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Qi Yu and Emil have been asking about the darkening of the sky from dusk, and asked dozens of families, but still did not find the whereabouts of the missing couple.

“There is definitely something weird in this village.” Emil’s eyes flashed a hint of certainty. “These villagers must be hiding something.”

“It’s really weird.” Qi Yu brows tightly knit, with a worried expression on his face, “In fact, the main problem I’m worried about now is not where Jack and Jenny are, but Jack and Jenny’s disappearance for 2 days and 1 night. It won’t be dead.”

After all, this little couple is Hannah’s childhood to big play, and the friendship is very deep. If they die, it will definitely bring a big blow to Hannah’s fragile heart.

In short, Qi Yu did not want to disappoint Hannah.

So he can only pray now, the little couple is still alive.

“Then do we continue to knock door to door and ask, or wait till tomorrow to investigate again?” Emil asked Qi Yu for advice.

While the two were talking, all of a sudden, a grey hair old man with a cane and walking stick walked slowly from not far away.

Realizing that someone came over, Qi Yu and Emil tacitly stopped the conversation and silently looked at the grey hair old man opposite.

“The 2 people don’t look like us French, if the old man guessed right,” the grey hair old man’s vicissitudes face showed a kind smile, “You should be tourists from abroad?”

Grey hair old man’s smile looks simple and kind, but Emil in the secret agent circle has been going to go through arduous training or hard work for more than 20 years, but he knows that this kind of smile from the other party often means “knife in the smile”.

“I am a Chinese person, this is a Russian Ross. The two of us are not tourists. The reason we came here is to find the whereabouts of a man and a woman.” Qi Yu took out the printed photo from his arms and handed it to the front Grey hair old man, “I wonder if you have seen these 2 people?”

Grey hair old man took the photo from Qi Yu, and serene glanced at it, replied: “I haven’t seen it.”

Then he added with a smile, “However, the old man will help you to gather the whole village tomorrow. You when the time comes can ask if any of them have seen the man and the woman in the photo.”

“Then thank you very much.” Qi Yu said graciously. At this moment, I had to take a step by step.

“There is also an empty room in the old man’s house, if you two don’t dislike it, you can come to the old man’s house for a light meal tonight, and then rest for another night.” grey hair old man offered to take the initiative to ask, I don’t know why Ju Xin.

Qi Yu took a piece of gold from his pocket and handed it to the grey hair old man: “Then trouble you.”

Grey hair old man took the gold delivered by Qi Yu. Unlike the old lumberjack who asked for directions, the old lumberjack stared at the greedy eye when he saw this piece of gold worth 10000 US dollars. And, opposite the grey hair old man, his expression did not seem to have a trace of waves, as if he was not interested in money or wealth at all.

Under the leadership of the grey hair old man, soon, Qi Yu and Emil came to the grey hair old man’s house.

Grey hair old man is the old village chief of this village. The house is also relatively large. There are only 4 rooms for sleeping and rest.

One of them was inhabited by grey hair old man, the other was inhabited by his son and daughter-in-law, also the other was inhabited by his little grandson, and the last one was vacant. This vacant room let Qi Yu and Emil lived in.

After sending Qi Yu and Emil into the room and lighting the kerosene lamp, the grey hair old man gently took the door of the room and left, and said to prepare dinner for the two of them and come back later.

As soon as the grey hair old man left, Qi Yu and Emil sat on the stool, put their arms on the table, and continued the whisper between the master and servant.

“It seems that we can no longer ask from house to house tonight, and we have to wait until tomorrow morning to ask the villagers.” Qi Yu said.

Hearing this, Emil shook the head, an experienced agent: “Master, you think it’s too good. In my opinion, it is very likely that we will not be able to survive this evening.”

“You mean…” Qi Yu slightly frowned, then suddenly realized, “You mean, these villagers will do us tonight?”

“Not bad.” Emil nodded, “poisoning food, medicine in wine, people at night holding axe to quilt, etc. These are the most common ways of doing things.”

“Haha, but they count 1000 and 10000, and we don’t count that we are not ordinary persons.” Qi Yu shrugged and Emil laughed confidently.

Qi Yu, as the Overlord level lifeform of Earth Peak, its physique is immune to all toxic effects on Earth. As for Emil, it is already the body of Super Soldier in normal form, and its anti-virus ability is much stronger than ordinary person. Not to mention that after transforming into Abomination, the anti-virus ability of within the body will increase exponentially.

The two chatted, and there was a sudden knock on the door outside the door.

Then a blue-eyed woman in her 30s walked in with a rectangular plate on top of it, stacked with bread, cheese, bacon, red wine and other food. This is the dinner that grey hair old man promised a few minutes ago.

“Thank you.” Emil stood up and thanked the blue-eyed woman with a gentleman’s plate.

“You’re welcome.” The blue-eyed woman responded politely, and then said, “Please enjoy the dinner slowly, two gentlemen. I’ll go first.”

In the process of Qi Yu nodded watching, the blue-eyed woman took the door and left.

Seeing the blue-eyed woman leave, Emil put the plate on the table and sat down.

“It seems delicious, shall we eat or not?” Emil touched his belly, “speaking of which, my belly is really hungry. Even if the food is poisonous, it is also poisoning us, I suggest we can open eat.”

Hearing that Emil could say such strange things, Qi Yu hate iron for not becoming steel slapped him on the head: “Emil, you even want to eat poisonous food, you want to eat, how can I have you like this? good-for-nothing dog?”

Emil scratched his head sorry for the master’s remarks. When he was ashamed, he suddenly saw an incredible scene!

He witnessed with his own eyes that the owner’s right hand grabbed a bag of food in the sky as soon as he grabbed it in the sky!

“Open it.” Qi Yu pretended to be mysteriously pointing at the bag of food, with a faint smile of planning strategies on his face.

“Okay, master.” Emil impatient opened the plastic bag, and it turned out that it was 2 KFC family buckets! And it smells of fragrant heat!

Seeing the pile of attractive KFC family barrels on the table, Emil’s admiration for Qi Yu raised another level, “Master, you are awesome!”

In fact, this bag of food Qi Yu has been stored in the storage space of the strongest system for a long time. Because the storage space of the strongest system has excellent preservation function for food, so the food put in many days ago, now take It’s still warm to come out.

Next, Emil stuffed oneself with food like a hungry wolf, and Qi Yu also enjoyed the KFC family bucket belonging to him with keen interest pleasure.

After eating, Qi Yu moved the remnants of the KFC family barrels, including the potentially toxic food and red wine sent by the blue-eyed woman, into the storage space of the system.

The move caused the illusion that the two of them seemed to have finished the dinner sent by the blue-eyed woman.


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