’s really didn’t expect, you have such a powerful helper. According to the present power of the demon, you really can’t beat you two…” At this point, a strong smile of evil charm appeared on Blackheart’s face, “but Once the demon finds the pledge of San Van Gonzal and devours the 1000 evil spirits, then when the time comes no one is the opponent of the demon! Including the demon’s father, the old undying Demon King !”

After shouting out the words loudly, Blackheart suddenly burst into a powerful magic, making the dense black mist quickly spread around the body, and at the same time seize the time to carry out the dimension of the human and hell in the black mist.

Obviously, Blackheart is planning to run away.

Run if you can’t win, and the devil in hell knows this everlasting truth.

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