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The colleagues who encountered the robbery were terrible, but for the white-haired robbers, fortunately, neither of the two guys had a gun in their hands!

Thinking of this, the white-haired robber took the opportunity to raise his gun and aimed at the two people on the opposite side, intending to get rid of these two “peers” that they encountered by accident.

He pulled the trigger without hesitation and shot continuously, with sophisticated techniques and cruelty.

After a few rounds of bullets, these two bad luck ghosts will definitely die!

Faced with several whistling bullets fired by the white-haired robber, the agile Spider-Man quickly dodged aside.

Qi Yu stood still, raised his right arm slightly, pointed his index finger abruptly, and casually swept a few times in the air.

Ding ding ding ding ding ……

The crisp metal impact sound was accompanied by 4 splashes of sparks, and the solid bullets were just popped off by Qi Yu’s index finger.


Qi Yu blew his fingers blowing a few strands of white tobacco.

Then clenched your fists and hurried forward!

With a punch, the white-haired robber in a stunned expression was unconscious, and all internal organs were damaged.

It is worth mentioning that Qi Yu, the Overlord level lifeform, has the strength to drop any lifeform below the Overlord level in one punch, but he does not directly kill all opponents.

For example, in the previous battle with Peter in the ring, Qi Yu’s punches retained most of the power, and actually only showed a small amount of lethality.

After all, there are policemen in this World. If you kill people casually in this office, you will definitely be watched by police forces for investigation in the future, which will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, even though this white-haired robber was no more abominable, Qi Yu did not impose a punch to kill him on impulse.

After seeing that the white-haired robber was knocked down by Qi Yu, Peter quickly got out from under the hiding table.

He stretched out his hands, bent his middle finger and nameless palms, and left and right hands alternately sprayed a ray of sturdy spider web, binding the white-haired robber 5 Huada to prevent him from waking up and continuing to commit crimes. Tied him like this so that the police can catch him later without any effort.

“Qi, I have to admit, you are really a terrifying guy.” Peter with a good look pointed at Qi Yu’s right hand index finger still exuding pale tobacco, “tsk tsk, you can play with your fingers It’s incredible to open a bullet!”

“I even doubt that you will be a highly anthropomorphic robot with artificial intelligence…”

Qi Yu was quite speechless about Peter’s words, “Uh, I have no doubt whether you are a spider spirit…”


After leaving the Jason wrestling ring, Qi Yu and Peter walked a section of the road and then parted ways.

Because Qi Yu just crossed over to this Marvel world tonight, so there is no mobile phone, email, Facebook, Twitter and other contact methods, but Peter took the initiative to leave Qi Yu his own phone number, so convenient Qi Yu asked him for the $1500 debt in the future. Of course, Peter also reminded Qi Yu that he had been tight on hand recently, so Qi Yu had better be about a year later, and wait for him to have enough repayment ability before asking him for money.

So, with $1500, Peter pleasantly returned to his home smilingly.

As for Qi Yu, I found a mid-range hotel in a less prosperous street in Queens.

This Best Western Plaza Long Island hotel costs only $59.99 per day, which is equivalent to about RMB 500 in China Renminbi. In this prosperous international metropolis New York, it is really a bargain price.

Qi Yu took the hotel room card and inserted it into the door slot on the 5th floor.

Entering the room, the Kingsdown brand mattress ranked in the top 10 in the world is in sight.

Huaxia imported brown-gray leather headboard, the bed was covered with light yellow velvet bedding, and a classic coat rack was erected beside the bed.

Qi Yu took off the coat with a touch of rubbish and sour smell, gently put it on the coat rack, then relaxed his whole body, and fell back on the comfortable soft bed.

“Hu! Really comfortable!”

Qi Yu put his arm on the back of his head, and two dark and dark eyes stared at the orange-yellow lampshade on the ceiling, looking thoughtful.

Close your eyes slightly, and consciousness enters the strongest system.

Check out the character attribute interface:

Host: Qi Yu

Life Level: Overlord level

Evolutionary goal: Great Sage (11000000)

Plane: Marvel Movie Universe

Current location: Earth, Best Western Plaza Long Island Hotel

Qi Yu’s current Life Level is Overlord level, which is the same level as Thanos.

If Qi Yu and Thanos are facing each other, they may not be able to beat Thanos, they should be almost tied. And once he evolved into the incomparable Great Sage, it would be regarded as truly a sacred existence in the entire Marvel movie universe.

Qi Yu’s current strength level can only be regarded as one of the most terrifying lifeforms standing at the tip of the pyramid among the countless lifeforms of the vast universe. Of course, this strength is indeed invincible in Earth.

Qi Yu’s main goal in this world is to accumulate 1,000,000 life energy through the slaughter of evil lifeforms, thus evolving to a higher level of Great Sage!

“It is still 999999 points of life energy, where should I collect these life energy?”

Qi Yu blinked his long eyelashes and began to think carefully.

For a long time, Qi Yu already had a general direction in his heart.

Although in this world occasionally there will be some powerful super criminals, unfortunately compared with the entire population base of 70100000000, it is completely negligible.

The number of super criminals is extremely rare, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, so you can only start with ordinary criminals and kill ordinary criminals to brush up on experience.

As someone who knows the Marvel film universe quite well, Qi Yu knows that there is an underground emperor named “Kingpin” in New York City.

Kingpin’s hand union is the largest gang in New York, and even one of the very best huge monster-level triad organizations even in the United States.

In a huge underworld organization, there must be between 1000 and 10000 illegal elements. Even more how Kingpin also has an army of evil ninja assassins. They are all rich sources of Qi Yu’s life energy collection channels.

Although Qi Yu draws only a pitiful amount of life energy from the bodies of each of their ordinary criminals, the corpses of 1 to 1000 are piled up. The so-called gathering sand into towers, gathering armpits into furs, their cumulative contribution of life energy is also calculated. It is a considerable number.

Taking the experience of these triad members first is obviously a good start!


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