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In the early morning of the next day, warm sunlight shined through Qi Yu’s knife-like face through the gaps in the curtains.

Qi Yu lifted the quilt and went to the bathroom to wash. Put on the cleaned coat last night, went downstairs for a simple nutritious breakfast, then left the hotel and went out to work.

The so-called going out for work is naturally not killing criminals under broad daylight. The killing of criminals is more appropriate at night.

Qi Yu plans to go to the timber market to customize a mask and buy a convenient wooden token of the size of 100 playing cards.

He customized the mask to fight off criminals tonight, so he can cover up his true face, otherwise if someone is found what he looks like, it will cause more or less unnecessary trouble in the future. Although Qi Yu’s strength is enough to be proud of the whole world, because of his real face, there are a lot of passers-by pointing on the street, discussing spiritedly, taking pictures, asking for signatures, oh, Qi Yu is unwilling Imagine it further down.

Qi Yu is not like Tony Stark, narcissistic, arrogant, arrogant, and being a human like him comes at a price. For example, kidnapped by terrorists in Afghanistan, such as the public sneak attack by Russian Ross’s civilian scientist, such as the destruction of villas that have lived for many years by AIM helicopter gunships, and even oneself’s beloved women were captured by the enemy…

Coming to a lumber market in Queens, Qi Yu found a shop that looked good, and discussed his customization requirements with lumber shop Boss.

On the morning of the same day, Boss told the best old carpenter in the shop to sculpt a skull mask on a hardwood floor according to Qi Yu’s request.

The skull is sharp and angular, imposing in a full manner, and painted with pitch black paint. It seems to have a strong visual impact reproduced by Death God in Western mythology.

Qi Yu was very satisfied. Not only did he pay the pre-negotiated material cost and labor cost of 30 dollars according to the agreement, he also boldly withdrew a 5 dollar bill with a portrait of Lincoln and gave it to the old craftsman as a tip.

In addition to customizing this black skull’s hardwood mask, Qi Yu also bought 100 poker-sized wooden tokens at this store.

Qi Yu intends to write “END” on these blank wooden tokens, and then every time the criminals in a place are wiped out, they will leave a wooden token written “END” on their bodies, indicating that the criminals They are his “END-MAN” (TERMINATOR), the Chinese translation is “Terminator”.

In fact, he did not do this to pretend to force, but to deliberately let the gang emperor Kingpin know the existence of his criminal Terminator, so as to send more killers to assassinate him, bringing him more energy for absorbing evil life .

After receiving the masks and 100 wooden token bags handed over by the old craftsmen, Qi Yu left the timber market. Instead, he came to a stationery store by the road and bought a set of high-quality pens and inks.

After having lunch outside, I went back to the room on the 5th floor of the Best Western Plaza Long Island Hotel and simply slept for a lazy nap before getting up and starting work.

He gently unscrewed the cap of the ink bottle, held a brush, dipped it in black ink, and began writing “END” to the pile of wooden tokens piled up like paper cups.

After writing, throw the mask and wooden token into the permanent free storage space provided by the strongest system.

After finishing all the work, Qi Yu stretched out his arms, picked up the remote control on the wooden table, turned on the LED large-screen color TV, and watched a theme with 2 wars and anti-*** wars with keen interest pleasure U.S. drama.

The protagonist of this American soap opera is Captain America. Its actor is a popular star of the United States, Lu, who not only has a delicate and pretty face, but also has a very strong body.

The final Grand Finale filmed by this American drama is the touching tearful content that Captain America sacrificed for the country and dedicated the value of personal life. But Qi Yu is very clear that Captain America not at all, which actually merged with Super Soldier Serum, actually passed away, but was annihilated in the frozen ocean for 70 years…

After watching the American drama leisurely until it was dark, Qi Yu turned off the TV and went out for a delicious dinner.

Afterwards, he started to do the right thing and went to the street criminals to brush up on experience.


The crime rate in Queens has always been Ranked 5st in the New York 1 area, and the overall security situation is relatively poor. This area is the main event location Qi Yu chose tonight.

Speaking of which criminals usually tend to take advantage of the dark night to commit crimes in remote places. This sentence is true.

Qi Yu specializes in shopping in the remote and dark alleys of Queens. Good luck. Only when she went to the third alley, she caught a malicious crime.

This is a narrow, wet, and remote alley with two sloppy vagrants sitting on iron buckets at the end of the alley. It belongs to the typical vain that only dares to watch the drama and has no guts to do business.

And in the middle of the alley, which is not too far from the end of the alley, there are 4 mischievous punks who are tearing a woman’s clothes.

Standing about 100 meters away, with the help of dim moonlight, Qi Yu briefly observed the woman’s appearance.

The woman was really young, beautiful, and charming. At the same time, Qi Yu felt that the woman was a bit familiar, and he seemed to have seen it somewhere.

Qi Yu slightly frowned, carefully looking at her handsome pretty egg, her eyebrows immediately stretched out!

“Fuck! Isn’t that the British actress Emma Watson? No wonder looking familiar!”

In this Marvel movie universe, there are also public figures like stars. Emma Watson, born in Paris, France, is a leading first-line coffee artist of England nationality, a well-deserved top beauty!

Recently, she received an invitation from international director Christopher Nolan to come to United States New York to make a big production movie produced by Disney.

Tonight, she was bored at the hotel, so she was out for a walk, accompanied by her agent. didn’t expect, but was stared at by four harbingers of harboring malicious intentions.

These four gangsters are members of the Hand Association, belonging to the gangster Kingpin. As the first gang of New York, they are fearless and arrogant.

Seeing a girl with such a stunning look, she was in a bad mood and put it into action. As for the identity of the girl, is there any backstage, will she be retaliated by someone, go to hell! Let’s talk first!

Emma Watson’s male agent fought against him out of protection and was beaten on the spot by several gangsters.

Emma Watson, isolated and helpless, is highly nervous, and his inner state is almost collapsed at the moment.

If oneself is really tarnished by these gangsters tonight, then it will definitely have a huge negative impact on oneself’s future acting career, and even bring a devastating blow to own career and future!

At the thought of this, her tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Hey! Buddy! Good evening!”

Just as the bullies were about to invade Emma Watson, Qi Yu with a wooden mask appeared from the shadows of the darkness.

Upon hearing the sound, the gangsters subconsciously stopped their movements and turned their heads to Qi Yu.

As for Emma Watson, he also slowly recovereds from the cry of excitement, and temporarily stopped the strenuous struggle.

She knew that perhaps oneself was saved.

She will see Qi Yu appearing in time as her last straw.

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