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Bordeaux, a city located in the southwest part of France, belongs to the capital of the Aquitaine region, the capital of Gironde.

In the southwest part of France, Bordeaux is the most important industrial and commercial city, and it is also the core city in the area that integrates politics, economy, culture and education. And the most widely known in the world, Bordeaux is the world’s best wine-making treasure, is recognized as the world wine center.

No matter from which point of view, Bordeaux is a very good tourist destination, and it is no wonder that Hannah’s hair is small, Jack and Jenny will choose to travel here.

Qi Yu and Emil took a private helicopter, and under the pilot’s pilot, departed from New York State, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, and arrived in French airspace shortly afterwards.

At this moment, the helicopter is hovering safely over the blue sky of Bordeaux.

It is worth mentioning that, unless Qi Yu instructed Dr. Destruction to help install this helicopter with high-tech devices such as light reflection stealth and radar shielding instrument, I am afraid that this helicopter has just flew into European airspace. Will be chased by a bunch of military fighters from various EU countries.

“Sir, where are we landing?” The driver turned his head slightly and asked Qi Yu respectfully behind him.

“Um…” Qi Yu pinched his chin in consideration, then reached forward with his finger, “Let’s land on the gentle hill in front!”

“Okay, sir.” The pilot was nodded complied and quickly drove the helicopter onto the hill, using his skillful operation technique to land slowly.

After the helicopter landed safely on the hill, Emil opened the cabin door and went down with Qi Yu.

Before leaving, Qi Yu told the driver to stay here and wait for the two of them to come back. The exact time is undecided, but it should be within 3 days.

The helicopter’s spare box has plenty of food and drinking water, and the pilot does not have to worry about starving or dying of thirst.

Next, Qi Yu and Emil walked into the deep forest.

Although Bordeaux is a well-developed city, but in the mountains and ridges outside the suburbs, it is only some ordinary villages that’s all.

According to an Emil survey, within the administrative divisions of Bordeaux, there are more than 100 villages, most of them located in the mountains or in the jungle.

Emil is holding a smart tablet on his hand. The screen shows the 3D coordinates of his current satellite. The red dot represents himself, and the more than 100 small green pieces represent the more than 100 villages in Bordeaux.

“Master, we can start with this village first.” Emil tilted the flat screen to Qi Yu’s perspective, pointing at the village closest to them on the satellite map and suggesting.

hearing this, Qi Yu nodded, “Uh.”

As a result, Qi Yu and Emil officially began the journey of tracing.

Whenever passers-by A, B, D, they will ask them if they have seen a man and a woman in the photo, or if they know where the village in the photo is.

Unfortunately, the two men swept through dozens of villages, and no clues were found about the missing Jack and Jenny.

Even stranger is that, even where the village in the photo is, none of the 100 passers-by asked along the way actually knew. This is indeed strange, and even strange. After all, it is not a person, but a whole village. There are only more than 100 villages outside the entire Bordeaux urban area. How could they not even know the villages in the photos? In this case, only two problems can be explained. Either these 2 passersby are lying together to cover up the truth, or the village in the photo is extremely remote and even isolated from the world, so it is rarely known!

Fortunately, as we approached dusk, Qi Yu and Emil finally came across an important clue!

An old woodcutter who often went up the mountain to cut wood told Qi Yu that he seemed to have seen the village in the photo, but for some mysterious reason, he just couldn’t remember it.

Qi Yu figured out the meaning of the old woodcutter. From the storage space, he drew a piece of golden light shining gold to reward him. As expected, the old woodcutter immediately remembered it.

The old woodcutter told Qi Yu that the location of the village in the photo is very remote. It is located in a steep mountainous circle in the south. Not only there is no road leading to the mountain, but there is no path on the mountainside. When you enter the village, unless you fly in by helicopter, you can only obediently and honestly climb him for a few hours, climb to the top of the mountain first, and then barely see the village surrounded by mountains.

After obtaining this important clue, Qi Yu was nodded with satisfaction.

Then he slapped the old lumberjack with a slap.

After retrieving the glittering gold from the old woodcutter’s arms, he and Emil drove to the southern mountains.

Soon, Qi Yu discovered the remote mountain described by the old woodcutter.

This remote and deep mountain is about 1000 meters high, and the terrain is steep. There is no path to the top of the mountain. The mountainside is full of rugged rocks and criss-crossed old trees. Even an adult of good physical fitness may have to climb It takes several hours to climb to the top of the mountain, and this is based on the premise that the mountain climber did not encounter an accident. If an accident occurs, the cell phone signal of the old forest in the deep mountain is very poor, and there are almost no pedestrians passing up and down. The injured climber Basically, I can only wait for death.

But this is nothing for Qi Yu, who will travel and go to heaven. He directly grabbed Emil’s wrist and a breathing effort flew from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

The two stood on the top of the mountain and looked down into the mountain. In their eyes, there was a village surrounded by peaks. Several villagers in the village were walking outside.

“This village is actually hiding inside, which is really weird. Emil, why do you think they live here?” This village and the hidden land of peace and portrayal in the book “Peach Blossom” written by Tao Yuanming, a Chinese writer Prosperity has some similarities, but it ignited the fire of interest in Qi Yu’s heart. “Don’t they fled to this isolated place many years ago in order to avoid World War II. Later, they got used to it and were too lazy to move out? “

“There is indeed a possibility that the host said, of course, other probabilities are not ruled out.” Emil pursed his mouth, and then said, “Let’s go down to see together and we will reveal the answer.”

When the two stood on the hill and talked, no one below found them, and as soon as they came, they immediately aroused the strange eyes of the nearby villagers.

In the eyes of those villagers, there seemed to be doubts, vigilance, and killing intents. These expressions all were captured by Emil, who is a top Russian agent.

“Master, this village is not as simple as imagined. It’s better to be careful.” Emil reminded Qi Yu in a low voice. Admittedly, this is just a kind reminder of Emil that’s all. He once had the pleasure of seeing his master showing his hands, knowing how great the master’s ability is, and even the nuclear bomb may not kill the master. How could he be planted in this small broken village ?

Indeed, in front of the invincible people sweeping the world, all crafty plots and machinations and layouts are a joke!

“Well, I’ll be careful.” Qi Yu looked up and looked at the evening sun. “It’s not too early, and it will be dark later. Let’s take the time to ask these villagers first.”

“Okay!” Emil nodded.

So, Qi Yu and Emil master and servant, holding the last selfie taken in the village before the disappearance of Jack and Jenny, began to ask the villagers from door to door whereabouts of the couple…

PS. Thank you for the 200-point currency support of Maguai in the desert! Thank you for the support of 100 points of sugar and nothingness!

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